What the fuck? Why did he do that?

What the fuck? Why did he do that?

He was horny.

Because Asuka is hot.

she has prime titties

Yeah, she was in a coma.
He could have ejaculated in her vagina without problems.

because he's fucked up

who else /fapstoAsukaeveryday/ here


Being a teenager drowning in crazy hormones on the brink of a mental breakdown (which happens in about two hours from this point) after being forced to experience things no 14-year old kidshould makes you do some silly stuff.

Wrong board retard.

Are you going to start spamming this everyday again?

>cumming into your hand

Shinji really was a fucking retard.

You have to go back

would you not?

Well OP?

>thinking OP is from Sup Forums
If he was from Sup Forums he would post on Sup Forums.

OP is a Sup Forumsedditor who is too scared to post on Sup Forums because he thinks they're "elitist."

Cause Shinji is a beta bitch

People are scared to post on Sup Forums because they're worried about getting brain damage.

Hello Sup Forumsedditor

People don't need to be from Sup Forums or reddit to realize that Sup Forums is shit.

But you're fine with a pedo board like Sup Forums??

I didn't say anything about Sup Forums.


>i've become meme lover 2 dawn of just

Why? If you are so interested in Sup Forums then you go there.