"I should invest in better sound equipment"

"I should invest in better sound equipment"

Other urls found in this thread:



I can't wait for Christ to come back

It sounds fine to me, wash your ears

Yes i win

>tfw Sup Forumstards aren't audiophiles

Like I even know what that means

"Lolis hate guns, would you please ban guns for me sempai?"

All fear the booty bandit

OP you motherfucker, you better come back and do my request or I'll do inexplicable things to your anus

yeah, we get it, you're desperate for a signal boost

I'm a cringey faggot who goes on the internet anonymously to get attention from my voice because that is the only beautiful thing about me





roll for this

roll for dubs



666 plz

"Vocaroo threads are one of the few good things Sup Forums has to offer"

close enuf, winrar, op deliver


>Lolis hate guns
Not all lolis user not all

Say "Rudy, you have to use the Chalk!"

roll cock

You know satan lies, Lolis love guns.
Some lolis are even in the form of guns!

Ok, now do this one
"Instead of doing vocaroo, I should learn a trade, there are plenty to choose from, electrician, plumber, HVAC tech, train conductor, etc. And the most important part, companies will train you free of cost! Maybe that way I can make a decent living. The more you know!

fuck dubs just say this it will be cool yeah im same fagging bitch


Rolling for this dude.

Roll for OPs sake



"user kun please go back to plebbit"

are you the girl from the ask a female anything thread?

its c.o. let me scientifically explain to you how PEEVED and PURTURBED i am


OP is female?


yes man ;>

Fuck. Wasted dubs. At least answer the question op

I never thought I'd be so happy with someone in 4 seconds


op deliver

Might as well kill yourself kiddo.


1/1 roll

Fucking dumb ass

is this a.g.?

last time i checked we werent on good terms

yo say "goofy nigga" as well or "tell em why you mad, goofy!" that would be nuts

roll this shit too

This shit would be awesome in a Loli voice. Do it OP

last roll iswear

A serious Loli voice

get dubs faggot

ok i lied 1 more

are you retarded? thats not the right post


fuck when i said 1 more i said it to the wrong guy

Rolling and got a script ready about sucking Daddy's big cock while you get finger fucked.


it wasnt for that faggot it was for goofy

enjoy a freebe

Those were my dubs faggot, deliver OP

give me a sec jesus

no you cock that shit is mine illl beat ur sass

Stop ignoring me and deliver op you faggot

bitch say "tell em why you mad goofy" he stole my dubs bro

That was pretty good. Any more dubz?

"H-H-VAC "
Kek you made my night, love you OP

You 2

I need money man

White is right, gas the kikes and lynch the niggers. 1488!

Re roll for this

goddamn bro

wtf op im being scammed

fucking retard

enjoy daddy

say goofy nigga ill see you in court with yo kmart shoes

Fucking retarded

Regardless of dubs, I need to gather more voices for my conquest to get this quote into every vocaroo or voice thread I can catch every few weeks or so, if not OP, Kermit voices are welcome

thats not the right recording moron


say “Chicks with dicks are lit”

shit, lemme get on this

roll cock

satan commands you

cock roll

Check these.

i wasted 10 mins goddamn just say the shit for goofy i need to sample that

shiiiiit roll

your voice is shit, no thanks


"Bryan, can i suck your dick please? Tollini and Daniel are faggots also Clara is a whore"

by any chance are you vr trapman? you sound exactly like him when he's making his loli voice. Identical!

please stop being mean to jews, muslims are much worse

ok, re roll

re roll

im good at spotting traps i think i see one right now