You got like 3 feet of air that time

You got like 3 feet of air that time

Other urls found in this thread:

might just have to give this piece of Kino another watch

>tfw you will never have a mexican midget friend to make your halloween costume idea work

Grab my arm
The other arm
MY other arm

Unironically one of the greatest films of the 2000s

How much you wanna bet I could throw a football over them mountains

Just do it with your girlfriend, user.

overrated millennial piece of garbage.

Watching this movie again, reminds me, what the fuck is Fox Searchlight?


Best quote from the movie?

It took me like three hours to finish the shading on your upper lip. It’s probably the best drawing I’ve ever done.

>I caught you a delicious bass

yes. It's only attractive for all the retards in shitholes of america who relate to the "story"

No quotes ever get me but that visual gag of the action figure attached to a string that Napoleon drags behind the bus cracks me up every time

>do you want to look like THIS?
>This is a girl.

Yeah... Coach woulda put me in fourth quarter, we would've been state champions. No doubt. No doubt in my mind.

>Your mom goes to college

>Your mom goes to college

>Your mom goes to college

>Is she haught?

>You know we can't afford the 28(*) pack
>Put it back!

what did he mean by this?

Uncle Rico: Kip, I reckon... you know a lot about... cyberspace? You ever come across anything... like time travel?
Kip: Easy, I've already looked into it for myself.
Uncle Rico: Right on... right on.

I grew up in the ghetto in Cleveland and this is kino. Eat my ass.

ᴵ ʷᵃᶰᵗ ᵗʰᵃᵗ

My husband and I divorced for religious reasons. He thought he was god. I didn't.

I hate this indie flick. I much prefer indie film.

>tryhard reddit text
>on Sup Forums
Fuck off.

It's indie cinema you pleb

what the hell happened to comedy movies? there used to be several comedies that came out every year that were at least funny, if not hilarious. Now the only comedy seems to come from Sup Forums of some sort, or stand up. comedy movies the last few years have been garbage

This and Hot Rod make me so happy and I don't give a SINGLE FUCK.

Hot rod was probably sambergs best work besides that "mmmm watcha say/dear sister" video

too afraid to make something creative and risk it flopping.

The Nice guys was pretty funny though

Your post is grammatically incorrect, and so I must assume you also have no validity in calling one a pleb.

>be 12
>really want a vote for pedro shirt
>mum buys me one but it says "deport pedro"
>don't really think about it, wear it out
>someone's mum walks over to me with her kid and starts yelling at me because she thinks i'm racist

Distributor for indie films

>not getting the joke or pretending you did and playing stupid for a (you)
Nah mate after you

That wasn't try hard it was appropriate. Fuck off.

I live in Ireland and I know it's pure kino you fucking redditor

Alright that makes sense

high budgets make the humour very safe to appeal to as many as possible

nice guys was very good though.

>no curse words
>no sexual stuff
>no real jokes
>no big name actors
>still find it funnier than anything released in the last decade



There's one visual gag in Napoleon Dynamite that never fails to crack me up, and I'm not sure if it was on purpose or not.

When Napoleon calls home and Kip is making nachos when he answers the phone, there's a cut from Kip to Napoleon to Kip where the small pile of shredded cheese turns into a huge mountain of cheese over the course of about 10 seconds.

>Kip keeps looking back at it when they cut to him

I love the opening credits

There were heaps of smaller underdone moments like this.

A great running gag was the ridiculous lengths of the phone cords everywhere. Characters would walk like 10 metres away from the phone to have a conversation.

nach bhfuil me

he is very busy. cant you see?

very cute. rare that movies put in that much effort for credits

I'll take Things That Have Never Happened for 100.



>that random year in 2004 when this was the hot shit in school and if you hadn't seen it yet you were a subhuman roach
>tfw poor and couldn't afford to be cool

>grow up in religious family
>not allowed to watch napoleon dynamite because "all modern comedy is preverse"

I really, really doubt that your parents did that.

>>really want a vote for pedro shirt
>>mum buys me one but it says "deport pedro"


Watched hot rod again last week and it is just the funniest shit ever

Did anyone else feel as if the people who wore the 'vote for pedro' shirts didn't 'get' Napoleon Dynamite? I'm going back at least a decade here, so forgive me if I'm excluding some younger posters.

I'm not trying to say it had a message, or even that it had to have a message. It's a beautiful movie just for being what it is.

But, it touched on social isolation in a very real way. Napoleon was a dweeb, but he wasn't some self hating nerd. He was just the weird kid in a small town, I'd wager there are people in this thread who have been there, and I'd wager there are some people who wore one of the aforementioned shirts as well.

It's not like there's something wrong with wearing the shirt, it was everywhere! But look at what Napoleon is wearing in the OP. It's one of maybe a half dozen tucked tees with prancing animals on it that he presents himself with throughout the film.

Napoleon Dynamite was about how the seemingly mundane can be explosively exceptional, and I think following the party line and trying to advertise yourself as someone who watched the movie, and in turn meaninglessly emulating the exceptional Napoleon is missing the point to be your own great, unique person.

Or maybe I'm just a cunt who never got to wear the damn shirt.

My parents were the "Harry Potter is of the devil" type people, they did.

>Think I got wear I am dressin' like Peter Pan here? Forget about it.

I agree, user.

