What's your goals in life?

What's your goals in life?
(only realistic ones)

what are your goals in life
only realistic ones
>none found

get famous and make a tour

my name is Joshua Vidigal
and i want to be an idol

personally, I wanted to buy an apartment before I turn 30. Saved up 26k Euros already and now waiting to finish trade school to get a full time job before i get a mortgage.

Also, I want to be at least 100 years old see all the cool shit like self driving cars, AI girlfriends and manned mars missions.

Just wanna move back to Washington state so I can grow my own weed and live near a beach. Really just wanna be able to take a thermos full of coffee to the beach in the mornings and sip, watching waves roll in...

>get a daughter
>Make her a total mistress. (Elegant, smart, elocuent, cute)


stay at my job (in line for a chief position)
find a partner
and spend all my vacations on bushcraft trips.
and take pictures with my film cameras

retire when i'm 44 with ~$100k passive income
build my own house
travel to every non-shithole country
hike the AT solo
never marry

>never marry
Smart man.

Holy shit, that sounds comfy as fuck. I had that dream once too, but for San Francisco. Walking through the empty streets in the early morning hours with a warm coffee in your right and a chilly autumn breeze rolling in

Yeah, but in Washington "being gay" is not a a requirement

It's been 10 years since I've seen a beach in person, stuck in the midwest right now and saving money to travel that far isn't easy.

I love washington. i wish there was more of a retail presence on the west coast of the state to make living out there an easier experience.

I'm seeing this nice quiet girl right now. I'd like to get into a serious relationship with her.

I'm 14 at the moment, living in UK,
My goals are:
Get a flat (apartment) on mortgage
Get a nice motorcycle
Get an Epiphone SG within the next 2 years
And a Dog

I'm trying to become an air traffic controller, right now.

That's true not much available but it's a bunch of fish folk near the Quinault res.

Dude, i want to be the classic quiet friend.
The one that one guy spend most of his time with him, but they don't really talk. They watch the sunsets, drink coffee in a raining night, watching the moon. That kind of friend


My mother used to tell me something like this:
she told me I was like a boulder, not the most active person but stable, steady and reliable. It made me feel good.

I want to open a fucking shack in the Pacific Northwest and just rent out kayaks while living in peace. That's all I want.

I used to want to buy a house. Real estate prices are exploding here so I would have to move to bumfuck nowhere to be able to afford it. I also realized that owning anything is kind of pointless if you don't plan to have a girlfriend/wife and family so what I am basically saying, I have no more goals and I ask myself every day what I am living for.

To experience happiness just once.

This is now a confy thread I think...
My mother told me that my brain is connected to my ass, everytime i think, is shit

Dying young.

Anyone who does not say the following is a fucking LIAR.

>A lot of money
>A lot of bitches
>A lot of cool stuff with the money

get tostudy Logopedia. Live nicely in a biggish house. WOuld have to find a nice gf-->wife, however this is propably not going to happen

Realistic ones? It's not easy, because everything is possible and on the other hand everything is not possible for a single person.

My goals:
>to achieve financial freedom or at least own some business/homes/garages and rent them for some income
>finally start writing and write a book or a couple of stories (always wanted to write)
>learn mathematics/physics (I am an idiot in these fields)
>learn some foreign languages (already know polish, english and recently started studying russian)
>learn how to paint (oil)

I am pretty much unable to achieve any of the above. I think I am miserable and useless, I am 26 and haven;t started writing yet, even if I want it so bad... I have a job that pays minimum and I have no useful skills.

Help me achieve my goals.

Pass the bar exam.

The rest of my goals fall in line after that.

>owning anything is kind of pointless if you don't plan to have a girlfriend/wife and family
Not true user, those things can give you enjoyment. Don't put the cart before the horse. A significant other is a secondary objective, not a necessity.

Yep this lol

My end goal would be $10 million
Apartment in Dubai
Hot ass bitches
And cocaine

You're alright user

Get married to an asian woman, own a successful business and own an apartment in London.

lol, sorry for your loss, user.


fuck you

your goal is to stay in a small hotel room in a city?
you are an easy man to please.

To become a dictator of some tiny country.

Immature and short-sighted.

Grow up, you idiot.

Try to get $500,000 in my retirement accounts in the next 20 years. I am now at $150,000.

Proposed to my disabled fiancee recently so now I have a wedding to help plan.

Have a small apartment in NYC with my current GF. Be able to sit at home and conduct research in terms of astrophysics and history while having a secondary income.

Retire at 50

Write and public a book.

publish, I aspire to do that too.

Move to New Mexico. The weather in Florida fucking sucks. January was OK but it's been hot as fuck all February with no signs of changing. It's too damn early in the year for it to be 87 degrees. Plus hurricanes and mosquitoes.

New Mexico is hot as fuck in the summer but starts getting cool in the fall then stays cool all winter. That's all I want.

I'm 31 lol. Nothing short-sighted about it.

Don't worry user, your dream is beautiful

Moving to somewhere civilized.

>get the job I'll enjoy doing
>marry my girlfriend and have kids
>buy nice shit
>raise kids not to be total pieces of crap

Pretty basic, but what can you do.

To be happy.
I think I want normality.

OP said realistic

I don't need anybody to convince me of it but thanks. When people "grow up" they usually start appreciating the little things more, the kind they used to take advantage of.

Just trying to be supportive bud, most people on here are pretty cancerous.

> be mgtow with good grades
Buy a Ferrari. That's it.

within the next year:
complete international move
receive M.Sc.
marry love of life, maybe have kids

still in the works

Don't have kids or get married. You'll get fucked over in the end

It's all good man, ain't even mad.

