DRAWTHREAD: Drawing Edition

DRAWTHREAD: Drawing Edition

Other urls found in this thread:


requesting cute romantic pictures of blowjobs and penises


Requesting a short vore comic of this girl swallowing a tiny person whole and alive. One panel where she's holding them above her open mouth, another where she's gulps them down, and a third where it shows them in her stomach as she falls asleep.

>Pulls an image off the archive for the OP
Nice try Vorefag

Actually, it's out of my 400+ image drawthread folder.
But I understand your paranoia.


I peed my pants!

Asking again. Is there any femanon/female drawfag that wouldn't mind giving/selling me their used panties?

Out of all the places to seek this out, why here?


Requesting leyla fingering herself while imagining that people jerk off to her.

>pic related

so basically you're requesting 2B in a VK-sweater fingering herself while imagining that people jerk off to her.

or is there something I'm missing.

I....have no idea how that has anything to do with drawing.

>He thinks this a drawthread

>2B in a VK-sweater
Well it is leyla or also called shinkui cosplaying her. But you are right.

I am just offering it.

hi it's me, popopoka 2.0
with my new computer and everything

Requesting you KYS

Requesting you update your drivers. You would be better as Popopopopokadoga 2.3.
With laser arms and cannon forehead. Chainsaw legs! and blood fountain eyes!
Yeah... 2.3 would be much cooler.

show tits

break open the grog to celebrate


yes hello

Can you do a crying rin with your newfound powers

Eggs-sempai, notice me, come and make this evening brighter.


Thread got slow all of a sudden

I hate that I'll never be able to get a request from you. what's the point.

b-but the mewtwo with tits tho


every single drawthread i see is usually really big by the time i get in, but i guess it's just a bad day for them

oho, do you mind me drawing your new oc?

is this vorefag requesting? I didn't know you liked non-vore pics, let alone non-loli

i need.
the drawname.

No I am not vorefag. I just fell in love with leyla.
She is top waifu material.

If you're taking requests:

Draw Yotsuba wearing an MF DOOM mask, if you haven't already done so before

Please and thank you. God bless

REQUEST Challenge:

I would love to see how a lewd NEET Milf would look like or in what perverted scenarios she could be involved. You are free to choose any Milf you want.

>bonus points if it is a scenario involving Sup Forums or a specific board in some way

Am shaking
How do I stop being nervous?

Just pull the damn trigger you pussy faggot

The moment an opportunity comes up, do it, don't think about it. Humans have a 5 second window of action before their brain triggers them to hesitate, which eventually leads to nervousness.

If you got something you wanna do, but you're scared of doing it, just do it.

Weed. Lots and lots of weed.
Good thoughts and good people help too....
But for me the weed is my crutch....

You up for a request so long as I can pull something interesting enough out from between my ears?

watch random youtube vids so you don't think about it
or find someone to give you headpats

I would take this with a grain of salt....
While impulsiveness has it's place, that hesitation can lead to you thinking things over more thoroughly, which can lead to better results to the issue in the end.

The main thing to note here, is what is causing the nervousness.
Because "just doing it" to something that can have grave consiquenses if you fuck up, is not a good thing.

What's got you down Bun?

Ignore thisDo these:


will do ;u;

there is no tits on a loli, you fool

what's dat tho

ofc, i luv drawing crying waifus

y-you can request something from me, why wouldn't i draw it ?

omg, i mind it, so much, i'm literally gonna kill myself if you do

slit your wrist, it'll kill you eventually, and then you won't be shaking anymore, it's legit

Don't hesitate.

Just do it.

Much. Better.
Would go on rampage with.
>Pie/cake/nuclear muffins/10.

awesome cant wait to see her :)

user will do. Do you have any requests that weren't listed in the thread? I usually do everything I feel like doing anyway.

can i have attention pls

sup Mister popopoka
How was the sex change surgery?

First request
No Credit Card
No Bullshit

god of chaos

Donkey with a vengence

Merge the two?
Donkey god of chaos and vengeance?


Requesting you kill yourself too

two of my markers just died. cannot finish it

Requesting someone trying to cheer up this lonely astronaut.

