I joined the meme and bought a bumble bee from the store. they gave it a perfect leash...

i joined the meme and bought a bumble bee from the store. they gave it a perfect leash. america has some weird shit in pet stores.

that's not a damn bumble bee

good on you! :)

Yes it is. Prove me wrong.
>protip: you can't

Nice, do you keep him in your vintage 1 hole finger box?

where the fuck did you get that wasp in america?
an inquiring entomologist needs to know

Lol nice try DEC

What you got there is a wasp, not that it matters but I think the pet store ripped you off.

what a nice looking bee OP
im jealous

They all look the same.

Petsmart, and everybody keeps telling me it's a wasp but the tank clearly said "bumble bees".
If I got ripped off I will go back and return it.

That's a cute bee, user. Are you going to feed it some flowers so it'll make honey for you?

man that's just racist, thats like comparing black people to black-spanish people, it's all the same.

>"Bees, Wasps, and Other Beneficials"
How far down the rabbithole of acceptance culture are we when we say that wasps are beneficial?

This thread is fucking retarded

That’s a wasp asshat

Fuck you bitch I'm getting honey.

how far down the rabbit hole of failing education are we when an user doesnt understand that a wasp does more for its ecosystem than user

OP here. bumble bee bit through the collar of the leash and escaped, stinging me two times in the neck. i had to catch it in the container the store gave it to me in. i am pissed off now and want to return it. will i be able to return it or is there a no return after stimg policy to prevent aggressiveness towards the next owner? i didnt even get any honey

>not ripping its wings off and putting it in a box covered in diagonal stripes

Timestamp pics of neck wounds before you pass out

up pooper

You didn't assert your dominance over it right away you goof. You gotta stick your dick in there and gently smack it.


based user

Cum on beee

bees are fuzzy



Someone post that fucking hornet greentext

Dude, it's not the 1970s. Modern bees shave off that nasty fuzz.

take a bee hit

paper wasps are all over the south

Seduce it. They say once you go bee, you never go back.

now you have to put it up your pooper

>Fuck you bitch I'm getting honey.

lol you're getting stung, by the pet shop, and by your not-a-bee

and i got trips, today is a good day

ima need some moth fuckin sauce on this boy

that's a girl

has he bit you yet


Bumblebees are so cute

if trips it stings your dick

Op dum

He is going to die messing with that damn wasp

That piece of shit insect steals honey from sad beta bumblebees, cunt wasp

That's inhuman. Do not aprisionate beings that can fly.