You have 10 seconds to name a horror movie scarier than this

You have 10 seconds to name a horror movie scarier than this.


Its a good movie but its not scary

What would you classify as scary then?

The first [Rec].

The Shining


The Exorcist III

I like to think of The Shining as the best horror movie ever, but The Exorcist as the scariest horror movie ever.

The Shining
The Ring
The Descent

Exorcist is only scary to people that believe in God. honestly ive never found the film to be scary, though i have found it to be a well made film.

if it works for you thats great, but to modern audiences its incredibly tame. A girl spouting "your mother sucks cocks in hell" to a pastor does nothing but make me laugh a hearty laugh.

>The Descent

I'm gonna have to agree here.

>The Shining
>The Ring
If you're talking the original Japanese version, then sure, that's up there. The American version sucked.
>The Descent
Haha, no.


Tame my ass. Exorcist was so much more unsettling in its themes and presentation then any modern horror movie that relies on cheap jumpscares. And that line in particular isn't supposed to scare you so much as it's supposed to unsettle and disturb you. If that line made you laugh after hearing how Karras was so depressed over his mother dying prior to the events of the movie, then that just means you lack basic human empathy.

What the fuck am I watching?


horror is the second worst genre, only beaten out by rom-coms.

Not scary, just extremely tense. Great movie, though.

The genre itself isn't bad so much as its execution by Hollywood lately.

sorry but ghost/demon possession films do nothing for me. and yes i laugh every time i watch the film. pissing scene, anytime the demon tries to insult the preists, and especially when he grabs the guy and forces his face into her bloody crotch. that scene is classic comedy.

The Texas chainsaw massacre

I found it to be the opposite. Watched with an athiest friend, and he ws scared to death. I'm Christian, and I know God loves me, so I had no reason to fear. Great movie though.

I didn't like it. I didn't find it scary at all. I might try and rewatch it but years ago I thought it was pretty fucking gay. I'm sure it's an alright movie it just wasn't scary.

The American Ring was far better.

Ju-On: The Grudge

I don't know if it's scary or not, but I like the Thing as much as I like the Exorcist, which is quite a lot.

>it's another episode of Sup Forums arguing about what is scary and what isn't as if like every got scared by the same fucking thing

the tension and suspension is what make it so great
that's why i enjoy rear window so much


The Thing is just an incredibly well done horror movie whose practical effects hold up incredibly well.