Redcap shoots up a school

>redcap shoots up a school
>13 russians and 3 russian businesses get indicted in the interference investigation
>gates gets flipped and is going to testify against manafort and possibly trump

Holy hell you trumpies have had a bad week. Tired of all this winning yet?


It has reached the point where it's difficult trying to watch them justify and ignore all of it.

bigly SAD(!) week for the dumbest man on the planet.

The funny part is that his minions seem genuinely unaware that their involuntary expressions give them away.

yeah what's with the silence? they act like no Americans have been indicted.
>Flynn? What Flynn? Who's Manafort? Papadapolos?

The Greek was wearing a wire during the whole campaign, and Manafort was being tapped.

If trump did ANYTHING... Mueller knows. Many more American indictments are coming.

And then the Russians start funding the NRA? What's going on here?

Republicans may have sunk their own party and banned their own guns.


lord have mercy this bitch has the most hardcore resting bitch face ever to be born.

Before I write this I'll say I personally hate Trump and his borderline retarded policies, if it's fair to even call them that.

I'm a bit older and live in Chicago. I don't think they're going to nail Trump with anything. I watched the Ryan and Blagojevich scandals unfold, and it took them a good year to nail Blago despite his "I've got this thing and it's fucking golden" tapes, and this is around the same time frame for a much higher profile person who is hated far less than Blago.

If you're a republican and you're reading this a democratic governor scored a 0% approval rating in a Illinois prior to this. He was hated.

That being said I'm predicting Trump will lose like half of his staff to this but he's so goddamned stupid he probably doesn't even know what's happening or if he did anything.

>"OMG you libtards are so angry why are you so caught up in the fact that these volunteer coffee boys who never were even in the room with trump keep getting fucked for money laundering involving russians XDDD"

People tend to forget that this investigation isn't about Trump, it is about Russian interference. These people legitimately think that it's just some astronomical coincidence that all unsavory Russian activities during the campaign and election period ALL point to members of Trump's campaign who he hand picked and knew multiple if not all of before this all started. Their best case scenario is that Trump is so grossly incompetent that he never knew multiple of his hand-picked staff were getting involved in illegal activities that directly benefited his campaign.

To be fair look what she has to work with AND she's related to Mike Huckabee, that's punishment enough

The problem is that he's so stupid that it's a possibility.

thats fair, if mike huckabee was my dad and I worked for this administration my bitch face would already be under the earth from my own hand.

Pretty sure 95% of his original staff has been replaced through his presidency already. Its pretty much been a revolving door for everyone he hires save for Pence.

You don't think that Trump's committed obstruction?

"the coverup's always worse than the crime"

just do some unbiased research into the blatant obstructive acts trump's committed.


Let me rephrase. I think he did something, he's just so fucking dumb that he doesn't know it, so he'll get like community service or something.



Absolutely true. "trump's an idiot" is the most common statement made in the White House.

So from Carter Page, Trump Jr. to Gates, those guys could have all been working under trump's nose

I got the gist m8, and agreed ^5

>If you aren't one of trumps cock lovers, you're a libtard
Man, to only think there are only two perspectives must be amazing. I mean, if ignorance is bliss, that must be euphoric.

Trump is swimming in Russian debt. Russians want to take care f their boy

Two? Redhats are conditioned to only see one perspective user.

Oh sorry, I didn't realize you were one of the fucking retarded socialists

Trump's SO ANGRY that Russians have been indicted, he's forgotten about the mass shooting.
He's been twittering and tweetering away, he's massively angry.

I wonder if he's an Sperglord. It's so easy to set him off. Lebaron's the same, apparently.

Very sad.

You'd think drompft and the GOP would say "ok fuck Russia, sanctions!". but no... silence. utter silence. they seem to be in mourning?

No professor I've ever met has advocated for socialism. Where do you dig this stuff up?

I read that fire and fury book earlier, and from that I totally agree with you. I both think he benefited from Russian interference in the election and that he had nothing himself to do with it.

The people around him did, but even if they told him about it he wouldn't know what the fuck they were talking about nor would he even care. He didn't even think he was going to win, and initially when he found out he did he was losing his shit.

didn't everyone in the house and senate aside from 3 people vote to sanction Russia and then retard veto'ed it?

I'm actually a capitalist, how does me thinking trump, a fucking person, is a dipshit make me a fucking socialist? Like how do you even... I get it.

You're trying to get your 3 dollars a day aren't you ivan. Gotta put more logic into your responses or no plastic bottle vodka for you.

what evidence is there that the shooter was a trump supporter?

This has always been the biggest problem with having Trump become president. Yeah the policies suck dick, but that can be said about any corporate shill. The problem comes with the vindication of retarded ways of thinking. Hate that the "librul medias" is reporting facts you don't like? Well, the most powerful man in the world says you can just disregard it as fake and continue believing the things that don't hurt your feelings. This shit isn't just going to go away once he's out of office whenever that may be. We're gonna have to deal with this shit until the day all of these people die because they've had a single president telling them they're right as a reward for clapping for him when he asked them to.

