
how do you defeat depression ?

stop being a faggot
let go

Hit the Gym

therapy and/or medication. Assuming it's severe and not typical Sup Forums faggotry.

As someone who has suffered from a perpetual depression, I'll tell you the most fundamental thing I've learned. [granted the causes of depression vary, so it may not apply] Don't follow your instincts; follow your logic. We are programmed to be creatures of habit, but when those habits are counter productive, they don't serve us. It leads to the 'vicious cycle'. However, you can step by step set up what I call 'the righteous cycle' by step by step, persistently doing things that are healthy for you. Make sure you take care of your well being; physical, emotional, intellectual, and spiritual.

start looking at what humanity has going for it in the future.

missions to mars, ai, longer life span, automation, vr. etc, even if you dont partake its interesting to read about it.

cant wait for when food that cost 40 bucks today and involves going to a restaurant cost just 7 bucks and can be gotten via drive-through

Dealing with that shit right now and getting better. Take care of your appearance first and foremost, it really makes all the difference. And I don't mean you should wear a suit and tie every day, but start every morning with a shower. Get a nice haircut. Feel comfortable and good about yourself.

A therapist might help, might also not. Force yourself to do the things you used to do but stopped doing - it'll be hard, oh god trust me I know. But you'll rediscover why you liked doing them, eventually. You just need to reform those habits.

At the end of the day, realize you're nothing but a meat computer controlling a skeleton, and you can be reprogrammed. Hack your head, regain control

ejaculate inside 7/10 woman while she says

"cum in my pussy big brother!!"

>cant wait for when food that cost 40 bucks today and involves going to a restaurant cost just 7 bucks and can be gotten via drive-through
this will NEVER EVER happen. automation is only pushed by the globalists and corporations to drive up profits. they will simply adjust the prices and rake in the difference. holy fucking shit, how naive can you be?

Be Mr. Right, not Mr. Nice Guy

try youtube for hypnosis + affirmations & binural tones, it can be difficult to not have repeated thoughts but the repeated thoughts are creating ur life, so appreciate even the ait, food, little things know, time or space everything we know is a blip and really not significant, eat fresh wake up early and make fun goals to progress, reward yourself

oh yeah, well you're a stupid head. now what?

>missions to mars

WE'VE BEEN going to mars for like 50 years fAGGIT

Do drugs.

>Get a job.
>Save money.
>Invest money.
>Buy a home or condo.
>Buy a nice vehicle.
>Dress well.
>Go out and have fun.
>Get a hobby.
>Help with charities.
>Be some one.

or use the depression to create art, we dont need lame pretend ppl

who is that?

You don't. I don't, anyway.

i was talking about the shooting-porn-on-mars project

medication, exercise, occupation
