ITT: God tier albums

ITT: God tier albums

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To Pimp A Butterfly is the best album ever made imo

Really fucking underrated


good taste. Into the void is best sabbath.





The amount of heavy metal responses these 'best album' threads get is hilarious.






Poop tier faggot



Hail king buzzo

Name an album then, ya queer



Gotta love this one







shit taste confirmed




Fully agree. Anything by the fathers of metal is God tier.
Also, this. I love everything this fuckin' guy creates.





coolio anons




bumping a bump bc im a fag


















sky valley > BFTRS

>god tier
>not Kill em All

this is a great album, but the mixing is fucking awful.. its too loud and so much clipping. the guitar hero mix is way better


I totally disagree


I think they're close, but I like the spacey quality of sky valley a little more and its dynamics. One thing is for sure all the Kyuss emulators will never get close to this band.

Spinning this right now.

This is up after I finish Loveless

I like blues for the rich vibrant texture it's like an organic trip

do you think reeder was a better fit than nick?

Putting this on after Heaven Or Las Vegas

Goddamn, I miss that dude. Saw him first on MTV when MTV was about music.

Got a ticket to see those guys live comin' up in a couple months

The single best album in the world.

Not really. Blues For Red Sun is one of my ultimate all time favorite albums. The later albums sound too much like grunge.

You won't regret it

Claypool is the man

Saw them on the Rising Tide tour. So good.

>i le listen to le real music

Currently listening


Dont you have a ylyl thread to ruin?


muh niggers

this masterpiece.


Fuck yes.

Acid Bath and Bloodbath are always winners to me.


I love this album, it was all downhill after this bois

I'm going to see pixies live this summer. tickets are dirt cheap.


>lol, this was so clever of me I'll go tell facebook

I have a poster of that album and no it's not the best
