Think I need stitches guys? a window razor scraper took a weird jump and got me pretty good...

think I need stitches guys? a window razor scraper took a weird jump and got me pretty good. what do you think Sup Forumsros

how about take a picture of the wound and not a pool of blood. if its that small scratch in the palm of your hand then no.

just put some superglue on it and it will heal up in a week.

it is pretty damn deep, i can flap it open and all. I have it wrapped and am going to get some glue.Gotta be ready for work tomorrow

if its talking you need stitches

Yeah go get stitches

super glue. Save yourself the medical bill

Lose weight. That's what you need Porky.

Thats a bad spot to get a cut. Everytime you move your hand its gonna break the cut open.

This guy gets cuts
Just do the super glue route just make sure its as closed as possible before you dump it on and make sure you don't pick that shit off

Stitches get bitches

Yes, you should get stitches for that.

yeah. there isnt a good spot for a cut but I work with my hands too. Its the weekend though and I just dont want to leave the house

You should probably cut your wrists to save yourself the medical bill

You should probably go. You will probably need antibiotics in case it gets infected.

Yeah, you ought to go get a few stitches put in that. It will probably close up with just a bandage but you'll lose a lot of blood before it does, then feel sleepy tomorrow. also the scar will be smaller if you get it stitched.

55555 :o

Time stamp In blood



god damn checked. Im not too worried about the scar, i dont know about super glue vs stitches. I sure as shit dont want to pop a stitch wrenching on stuff.

this happened like an hour or 2 ago, the bleeding stopped, but I havent looked at it since


check 'em

SuperGlue nigger


Nah ur good bro, just let it air out for a couple weeks.


what kind of work, if it is manual labor or something that would bend that wrist a lot get stitches, if it's something like office work or typing then just superglue it and try not to move your wrist.

>medical bill

Whats that? Never got one.


>Gotta be ready for work tomorrow
Take some time off and let that fucking shit heal, fucker.

>I sure as shit dont want to pop a stitch wrenching on stuff.
You'll crack your glue, instead.

Get it cleaned up and stitched NOW rather than waiting for an infection which could be serious.


Just wash it out, dry it, and superglue that shit shut. It's safer than it sounds, and much cheaper than stitches if you don't have insurance.






>Click here
in fives too....

Hands are super important for millions of things we do every day. I wouldn't advise taking chances with one of your hands. If you go in for stitches, the doctor will also be on the lookout for other potential issues like nerve damage, tendon damage, infection, etc... Urgent care would probably be fine.

idek what to say



Time stamp

just use glue and gauze wrap it saves you a bill plus its not that deep nor will it ever be fatal so whats the point. if you wrench show your boss take it slow

you missed. glue it shut and get back to work



Repeating digits are pleasing to people with classic autism. These people enjoy recognizing patterns and are often infatuated with numbers.

The very definition of mental illness.

Look it up, it's fairly common knowledge.

this is little more than a scratch. y'all are pussies for real

Just let it heal on its own pussy

I would get that seen to so it can be cleaned properly. You don’t want to fuck with cuts to the palm. Your flexor tendon sheathes meet to form a large palmar bursa. If you get an infection here it spreads rapidly and can destroy the delicate tendon pulley systems in your hand and ruin function.

Source: ER doctor


Where do you think you are?

holy fuck


Source: Brain surgeon

>Hold on lad, I need to tell them to check my dubs


clean with alcohol, glue it shut

I got quints yesterday on a slide thread so no one noticed. Quint fours.


>ER doctor

Go figure.

Like people can't cleanse their own wounds with some shit they can buy at the store.

That shit doesn't even need stitches. Stitches are needed when the wound gapes to hold the flaps of skin together.

dubs says I have to


So many dubs

How pathetic do you have to be to bring this up on anonomoose image board

Cool thread

pretty pathetic oni chan

This is morgellons disease and is very serious.


shit more trips


I work in the NHS so I have nothing invested in giving this advice. Also you can’t tell how deep a wound is in a photo. You need to actually manipulate the edges.

The reason I’m so cautious about these wounds is because I’ve seen people need digits amputated after a flexor tendon sheath infection wrecked their flexor mechanisms.

I'm gay

more dubs

Keep samefagging all you want, you're just posting autism pictures in an autistic thread on an autistic website.
You might have fucking autism

Fucking amerifags putting superglue on their wounds because getting stitches costs 3 bazillion dollars

Check em faggots

Medfag here. That absolutely needs stitches. You probably could super glue it, but i would reccomend seeking medical attention. Youre prone to infection with the wound being where it is. Without suturing it, it wont close properly and will get infected.

more dubs

Bazillion isnt even a real number faggot.

Put duct tape on it and go back to work you little bitch

Just cum on it and get back to work like a real man you dirty little fagit

moar dubz

>>← best kind


I stitch myself whenever I get deep cuts. Yours is in a pretty bad spot and you are very likely to get an infection. Don't know about glue as I've never used it, but if you do decide to stitch it you can use a sewing needle and thread, but make sure you disinfect both of them along with your hands. Bandage it up and wear gloves if you have to use your hands for work.


just one tiny detail - it's gonna hurt

Krazy Glue was formulated for triage medics in Vietnam.