Tomorrow I will work at this confectionery for a week, so they can test my skills and I am so hecking nervous, I really want to work there so badly, it is the workplace of my dreams, please please take me, Jesus Christ
I am so scared to mess this up
Not thinking about it or doing nothing stresses me out even more
What even is this
I think I am going to cri

I almost thought that you are this one spam guy lel


a weapon to surpass metal gear

there u gu

you have all of my attention,
i see that you drew a car, good job, this is a nice car, i would pet it

wasn't good, somebady literally toucha my spaghet

oo, it's great, thank youu
(is that you kiyo ?)

o nice, thank you for actually doing tha request,
but remember, it's down the road and not cross the street


then pet to your hearts content

That's all? You shouldn't be worrying about it. You need to just do your best. Ask questions, learn from your superiors, and just work well.
If you mess up, figure out if you can fix it yourself, and if not, tell someone and learn from it.
Just freaking out isn't what an employer would want. They want someone who's competent and willing to improve.

i cant ... no refill for the markers ...
no, this is patrick ... baka

If you know how to bake/decorate, you'll be fine.
Also, that explains the nervousness.
Just chill! (or at least try to)
If you're looking for something productive to do, bake something!
Good practice, good distraction, and sweets after to make things oh so much better!

Also this. This guy gets it

space men cant eat cup cakes

>Self centered
Given the context... how about a drawing of a french pastry chef.
(Can be bunn as a french pastry chef... but it needs the french mustache. Nah, REQUIRES the mustache..... or it's not french)

Neck yourself faggot

Thank you for the drawing. It is sad to see that he can't enjoy the cupcakes tho.



Nerve gas

awww. that drawing reminds me of you proposing to me ... hehe


Thanks u~~~~~~


>Requesting Hero holding onto a chainsaw, splattered in blood, standing next to a normal felled tree.
It's tree blood... honest....

Do you have it saved? Can we see it?

Here's a quick rundown of this thread and its avatarfags:

This is not a drawthread

>We have various avatarfags in this thread
>They've decided to all have a conversation with each other
>Instead of taking it to a Discord or a private chat room like normal individuals, they've decided we are to be graced with their presence
>They are arrogant assholes who feel as if the world needs to hear and see everything they do
>They have delusions of grandeur
>95% of what they're posting are reposts or 2min chicken scratches
>They feel as if they own this place

In reality, they're nothing more than failed, wannabe artists. No one in the outside world gives two shit about their drawings. So they came here, formed a little clique and pat themselves and each other on the back for their less than mediocre drawings. They samefag praise themselves or post praise under user (without their avatars) to make it seem like other anons, not in the clique, care about what they're doing to. It's the most pathetic circlejerk the world has ever seen.

This is their personal chat room. This is what this thread is

He is angry

Adding you to the list as well

Yeah, some asshole alphabetized his video collection.


>Stating the facts is bait

>implying your opinion is fact

In simple terms. No one cares.

Except this faggot.
>Knowing it's bait
>Chewing on the hook anyway.

fair enough

I will be trying my very best... this is the place I want to become big in, I will fight for this!! Thank you for giving me advice, this is helping me a bunch alteady

Thank you!! Maybe I should try to create something now, maybe this will make me feel prepared too
Thank you too user!

Aaaaa is this okay? He is a possum pastry chef and he is French! His name is Matthieu and I love him

I think I should really go and do something how
Thank you everyone who helped me, I really can not thank enough

hello there!
what do you think of my new invention ... a chainsaw holder that doesnt require to shut it off!
yes, i have it saved ... and im nore sure ... im pretty sure poka doesnt want anyone to see it ...

Or here,thxs

Seems legit.
I admit, it's the french spelling... But also the inferior one.... close enough to mine though.... So more points!

Now, back to the idea of baking. Anything in mind that you'd like to try? I got a bunch of recipes that are tried tested and true to be good!

>Doesn't break eye contact or blink at all... not strange.. not creepy at all....
Is good holder, but it's a bit messy. And noisy... does it have to scream like that?

>t. Avatarfaggot

>t. an user who doesn't care


>t. Avatarfaggot