In this thread, we wait

In this thread, we wait


*shifts uncomfortably in his chair*

*sighs, looks at watch, and shakes head slightly*

hey guys did you know there’s a pokestop in here?

*On my phone, attempting to adjust myself into a comforting position. Beginning to impatiently tap my foot. (nervous habit)*

I don’t play that shit.

Psss... you party?

-looks around for a poster or something-

I did some good shit before coming in, yeh

realizes i'm reading a field and stream from 2011


*chews gum loudly

*clears throat noisily and gives a glare, then does the shush finger*

anyone wanna fuck in the bathroom??


*accidentally falls over in chair, pants pull off in the process*


*trying not to make eye contact with anyone*

*start to wonder if anyone can tell I just busted a fat nut in the restroom and the nut is dribbling down my leg*

*pulls out 3DS and starts playing fire emblem*

guys seriously i just got two eggs from one spin. and on top of it, there’s a bunch of eevees here!

Fuck this shit I need a cigarette

Shut up faggot.


Don't worry I'm omw

Sit your ass down cuckold. This is not some hooligan fuckfest

* ejaculates in his hand and smear it in this guys face *

*enters the waiting room*
*falls on the floor*

*I stand up behind him and say*
>"you mad white boi?"
*and begins to rip off his underpants and plow his asshole then I scream*

*enters room, most seats taken but looking for one where there's a one seat buffer between me and another person. none found so I sit down next to an older gentleman*

Can I bum one?

Yes but do we have enough time

of course we do, i’ll be quick.

fuck this, this thread is now about nude redheads

Grin at the other 3 guys glaring at the gril with big tits

Sorry bro I only have 14 left


*enters room*
no more seats, hmm, well. . .
*does the pic related*

Welcome to Sup Forums. Have you never played a role befor? I understand that there is a lot to learn, but these days lurking doesn't help. I'll let it pass this time

Is she peeing in the waiting room?
>wtf look intensifies

Wanna hear bout my time in 'Nam?

What are we waiting for again?

*screams* "WHEN the hell is someone going to deepfake jessica alba's face onto that irreversible anal scene"

D̻̄̊̌̈̂̈́̒̚͟͞Ọ̡̤̻̺͉͉̗̬ͯN̤̠̳̗̊͛̐̿̏̚͞'͖̑̊͒̈̆ͩ͜T̰̰̜̟̞̤̪̠̉ ͎̻͊ͬ̂͡Ä̸̖̗̖̪͈̞́͐̋̀͠Š̢̘̭͎̳̽ͩ͑K̯̟͓̱̩̫͉͇̪ͨ͋̉ͤ̃̌̈̆ ̢̜͙͕̋ͫ͒̐ͦ̇̉͊T̴͕̻̭̤͍̙͍ͣͪ̊͒͊ͨ͐̂Ḩ̙͈̳͔̬̓͝A͍͎͚̳ͨͪ́͆͋̂ͦ̽̚T͈̘̏̉ͭ̀!̩̳̱͙͕͆̋̃̃̇̾͂͞

Go fap u unsatisfied fag
In this thread, WE WAIT

*Enters from doctor only door*
alright guys, which one of you is first for gender reassignment surgery?

*sound of magazine page turning*

Anyone for a boiled egg?


Lets play the quiet game, starting now

Nam? Got it on Battlefield. Seems nice with the right weapon

He might have a point with this. But we still must wait, friends

just had one, actually. Rather nice.

No have one I insist

*crosses leg*
*clears throat and zones out to a plant*

it's okay, we can look at the firebushes while we wait.

*Accidentally farts loudly*

oh, alright.. one couldn't hurt I suppose.

HAHA thats such a good joke

*proceeds to roll a joint

shit happens

that was awesome

Focus on waiting, freind

You have to eat them all
*holds head and starts to violently rock *

"We're ready for you, user."

nail on the head

>enter room
>take a sit
>put on earbuds
>reach in to pocket
>theres a hole in the pocket

I gotta run to the toilet, can one of you hold my soy milk?

leave it in your chair ill look after it



ty, it's chocolate soy milk by the way

I know, but at least I won't have to tell what happened.


just gimme that fucking bowl already

Anyone want to trade finger boxes?

>soy milk
inb4 some Sup Forumslard starts screeching about oestrogen

Laugh a little, the woman next to you moves away but will not give up her seat. In the end she sits there holding her nose shut this the unicorn riding midgets fetish help group?

Maybe making this thread was a mistake... You can never leave...

Starts fapping.

{walks up to receptionist}
"ive been waiting 45 minutes now"




Guys where'd the door go?

*gets back from toilet too soon* *Diarrhea shits all over the floor*

>to make the prison of...
that was what the TV guy said
the other one panicked, cause he was shown as a thief

*rolls her eyes* Please take a seat. There's still someone else's visit going on.

....well fuck, it's gone. I'm going to miss my fetish help group.

*Puts on unicorn horn*

Hope I don't relapse. Unicorns love horn raping.

soy milk will do that to ya

You don't want to know user...

>the only seats left are next to people

*hands over dank eggs*

this is Sup Forums, bro. You can check out any time you like, but you can never leave.

thnx brah much obliques

*quietly enter room, find seat with back to corner and start browsing /gif/ for trap threads*

What am I here for? *glances around the room if anybody is about to answer*

here user take my seat, I gotta shit again brb


...Now back to waiting

I smell a nigger

Hello gents, I do love a good queue, what we waiting for?

*go to bathroom to fap, slips in diarrhea*

*walks in and accidentally makes awkward eye contact with half the room before finding my seaf. Sits down and pulls out phone, it is dead*
*doesn't know what to do with hands or eyes*