I didn't read Fire and Fury. There is no need, since he publicly embarasses himself weekly now at this point and his wife clearly hates him. That's another thing that is difficult to watch, his wife swatting away his hand and being so cold to him all the time lol.

>if you disagree trump you're a socialist
the retarded cringe is real.

His IG has him in a redcap and his comment history is full of neeting about sand niggers

The incredible irony behind it is they spent all of this time shitting on having more than 2 genders and then when you throw something backed by math in their face they cry about it being elitist.

Like fuck I don't argue with physicists about things I don't understand like the interaction of sound waves with lasers or some shit. I don't get it, so I don't argue with them about it. They're not elitist.

yeah yeah, we know your easy way out of an argument

post the picture.

Also being anti muslim doesn't make you pro-trump.

>We're gonna have to deal with this shit until the day all of these people die
How does one expedite this? Like seriously, how do we socially engineer a campaign to rid the earth of these retards. Only jesus loving capitalists drink bleach?


Is redcap the new trendy /pol word for commie since they're too stupid to just call them "reds" or what am I missing here.

Well unlike the shooting, people will still be taking about this next week.


I mean, I know you're not a bot, I just think you're a shill. To think an actual american is dumb enough to think that if someone hates trump, they're a legit socialist, is beyond retarded. There is no way you're a real US citizen. That's almost totalitarian conditioning.

I don't get it

He doesn't give a shit about the people who got killed but he's insanely angry at black people taking a knee.

But apparently being anti-trump makes a socialist some fucking how. LOL. Damn people are fucking idiots.

Yes. All of trump's actions and rhetoric are pro-russia. The GOP, too.

Are you trying to say that non USA citizens could be in a thread like this trolling?

redcap = MAGA hat wearer = Trump supporter

it's a term for people who wear maga hats, trump supporters.

>To think an actual american is dumb enough to think that if someone hates trump, they're a legit socialist, is beyond retarded.
Oh man... You're going to be disappointed if you ever go to the flyover cancer states.

yeah but that wasn't me.

And some trump supporter being an idiot doesn't prove that the shooter was a trump supporter.

you're an idiot too.


Oh thank god, I thought you were really that fucking retarded user. Faith in humanity saved.

earlier today, trump said lack of gun control was the demos fault. when he a month ago he removed regulations for people dealing with mental health issues being able to purchase guns.

Yes. Republican donors are not donating anymore to republicans until guns are banned, so that's still a topic.
And the NRA took money from Russia, so that's also still a topic.

Mueller's not done yet, surely trump jr. at least will be indicted, I'm excited for that

Ohhh I like that thank you. I prefer "retard".

Trump needs to fire Mueller because the Russian Investigation is starting to keep Congress from doing its job.

>yeah but that wasn't me.
No shit I know that
>And some trump supporter being an idiot doesn't prove that the shooter was a trump supporter.
Never said shit about the shooter you dipshit cuck
>you're an idiot too.
By proving both sides have idiots? Lol, you're worse than an idiot then.

>Are you trying to say that non USA citizens could be in a thread like this trolling?

The best part about this is that it's a literal fact that Russian bots/troll accounts are a thing. Before it was just kinda memey speculation. Now, Russians have literally gotten into legal trouble for trying to defraud the US

I like how the people on welfare in trailers can own a 55K pickup truck but a black guy on welfare is harshly criticized for putting 10K into a 1991 Buick Regal they bought for 1000 dollars.

I'm not even a trump supporter

Now prove the shooter was a trump supporter.,,

Thanks you for hating Trump so much that these threads pop up every 5 minutes. It's almost like the people who start them get paid for it.

your kind will support trump and Russia vs. America.

you're the ultimate traitor. trumpanzees have no integrity and no intellect.

you're an enemy of the people.

Wait he said a lack of gun control was the democrats fault seriously? it's not some out of context bullshit?

>I'm not even a Trump supporter
then shut up

ok ruskie

The manufactured left wing propaganda on this board since 2017 simply tries too hard

50% of republicans are anti-trumpers, are they socialists too?

lemme find it quick.

>Russians have literally gotten into legal trouble for trying to defraud the US
For trying to sway public opinion on who to vote for in a presidential election. It's almost as if you could just turn off the computer and think for yourself. Fucking people are mindless sheep

No thank you for trolling people like me to get threads like this started because you hate libtards so much you'd rather watch the world burn in order to fuck them over.

Both sides can die of cancer user. Nice hypocrisy post tho with the counter shill. Just like a "muh culture is dying" conservacuck.

>"luls u libruls get paid to shill against trump XD"
>Russians just got indicted for being paid to shill for Trump and against Hillary on social media
>irony level approaching 10 million

your failure of a President makes it too easy

His entire social media presence was ultra-pro Trump and incredibly racist. This is an established fact with pictures and data backups. Jesus christ you cannot lie to yourself this hard.

