What the fuck is Viggo's problem? Is he actually autistic or was he just high during this interview

What the fuck is Viggo's problem? Is he actually autistic or was he just high during this interview


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what the fuck is your problem? are you dead inside? how are you posting? fuck you

Don't you expect these big name actors to be all charismatic and shit, meanwhile they appear on these late shows and 80% of the time it's awkward as fuck and the host is trying to diffuse the situation as much as possible.

Reminder that a vote for a third party is a vote for Drumpf

These shows are rehearsed, user.

A vote for a third party is as much a vote for Hillary as it is for Trump, aka not at all.

eww they did the fake call bit


they fucking did this to norm on the view in 2000

get ready for the greatest america ever

wow colbert's new glasses are gay

well he grew up in argentina, and if you don't know, argentina's most famous man is actually autistic so, I guess it makes sense.

Maradona is autistic?


Maradona is way more famous than messi

Literally never heard of him until seeing Youth.

He was never even mentioned by name in youth.

He's literally a fucking socialist, no wonder he's voting for a commie.

He is in the Wikipedia synopsis.

>Don't you expect these big name actors to be all charismatic and shit
Not anymore. Like you said, I've seen a lot of awkward, embarrassing interviews and I've reached to the conclusion that actors have no personalities of their own. I guess pretending to be someone else all year leaves you empty inside. Musicians are usually more charismatic.

Not everybody is extroverted. Holy shit OP how do you not know this being in Sup Forums

Viggo is a weird guy.

nice interview, very interesting

ok, this is a joke right? this is ridiculous, is this real north american television?

he's a very nice humble introverted guy in addition to being a great actor

Socialism is not the same as Communism.


Nobody gives a fuck, they're both collectivist.

damn colbert looking old


I've known a few drug dealers named vinny, probably his heroin dealer.

its not really his fault
the interviewer is shit
only ever good late night interviewer was craig ferguson

that daily show reject is so fucking awkward and terrible

He didn't say anything wrong there. Colbert is just shit.

Colbert is shit at interviewing, he's only "good" when he's playing le witty smartass man reading off a set script.

Even then I personally find him annoying as fuck.

how was that autistic

they know eachother from before

musicians are acting too, user.

Argentina also lost the Falkland's war, so there's that.

I've got a cousin called Vinny who's a lawyer, but he looks like a drug dealer.

Another possibility is that they're all super redpilled and don't want to out themselves to the SJWs.

Reminder that trying to shame third party voters to vote for your favorite evil overlord because you think the other one is worse is the surest way to destroy democracy.

I'm pretty sure assassinating the candidates is a surer way to destroy it.

Based Viggo