Be me

>be me
>be 17
>parents go away for the weekend (4 day weekend cause school is out)
>just me and sis
>wake up earlier than usual
>think she is still in her room
>go downstairs for grub because I need my bekfast
>hear giggles mixed with pants and dog tags jangling consistently.
>walk into living room cause it's connected to the kitchen.
>find her on the floor, bent over, with my dog plowing her like a spring field.
>she freezes and looks up at me, dog just gets that dog smile and wags his tail.
>180 and go back upstairs
How does one get over this?

is your sister hot?

Fuck her



Pics or it didn't happen.

second this


None of you are helpful. I love you for it, but also fuck you.

important question.

you got good dirt on her. use it to your advantage

>posting for help
>on nu/b/
What did you expect? Go to for real advice.

i want you to go into her room and show the dog whos boss


>>be me
>>be 17
enjoy your permanent b&

I agree

How many years does the sister have?

Someone give this fag a medal

my sides

Is this not the obvious solution to your problem?

Pretty much. You know your sister is into that kinky shit now.


this. you know she's into weird shit. your on Sup Forums.. put 2 and 2 together man.

how old is your sister

Pic of sis