Black Mirror s3e3

>le troll'd

Is this kino?

Trollkino yes, as it continues to set off dozens of autists here both because of their relating to pedo and this meme

I hate you faggot memers with your spamming of these stupid ass threads you're worse than blacked posters

>I'm driver

Driver, I'm CIA

>Kid A starts playing
Bravo Brooker

>dat chemistry between Bronn and young Alan Turing

Fuck that should be True Detective S3

So is it okay if I skip episode 1 and 4 because they're shite?

Yeah skip them because they have female leads ;)

Reddit tier season

>They're saying it was a kid, eh?

A little too on the nose honestly.

nose dive had a nice ending s3e1
fuck you!"

4 is the best episode of the entire series you faggot

They're all shite, skip the whole season

>Someone tells you something is shite
>Believe them
loopy doopy dooooo

I hated Nosedive's ending. The ending tirade felt a bit too forced for me.

I bet that was Rashida's writing.

>he doesn't form his opinion on what Sup Forums says

episode 4 was literally the most reddit thing I've ever seen

>so reddit
>literally unredditachable

>tfw Bronn notices the kid pissed his pants but doesn't say anything and later apologizes for being rough with him

How was it the most reddit thing you've ever seen?

it was too hopeful for a Black Mirror episode

If you have to ask then you'll never know what kino means