>I read that fire and fury book earlier
Not a Trump supporter, but isn't that book bullshit? The author claimed to have been to the whitehouse and did interviews with Trump, but Trump says it's untrue. Of course, Trump is a liar, so it's likely that the author actually did


7 more years of whining

the /pol threads full of blonde women in bikinis with MAGA hats on totally wasn't russians we swear...

According to that retards post, all anti-trumpers are socialists lol

Trump's cock can't taste that good user

So if you hate both sides, why the fuck are you in a thread like this? Because you're still buttblasted about Bernie?

Fresh off the boat, from reddit, kid? heh I remember when I was just like you. Braindead. Lemme give you a tip so you can make it in this cyber sanctuary: never make jokes like that. You got no reputation here, you got no name, you got jackshit here. It's survival of the fittest and you ain't gonna survive long on Sup Forums by saying stupid jokes that your little hugbox cuntsucking reddit friends would upboat. None of that here. You don't upboat. You don't downboat. This ain't reddit, kid. This is Sup Forums. We have REAL intellectual discussion, something I don't think you're all that familiar with. You don't like it, you can hit the bricks on over to imgur, you daily show watching son of a bitch. I hope you don't tho. I hope you stay here and learn our ways. Things are different here, unlike any other place that the light of internet pop culture reaches. You can be anything here. Me ? heh, I'm a judge.. this place.... this place has a lot to offer... heh you'll see, kid . . . that is if you can handle it...

"why didn’t the Democrats pass gun control legislation when they had both the House & Senate during the Obama Administration"

obama did. trump removed it a month ago.

He's fat enough to probably have a recessed penis.


>Russians shilling for Hillary

stupid faggot


russian detected. we're going to fuck you up :)


One donor.

School shootings are like celebrity break ups. The people who care are really broken up about it for about ten days.

The NRA is who people blame when they aren't willing to face the fact that politically it would be impossible to repeal the second amendment.

I hole-hardedly agree, but allow me to play doubles advocate here for a moment. For all intensive purposes I think you are wrong. In an age where false morals are a diamond dozen, true virtues are a blessing in the skies. We often put our false morality on a petal stool like a bunch of pre-Madonnas, but you all seem to be taking something very valuable for granite. So I ask of you to mustard up all the strength you can because it is a doggy dog world out there. Although there is some merit to what you are saying it seems like you have a huge ship on your shoulder. In your argument you seem to throw everything in but the kids Nsync, and even though you are having a feel day with this I am here to bring you back into reality. I have a sick sense when it comes to these types of things. It is almost spooky, because I cannot turn a blonde eye to these glaring flaws in your rhetoric. I have zero taller ants when it comes to people spouting out hate in the name of moral righteousness. You just need to remember what comes around is all around, and when supply and command fails you will be the first to go. Make my words, when you get down to brass stacks it doesn't take rocket appliances to get two birds stoned at once. It's clear who makes the pants in this relationship, and sometimes you just have to swallow your prize and accept the facts. You might have to come to this conclusion through denial and error but I swear on my mother's mating name that when you put the petal to the medal you will pass with flying carpets like it’s a peach of cake.


>So if you hate both sides, why the fuck are you in a thread like this? Because you're still buttblasted about Bernie?
No, because I want you to divide more so you can kill yourselves. That way the rest of us who are logical and not emotionally bitch made can progress into a strong species. You both regress the fuck out of us user, now do the species a favor and kill a libtard.

If you don't all your traditions and family values will die off with your culture to liberal change, you don't want that do you cuck?

smells like teen spirit . . .

Are White Hispanics somehting that only exist in Florida?

That you people think he's white is freaking Trayvon was on the top screaming for help as he beat the shit out of Zimmerman fiction.


>russian detected
You couldn't be more retarded.

and the ugly people losers smell worse then dog shit and is everywhere like in school and is short and ugly and try to act cool and dont care about being ugly cause there not the best and just watch people and get angry and try to read people ugly way like my short ugly loser father and ugly people losers that smell and try too hard to cheat ugly way and is short and ugly and short and lame and outnumber everybody and people and cheat like a ugly litt le bitch and has no friends and is ugly and watches people ugly way every body eveyrodabodyd sdingrl cdayf and is ugly little bithch and hurt people ugly way when watch people ugly way and try to hurt people ugly way and beb ebter then people ugly way and hold on to people ugly way so they dont look ugly and make you misrrbnle and vthat is why there shit and ugly and god knwwos and iam miserble and thery poop and short and cant do anything and hurt people ugly way and cheat ugly way cause cant do anything and even a short gay poop cant be better then the best people if can cheat the ugly way like ugly people and god knows and thats iw hy the people shit look like a short ugly pile of poop and hes dying of cacner and none of the people miss him cause hes a pizz of poop that hurt people ugly way and try to be better then people ugly way

I actually like it. It's so bad and tries so hard that it can't be taken seriously. I really hope the left can pull a platform together that isn't screeching for 2020
