The human existence without Jews

the human existence without Jews.


very true

The fuck would you want to live on Mars. That shit looks mad uncomfortable

Some simply view it as such, and stop there. And there are those others who are motivated to test the limits of the human endeavor.

typical jewscum response

Most nobel prize awards are jews tho

1. Am Jewish
2. Nobel prizes haven't meant anything in the last 30 years.

make MARS mutt-free!
-make MARS mutt-free!
make MARS mutt-free!
-make MARS mutt-free!
make MARS mutt-free!

>Am Jewish

Opinion discarded

How is this possible when Jews are < 0.2% of the population?
Nice try, idiots.

The fuck is a "free thinker"?

They are the only reason we have civilization. They've been running the world for us for centuries. We should be greatful

I think you mean christianity but jews havent helped either that's for sure

Setting up self sufficient colonies away from Earth increases the chances of long term survival.

Prospecting and canary missions are a first and vital step.


Most of you delusional fucktards think you have the answers, I don't. However Ive read mein kampf, and many other books/articles on the subject.

Hitler talked about mainly the "rootless" jew, the one who just uses his environment and everyone around him, only for monetary gain. That jew is cancer, and this is how most jews are. Then again, good jews and bad jews exist.

Nuclear power was technically the work of a jew.

Ya fuckin nignog shitbrain doodleshite faggot idiots good for nothing worthless losers

don t be such a backwards animal.
long term survival is a joke
rise against nature. be destructive

Yet to think of how we will deal with the next gamma ray burst in any meaningful way. Distance is the only hope.

god you're dumb, keep scapegoating people

newsflash, there's no illuminati - just small circles of greedy people who are smarter than you that have consolidated power, also newsflash: there are more than just jews involved you fucking brainlet

Jews are evil. I will not be blinded by leftist lies again. I will repeat. JEWS ARE EVIL

>a barely sustainable wasteland

You're retarded if you think their population size accurately reflects the extent of their disgusting influence within the collective unconscious.

id rather have a jew nowdays than a muslim

>Nuclear power was technically the work of a jew.
Lol no. Technically it was the work of international collaborated science. Suck that kike dick harder you ignorant fuckboy

if there wasn't for jews there would be no nazis.

Communists are more to blame than the jews for nazis actually. The national socialist party sprung up in Germany in direct response against the rise in communism in the country. Hitler didn't even start the nazi party, he just came along and took control over it.

Look up red shirts vs brown shirts

prove this?

i meant that the nazis got riled up about jews, so they formed a group. if there weren't any jews, they wouldn't be riled up about them.

stupid d\fucken nazee..
he cant even make the effort to stop that jew from destroying his new made path

yeah but it was jews that created communism

Well jews created spiritual communism, which isn't the same thing as communism the political ideology. Its actually worse, far older and uglier than political communism.

buts it is the wellspring from which it flows

then wtf did they suddenly go after the jews?

>Communists are more to blame
Karl Marx was jewish, and the man who funded him, Friedrich Engels, was also jewish.

My question is, how are we ever supposed to sustain on mars when it doesnt have an atmosphere to protect against radiation and solar flares? our electronics would get fucked up all the time.

Jews will extinct us long before we accomplish that much.

this is true and is just as true today.

>Implying small town country bumpkins like you have valid opinions.

Yeah it's not like Jews have been integral to the advancement of science and technology in the past 100 years or anything.

No they haven't. If anything they've suppressed most technology and then taken the credit for the few things that come out despite their interference.

What the fuck kind of bizarro land do you live in?

>implying he has evidence to support these claims

You must be a retard so it's not worth getting into a discussion with you.

Possibly read a book or something? Plenty of info out there on how the hydrogen engine has been suppressed, along with most of Tesla's inventions. Look into the history of Westinghouse and Edison and the freemasons.

Jews gonna jew.


Gas lighting idiot

The truth is almost certainly somewhere in between.

>The truth is almost certainly somewhere in between.

No it's not you idiot. It's basically already there. If you don't know about Westinghouse and the technology suppression of the 20th century then you're a fucking idiot. Fuck off.

Also ur a fagert

>tells people to read conspiritard material. Knows nothing about actual science.

I'm sorry, I missed the part where I disagreed with you on technology suppression by certain Jews. In fact, I agree with you on that point. I can also think of many Jews that made notable contributions in many fields that advanced society. Jews tend to have high IQs. When they go morally bad, they go really bad. They can also go really great too. If you're going to present arguments in the form of putting words in my mouth so you can call me crazy, well, I guess since your on Sup Forums then you're in the right place lol

who do you think the communist leaders were?
communism is really talmudic judaism in a 20th century disguise.

The fuck? Edison's constant propaganda against AC power is public knowledge. His suppression of Tesla's far superior technology was plastered all over the place at the time in various ad campaigns. He was a freemason funded by a Jewish Westinghouse.

My god they even taught us this shit in elementary school. Have schools really gotten that dumbed down since then?

Why would there even had been nazi’s if there were no jews? They’d have had no one to use as a scapegoat and never risen to power...

jesus christ you are one neet loser you should kill yourself

Nothing he said was inaccurate.

mars is a shithole the aliens who lived there figured it out centuries ago

the earth is red and we get suits without jews?!?

>< 0.2%
hahaha, sure

who cares about awards? All awards are inner circle elites, patting themselves and their friends on the back. That's all. It doesn't matter if it's science, music, movies, or sports. If you value awards shows, you're a hopeless fuckwit, and should offski yourself.

Jews aint a race

I took a middle eastern history course once and slowly began to realize that the jews had to put their fingers in everyones pie, which is why people enslaved them. I dont fucking blame anyone for wanting to fuck them over. They are and always have been manipulative pieces of shit.

Btw, Einstein invented the theory of relativity, and nazis thought that the land was hollow.

>More foreskin pizza

If you dumb Sup Forumstards think your getting to Mars, your surely mistaken. We're going to round you fuckers up and throw you on a spaceship that's going on a one-way trip to the Sun.

Oh that’s crazy , I wonder who would replace Einstein

Before you get all bent outa shape .. this was top of the image list from Google

>Believes in the syndicate of power

you’re the retard here along with OP

All advances tend to be 'ready to be made' for a variety of reason or neccessities. An aspect of science, math or physics or whatever is roadbloacked or 'requires' certain advances to be made, so regardless or Einstien, relativity would have been made .. see Newton Vs Leibnitz .. calculus was just on the cards .. same for Einstien.

Honestly, we need a white power space program. I love space exploration and colonization, but I probably wont get into a space program because they would rather send apes (niggers) there. If you look at NASA's last batch of astronauts only half are white, the rest are east asian, indian, and black. Also half are women, and I think that women would make the group on an interplanetary mission less cohesive as they would think too emotionally.

Exactly, plus Einstein while being a brilliant man is kind of over rated, because special relativity would have been figured out sooner rather than later.

So was Obama.

More like the human existence without religion

Also, with a white only country we could allocate so much more resources towards interstellar conquest because we wouldn't have to give niggers and spics welfare checks, which is a surprisingly huge part of out expenditure.

You're not wrong lol. I hate how so many whites believe in invisible sky man which can be disproven so easily. I'm not completely opposed to the idea of a creator which probably didn't interfere much with the universe.

suami prkl

Will never happen because the selection of the first people up there will be muh must include ethnic minorities to make them feel like they acheived something