
How about a thread with only weird porn?



Or just a normal sfur thread because the dumb "edition" shit attracts retards who post bad art.


Why can't we have a stronk edition, though?

im up for that

Because if you want an "edition" then go to where you can find all the weird shit you want, and it'll last for many days instead of a few hours.

Better bad art than a thread containing "nude girl standing around" #1,587,921 through to #1,588,071.

I like your style Sir Sloth

>attracts retards who post bad art
say man who post fart

No, not really. If you want bad art then go to e621 or /trash/. Many of us just come here for the conversation, not shitty art, and the few that do usually don't want to see it, so you're really just making it so no one wants to post in your thread.

Thank you, but you can call me Dash.

When do I ever post that?

He's right, Dash. Your BRAPposting makes your argument a lot less effective.

>When do I ever post that?

Again, when do I ever post it? No one wants to see it, so I respect that. I just post from my massive unsorted folder anyway.

Great argument, hermfag.

Grow up

I actually see BRAPposting as a form of a reaction image.

hoooooooooo-kay. I can't help but wonder how that ended up that way. Is that a bar?

>many of us
Just a handful of circlejerking Americans who spend several hours a day whining and posting boring pictures from their multi-terabyte collection.

It's an image edit.
It'd take a few decades and Walmart selling better fursuits for stuff like this to casually happen.

Why are you telling him to grow up?

I assume it has something to do with his height.

My apologies Dash, despite my lurking in these threads I never paid much attention to anything that was said. Only the art.

I'm pretty grown,

yeah the dudes like 5'6"

I see, thank you.

no problem

It's better than having those Americans do other American things such as eating McDonald's non-stop, screaming "MUH FREEDOMS!" or shooting up schools!


>Wow, you sound fucking assblasted
> 3 years now because he knows I'll reply.
>getting trolled for 3 entire years

No need to apologize. Some of us come here for the art, others for conversation, so I understand.

5'2" actually, and damn proud of being this tiny and adorable. So cute everyone thinks I'm a girl without even trying.

any time

If you think that's getting trolled then you're dumb as shit. I reply because I come here to talk. I reply to even the most retarded of posts because that's why I'm here.


>everyone thinks I'm a girl without even trying.
Maybe from the back and if you have your forbidden pimples covered


You're mad and you're replying. You know, you're one of the reasons this board got extremely shitty. It started with the pony circlejerking/avatarfagging and evolved into attracting losers like you unto using Sup Forums as social media



Nah, my face is soft and clean. You have no idea how often I go into public bathrooms, and guys will stop and think they're either in the wrong bathroom or that I'm a girl. Every fucking time cause I am god damn adorable.

The only one mad here is you. Bait harder, kiddo.



Those fangs look highly inefficient, and look they they could break as soon as they bite into something.

>Nah, my face is soft and clean.
Im not talking about your face

>you have no idea
>i am literally so cute guys
>believe me, everyone love me

The rest of me is soft and clean too. My ass is soft as a baby's.

I mean I have no reason to lie. I'm still a virgin and have never had a gf because I don't try, but everyone tells me I'm cute as fuck. I'm a god tier trap without even trying.

Everyone with 4 chan x can see you saved this image from facebook, dash



Hit me up with that weird shit



>The rest of me is soft and clean too. My ass is soft as a baby's.
You literally posted a whole image of your ass. We all saw the pimples and you said they were """razor burns"""

>dash loses argument
>starts spamming gore and fart
every time

hahha yeap

Nobody believes you user, Until you post proof (been the rules since 2005) everyone thinks you're disgusting.

I do love her though

Keep trying, faglord.

I don't feel like shitting up the thread with pics of myself, so I'll post one and let you decide for yourself.



do i win?

Idk who dash is, i just posted since they requested "weird". Not really gore imo, more of a surgical fetish

>didnt even bother changing the filename to something from this century

Wow a fat ass. That means literally nothing. For anyone knows, you're a cross dresser. Post your """"girl""""" face that you've been saying everyone loves.

you obese FUCK


w h y t h e f u c k are so many furries here lately

Was always like this, faggot

because everyone started being nice and it turned into a hugbox circle jerk where everyone is allowed

I feel the same way about her


If this is what you consider god tier then your standards are very low. Post your face because that's the most important part anyways.

>size difference
>big, milky tits
Yes, you win 1 internet.

Why would I? It's not like I take a hundred pics of myself every day, I'm not that narcissistic.

Kek, if you say so.


love this one too

I don't consider myself to be super attractive, but I am certainly small and feminine enough for most people to think I'm a girl. Now enough with the shitposting, back to sfur.


>implying furries werent on Sup Forums while you were still nursing on your daddy's dick


he actually did it lmfao
>getting trolled so hard you post your face on a Hungarian goat farming website

>I'm not that narcissistic
>I'm a god tier trap everyone loves me
You might as well be taking pictures of yourself all day

Mora is a gem

they were, except they were mass banned and not welcomed into every board

An actual grill, top kek


I don't give a fuck. It gives me a nice adrenaline rush, it's kinda fun.

I was joking. I'm only doing this because I'm bored, I very rarely take any pics of myself or do this.

Man I fuckin wish.

You see thats the thing, you'll have the lolifags and Monster girl lovers (some of which are basically furries), they dont get shit but we do

Third on that agreement



Anyone know any challenging programming projects I can work on? I gave up on Endless Sky because despite being open-source the community obeyed and worshipped the incompetent lead dev.


Yes, because this started out as a website for anime. It's been too far gone to moderate since 2007 so anything goes. If you've seen lately they're getting spammed by spiderman because normies hate it.

I kinda like pics that involve cold weather, not a fan of the avian types though


Oh, and by "challenging" I mean advanced, not "having to rewrite a hundred lines of spaghetti code".

Yeah but I really don't see whats the big whoop, I mean yeah they raid our threads but they dont need to take it personally. I still remember when the Imperium would come and raid the S/Fur threads back then.

Nothing wrong with furry, but loli/cub is just fucked up.

I don't really care much for avian either. But I love snow and pics like that. I wish it snowed more than once every 2 years where I live.

You're talking pretty highly of yourself, it's definitely not a joke. Honestly you're not bad looking aside from 5head. You don't really look like a girl either. More like a guy with a baby face