Whatever happened to anonymous?

Whatever happened to anonymous?

We r anonomos. We no forgive. We no forget. Wait for us bcs we be come. Fo real.


They got famous


They never existed. It was just an easy way from random actors to pretend they were part of a powerful collective.

But why did the meme practically disappear?

That guy standing there and asking himself: Were did I go wrong with my life.

Too much cringe and fail

Everyone's ego got the better of them. Being anonymous meant no fame or recognition. Baddies begun leaving their branding behind to boast about their epic skillz evidently doxing themselves.

A few went to prison, the rest shit themselves and suddenly realised that 'kicking ass on the internet' would get you roundly buttfucked

We are Ahomulust, we r gay, expect AIDS

>That ICP beanie
Yeah, I'll have extra cringe with my combo, please.

nah, moralfaggotry is what really ruined user. No lulz were had

Or did lulz turn into kek and user turn into alt-right, like weev?

this, theres a whole documentary on netflix, i think called anonomus the rise and fall or something like that. turns out ddosing people has legal consequences and the church of scientology has a fuck ton of money to ruin your life with.

theres still some active chats and such but for the most part the majority of us got out of highschool / college and got grown up jobs.


How can't you not spell anonymous? It's all over thievery fuckin page, you moron.

Talking about "us" like you ain't a newfag

How long you gotta be here to not be a newfag, btw?

nah, if anything cripplechans baphomet was more like user of ye olde, before that shit got taken down.

majority of Sup Forums are limp wristed natsoc larpers

If you can still remember the Loli board.

>doesnt even know about the ion cannons.
pic related kek


Dubs get

He grew up and joined scientology

after the failure of occupy wall street, the last of anonymous gave up and buried the whole movement. today it's just a meme

Putin ponied up the cash and they worked on the Trump campaign



The one calleed We are legion the story of the hacktivists is hilarious, you get that dumb bitch mercedes heffer saying the government didn't matter because 10,000 angry kids were kicking ass on the internet.
Uh huh, go to prison beeyatch, oh who's kicking ass now, same with you Brown, same with you Mittenbrink.
Shouty little children who had no idea what they were doing

When did they get rid of that?

Icp is fucking awesom you tard

If you were here before all that shit went down in 1997 then you're not a newfag


No they're not, scum.

But you just posted under the user name anonymous..?

We are anomalous.
We are a region.
Forgive and forget.
Expecto Patronum.

fuck off back to readit Sup Forums love icp you fucking newfag

We fucked up with the Scientology bullshit. They secretly won.

Anonymous became a cultural movement rather than remaining an off-beat group of curious 20's-something guys who found the freedom of the internet entertaining.

It was fun while it lasted, but that time has passed. tripleeightchan was our last dying breath.

1. the ones who were hacking gave away too much personal info in group chats and got caught
2. cringey youtube videos from autistic 13 year olds ruined the brand

It's worth mentioning that Sup Forums is on the path to reviving user through kek, but it's... different, this time. We'll see how well they hold it together.


Is Sam Esmail to blame at all for the fall of anonymous? You know, the whole "the revolution will be televised" thing.

CP raiding caused them to indulge and hide.