Wtf I hate capitalism now

wtf I hate capitalism now

that's what's called missing the point

but is all about getting an stable job and becoming a responsible adult.

zero (0) socialist bullshit.

I haven't watched Spirited Away but alledgedly Akira Kurosawa wept after watching Kiki's Delivery Service; as did I.

greed is an underlying theme but the film is far from having an anti-capitalist message

it's mostly just against prostitution

wut? how so?

Pls explain

you and Akira Kurosawa both sound like pussies

That bathhouse sure had a lot of rooms that didn't seem to have baths in them.

>wtf I hate capitalism now

I don't see how you arrived at that. The story teaches about greed and growing up and becoming responsible but I don't see how you got anti-capitalist ideas from that.

bot male and female bath employers seemed happy hard workers.
how is that anti-prostitution? shouldn't be pro?

Even if they're happy children shouldn't be exposed to that kind of environment. A big criticism of the English dub that a lot of people have is that it downplays how dangerous the place is for Chihiro.

Now why the hell was no-face trying to throw piles of gold at her?

it's about the child sex trade industry in japan

i think the anti prostitution agenda is just in your head, but that's okay: each moviegoer is supposed to create his own interpretation.

The place pretty clearly contains whores. That's what old Japanese bath-houses are for.

probably. but not every movie including whores is a sanctimonious anti-prostitution propaganda

I didn't say it was. I'm not.

I've been sitting here for the alst fifteen mins trying to figure out what no face is supposed to represent. Fuck.. I do really love this movie. Now I gotta watch it.

>Now why the hell was no-face trying to throw piles of gold at her?

Because she was the only one there that wasn't greedy and kissing his ass.

It was the first thing he did as soon as he got inside.

T-that's what you took from that movie? Really!?

Are you this guy?

That's actually the film's intention

to tell children they'll become wageslaves to jews and that they should accept it

No, it shows how people are slaves to the system

I thought that no face's "schtick" was to only eat people that had accepted a "gift" from him. I figured that's why he was so insistent on giving her gold from the beginning, just because he wanted to eat her.