Getting a PhD in Genetics. Its my dream

fucking this

>get back into uni
>work in IT
>maybe open up my own games studio
>get fit and stay fit
>fuck 8/10s
>never marry
>get one of those modern looking houses on the beach somewhere warm all year round
kinda on the fence between dying young and living long to see new cool shit get invented. but then again I've been smoking since I was 14 so I might not get to make that choice

I've been lurking this thread for a while, and i've come to the realization that I don't have any. Fuck


I wanna have a nice girlfriend to who becomes my wife then start a family with two kids and son and a daughter and be their perfect role model and have the perfect life

This. Don't want anything complicated.

Ha ha ha, yeah, publish. Fuck me. Typing too fast.

When you publish a book, at least you get an editor.

Those are not goals, those are unrealistic dreams that none of you are currently trying to accomplish

Mine used to be not get or acquire any debt or loan. Understandably, that’s not realistic.

Now, it’s to have as little drama as possible around me. Boring life but it’s somewhat peaceful.

Same here. Wanting the perfect nuclear family.

>get a job and get fit
>unrealistic dreams

holy shit user why so little faith in yourself?

That's acutally fucking good. Every day I'm a witness to people being crushed by debt/leases. My family has been able to be out of that shit so have I and I'd like to keep it that way. And for my kids some day.

Yeah, so why are these unrealistic dreams?

Was it my retire at 50, or the write and publish a book?

Nice trips. What sort of disability?

This is my goal

I'll never again it though because I'm not doing anything about it besides dreaming

I also used to never one to pick up any loans, but i want to buy property and with the current 0% interest policy and the ability to lower your tax rate because monthly payments are tax deductible i can actually safe a fuckton of money in the long run.

Then it's not a girl and doesn't belong in this thread, I also wish I had a 25 inch Wang

I'm 18 and I dropped out at 16 because I became homeless and my girlfriend of three years left me for some one else. because I was homeless.
my only goal is to make music and do drugs, but now the world is oversaturated with those kinds of people and its annoying. so now i'm kinda lost, I have a new girlfriend but It seems like I just kept nodding my head yes and found myself in a relationship. Theres really no point in doing anything, but that's just me. It was nice to see other people's goals. I used to want to marry my Ex and start a family, own a house, have a hobby you know, some quite life. doesn't help that I'm from the hood. I'm too smart to be here, but dealt the wrong cards.

I'd also like a Countach.

I'm going to be the first man to take a shit on mars.

The Countach is a shitty car anyway. Yeah, they look cook but have you ever sat in one? Find a car show or something, you'll see what I mean, on the driver's side both legs are kind of shunted over to the right-hand side. It's very uncomfortable.

If you think it'll get you women, again, no. Women don't care much about cars, particularly older cars - they're only interested in the car as an indicator of wealth. Most don't know what to make of an old sports car.

This. I've got about 250k saved towards it. Hopefully by the time im 35 I can pull the trigger. It's how I grew up and how I want to raise my family.

you've got more time to make music if you spend less time doing drugs
>inb4 the drugs inspire me
if youve been a dope fiend as long as you say you have then you've probably been inspired enough its time to start working with what youve learned

>get married
>start a family

That's it.

Continue to enjoy fishing, everything else is a bonus.

>get married
more like get fucking cucked by the system

Have sex before 40. Time is running up.
> inb4 'BUY A WHORE, faggot'

BUY A WHORE, faggot.

BUY A WHORE, faggot.

BUY A WHORE, faggot

BUY A WHORE, faggot .

it's really funny to read through this thread. i once had goals that went from having a great life, to having a life, to wishing for peaceful death, to just fucking end me.

nevertheless i have this warm feeling reading this thread knowing probably not one of you will have your dreams come true.

No, you get a Countach, because it's a Countach. Most girls can't tell a VW from a Mercedes so fuck that. Wanting classic cars is alright I think.

Damn I love those hotel rooms, you can totally spy on ppl with binoculars and night vision at night.
Me and my childhood friend use to look at the ppl below us and make up stories for them.

yeah i feel you, I'm pretty good at it. I spend everyday doing music while i do drugs. but I just quit xanax, it was hard. I can't go without smoking weed for more than a few hours or I have a total anxiety attack. I've been smoking weak ass weed to try to ween off it though. I feel like If I don't make it in music I wont go anywhere. I have loads of mental problems and it just doesn't seem fair. Everythings harder for me. But I work really hard. I had a job too but they fucked me on my last paycheck. Didn't even tell me place was closing. IDK I know theres no such thing as movie fairy tale stories, and that life is all up to you. My perspective just gets fucked up every so often.

get a wife and have some children and idk not get cucked i guess

become billionair or at least really really rich, doing things i love, like art, acting, philosophie, havin fun! good sexlife, good health, become probably immortal if possible ( tech. singularity) otherwise life as long as possible.

first realistic short term goals: doing a good job at my current work, to write my thesis in that company when i am back from my england semester, then finish my duo bachelor with 2,4-2,7 and the other one with 1,7-2,5 till mid of the next year. Oh, and to stay in shape, is important for my life / happieness and aswell a short term goal to hold my current awesome body or improve it a little

>only realistic ones

anything is possible

good goals. 2nd goal is really important for me aswell.
1st goal probably, i also safe as much money as possible right now, but dont know if i'd buy montages without credit / would spend my money on it ( by side of the side costs for the contract and stuff).

getting a gf

do two chicks at the same time