Is it the cartoon GOAT?

Is it the cartoon GOAT?

No it's kino

wtf is kino?


Its slice of life, but with subtle humor that has good payoffs and a relatable cast of characters


Its comfy, thats for sure.
It gets pretty bad towards the end though

the finale was good, as was the episode where Hank gets the flame of valor jacket


my favorite show ever
it's so comfy
i watch it almost everyday as background

same, the rewatch value for it is so good

>tfw live in Texas and understand all the deeper meaning that Mike Judge inserted into this kino

>every BWAAAAH and "that boy aint right"

I mean it never went into the really bad category, but towards the end they were really stretching crazy unrealistic story lines

It was still funny and I still liked it, but the whole reason I liked the show in the first place was being able to identify with it.

kino means film but koth is a movie

You forgot "I'm gonna kick your ass!" and "dang it Dale/Bill!"


i have been watching it from season 1 lately. it is bretty good. can't really think of any cartoon i would rather watch besides the simpsons (good simpsons)

It's pretty much American SoL and it does the best job of it I've ever seen.

The closest thing to it I can think of is Nichijou: characters making a huge deal out of the mundane and getting into unique but still somewhat relatable situations.

I think it's brilliant. Few cartoons have captured what it's like to live in a diverse and confusing world quite like King of the Hill. The awkward, realistic animation just adds so many layers to the concept.



literally a lot of us
