

Backup edition 2.0

Other urls found in this thread:


Requesting Skeptical Rory

for vorefag

Haha uh oh

Requesting a short vore comic of this girl swallowing a tiny person whole and alive. One panel where she's holding them above her open mouth, another where she's gulps them down, and a third where it shows them in her stomach as she falls asleep.


youre welcome

lol damn beat me too it

Not high-quality. Try again

Requesting Ellie fingering her butt looking somewhere between a little uncomfortable and surprised

its the best you know it i know it we all know it mvga= make vore great again

taking requests

vorefag had to take on the pepe identity hoping that people would hate him less

can you draw cute snek girl coiled around her master?

snek gf for guy in last thread

>Go forth, you valiant bastard!
>Do what is right!
you mean deflower the witch princess, right?

Requesting you slice your throat wide open




>Makes an attempt to draw the easiest animal in existence
>Manages to fuck it up

More of that cute box girl.
Lewd her!

OR here thanks drawfag.

>tried to unironically troll Shitstain for a thread
how retarded and new do you have to be

About as stupid as trying to troll Vorefag

Who's vorefag

at least let me buy you dinner first, daang


ur gay lol


Requesting a man suplexing a dragon.

now give it to me give it to me like one of your earth girls


this is


smol t-rex or giant nim

Reference plz

Giant nim. Thanks again!

ima just keep going i'm on a high rn

shit wrong person

Anons should keep their promises

thread's gay.


>Calling a shit-scribble great when you know damn well it's trash

your right no one in this thread can draw. so why dont you just go to a better thread?

to the guys that wanted two farmer girls

You'd want that, wouldn't ya?

Requesting Heliolisk

doesnt have to be lewd
and is this good ?


oh that's vorefag? I had no idea. I just thought that was a random spammer.

Can you draw crab plz

You should read the thread before making such claims


I don't care if you stay or don't. I find most of the stuff you do fine. I just genuinely wanna know why you stay here if no one does your requests. I'm certain someone of Sup Forums would take your requests.

get out of here >:o

very hot, thanks!

i love you!

This is neat, saved.

no fair :( i wanted to see something in your style

Because it's fun. The request is a condition to get me to leave should anons want me gone. They don't want me to leave though. In truth, they like having me here; they're just being tsundere

n-no you BAKA!


you welcome

no homo right?


wait what?

you still taking request ponk?


i guess.

im trying to draw millie with floppy ears.

all the homo


>Because it's fun.

got some time before heading to bed.

im up for some pinups, anyone got a lady theyd like done?

Funny thing is that i thought you forgot about the request.
i should have known better

A Charlotte would be really nice

do you normally make such thicc girls?

This one plz

>A triggered user writes a wall of greentext about his delusions
It's not the first time it's happened

buff Garfielf


What a wonderful shitposting thread.

welcome to my mine, we are mining dianonds

>damage control

Vorefag sure is persistant tho.

Whats his end game here if he just drives all the drawfags away? its utterly retarded.

Half of it's true. Half of it's not

Requesting Samantha (1 Girl of a Cartoon short from Freaky Stories)

Nude (naked)



Alright user, Im a little retarded and not super in the ways of the animoo. is she from Charlotte, that kids get superpowers once they hit teens, or is her name just charlotte and is from something else? i only ask cause the google search didnt show an outfit like that

>admitting that

all of it is autistic and pathetic. Pick which half you want to own faggot lmao

Nice trace

to the nip puller guy, here ya go

I just want to see a random fictional character getting sucked into their own asshole


/r/ more cute art of these two, maybe Lemn comforting her slightly younger crybaby brother Leim.

oh my bad, she's Charlotte, character from Fire Emblem

Wow, good eye

he's playing the Sup Forums lottery machine, wagering hours of his life for the one true comic. He's lost about...2 months so far? Either way I hope he gets it.

He won't.

And thats even funnier.

fuck off pissrat

Fuck off

he's effectively thrown away about $2400 if you consider the opportunity cost of using that time to work a minimum wage job instead, even though he claims not to be able to work one

oh man is she lactating too? Quite the distance those udders can be pulled. Thanks a bunch!
Doing more with her?

Wheelchair bound autists can't work.

Here ya go :^)

My parents are richfags and working minimum wage jobs is for people without options.
Also, pro-tip: you need to be hireable to get a job. Incelboi's 100% unemployable and unironically uses pepe wagey memes. do the math.


>damage controlling the most vulnerable points
Hey vorefag what happened to the "I'm only doing this for fun" bit?

Just pointing out the inconsistencies so that he can write one that's more accurate :^)