I feel like another large theme of the movie was the beauty of being unique. Everyone wearing Vote for Pedro shirts kind of undermines that. I find a lot of meaning and catharsis in the movie, especially towards the end, and I'm glad one of the more blatant messages that a kid could pick up on is to just be yourself, sans pop culture t-shirts.

>Napoleon Dynamite was about how the seemingly mundane can be explosively exceptional

Definitely not, one of the greatest things about the movie was that Napolean was proper retarded the entire way through. The dance was maybe the one redeeming act he had. He was shown to be socially oblivious, unintelligent, not particularly talented (in anything important) and physically unattractive.

The movie didn't elevate him into some great hero, he was subject to a few slumdog millionaire occurrences that allowed Pedro to gain popularity over that bitch Summer.

As for the shirt part: people have long worn clothes from things they like.

You hit the nail on the head user

I had a kid who was homeschooled come into our primary school for a couple of years. We weren't allowed to watch The Little Mermaid in grade 6 because of what Ariel was wearing.

>>mum buys me one but it says "deport pedro"

This is a good assessment. The film is about an interesting, very non-stylized form of isolation

I like your sleeves

Funniest shit I've read all day

>*looks over at nachos*
>I'm really busy right now

>tfw that Mexcian midget friend

Fuck you Paul



Most kino shot in Napoleon Dynamite.

Anyone else feel as though it's incredibly dated? It has that 2000s feel I cannot describe, but I see it in Borat, Hot Rod, Bench Warmers, and Grandma's Boy.

you just made my night

I don't know if dated is the right word, but I see what you mean.

I think the problem with Hollywood comedies these days is they feel obligated to have some kind of social commentary. Judd Apatow is likely to blame for this, though he's not at fault for it either. It just became the norm for some reason.

Hot Rod and Napoleon especially weren't trying to tell the audience anything. They were telling us a story about these characters, and despite the ridiculousness or abject lameness of them, we rooted for them.

I don't know about you, but ten years later I can 100% identify with Napoleon and Andy in Hot Rod, in a roundabout sort of way. I don't feel that way about a big budget 'comedy' like the new Ghostbusters.

Here's a playlist of the soundtrack for any interested anons:

I really enjoyed the whole subplot of uncle rico looking back on his high school years and wanting to go back in time to relive them

I feel most of it has to do with the timing and attention to detail. The movie throws so many little absurd elements at you, most wouldn't seem particularly funny or amusing by themselves, but seeing them pile on one after the other keeps the mood consistent.

this anons got it the movie fully commits to portraying a very specific tone and feeling of mundane absurdity and it pays off doubly

>You know like nunchuck skills, bow hunting skills, computer hacking skills. Girls only want boyfriends who have great skills.

Putin looks like a villain from an old school anime. Like a scheming bureaucrat from Legend of The Galactic Heroes, or some other show like that.

Aw sheeit, you made me go and DL a torrent so I can watch this kino again with your analysis in mind. I haven't seen it all the way through since I was 14 or so, back when it was playing all day every day on comedy central.

>Definitely not, one of the greatest things about the movie was that Napolean was proper retarded the entire way through. The dance was maybe the one redeeming act he had. He was shown to be socially oblivious, unintelligent, not particularly talented (in anything important) and physically unattractive.

Nothing of what you said contradicts what the other user wrote. And you missed the point of his post. It's not that Napooleon was ever "revealed" to be this great hero or a secret badass or closet genius or anything like that. It's the simple truth that despite his stupidity, clumsiness, and absolute unawareness of social norms, Napolean was still an exceptional person. He didn't need to have computer hacking skills, or bowstaff skills to be exceptional. Hell, he didn't even need to have sweet dance moves, though that certainly helped drive the point home. Napoleon was special simply because he was his own unique individual, he was a living, feeling person. He was exceptional in the way every other human being is exceptional. Every single person on this planet is a unique creature, capable of acts both kind and cruel; amazing feats and mundane failures, love and warmth, hatred and fear, etc... we are all special people.

>The movie didn't elevate him into some great hero, he was subject to a few slumdog millionaire occurrences that allowed Pedro to gain popularity over that bitch Summer.

Again, you're missing the point. Napoleon was a dork, but he was also his own man. He wasn't supposed to be "elevated into some great hero". If he was, that would actually go against one of the main themes of the movie.

there's legitimately nothing funny about this movie

>large talons

best line

It's not really supposed to be a laugh out loud comedy.

I implore you to reconsider!

you're not white enough to appreciate it

it's early king of the hill level funny

>Last off, my students will learn about self respect. You think anybody thinks I'm a failure because I go home to Starla at night? Forget about it!

>white boonies-kids make fun of mexican immigrant trying to run for office

>tfw I watched it again recently and almost felt like crying at the end

Maybe I'm just really sensitive when it comes to movies but the story of friendship behind it is genuinely touching.

The first user literally said he exploded into greatness or some other tired cliche, try to follow a comment chain before you comment.

very good way to describe the sense of humor, the two are really cut from the same cloth

>I see you're drinking 1%. Is that because you think you're fat?

This, it draws you in to the same level as the characters just through watching their mundane existence and it makes even the simplest things seem a lot more impactful. And the fact that every character has some quality that makes you root for them keeps you invested to the point where any pay off has so much more of an effect on you as the viewer.