She so gross lol

she so gross lol

I have an aunt who kinda looks like her, haven't seen her in awhile

Show me someone who's hot without eyebrows



and now a girl

Looks just as weird.

are there any real pictures of a beardless george lucas?

Not sexy ayy lmao though, It's not fair.

can someoen post her pusy upskirt?

Thank you for the new fetish OP

why the fuck do we have eyebrows

to keep sweat out of our eyes


and in todays lesson, Sup Forums discovers that eye brows are critical.

We've met before, haven't we?


I know. I raged when it came out that she was cast as Catwoman but you retards white knighted her goofy clowny giant face (and skellie body).


Not any recent ones I don't think


do arabs seriously think this is funny lmao?


looks like someone held up a mirror in the middle of her face





God damn it fuck this clown for giving Disney the reigns. He should've manned up and made his own sequels. He should've started taking testosterone maybe then he would've took charge and have saved the franchise.


Yeah, because 2/3rds of the Lucas Star Wars movies weren't dogshit. Get a clue, you dweeb.

i don't think the real problem is the lack of brows as the lack of talent of the guy doing the photoshop: you can't just content-aware-fill the whole area without considering the facial structure.

>if you hate TFA you must like the prequels!
Nope. Even then I'd rather seen what he would've done than get a remake of ANH that pisses all over the galaxy and longtime SW fans. Stupid bitch. Whether he sold it to Disney, Sony or whoever they would've made a soulless reboot that pisses all over my face. George Lucas was the only man with enough pull to do something daring. "Dweeb" Jesus get a sack, girl.

damn she's even weirder looking without her big ass eyebrows

reins you homeschooled piece of shit

they look okay


jesus christ stop

>Arab memes

I'm too scared to click it

Whoopi Goldberg.

What a forward, young man you are.

>she's biting her tongue