It's an "Alex starts crying live on air after praying to Jesus Christ to protect America's people from the occultist...

>It's an "Alex starts crying live on air after praying to Jesus Christ to protect America's people from the occultist pedophiles JFK warned us about during the Emergency Broadcast" episode.

Other urls found in this thread:

I don't want Crooked Hillary to be the first f president of the united states" Sorry, I meant to say "female" but the "emale" got deleted.

Too bad he's a protestant heretic so his prayer is invalid.

>It's a Hillary's head of staff is literally fucking kids episode

i would imagine watching this would be like forcing your head down an unflushed toilet at a frat house. why would you do that?

when those turds happen to be the untold truth of this republic, that toilet is completely worth submerging your head in

Does anyone have the clip of Alex ripping his shirt off and running out of the studio?

>its a make up a wild theory that only makes sense if you only leave your house to buy food from the same market for 20 years and have only talked to 10 people in your entire life episode

>it's a "everything is right there in the Wikileaks but it's more fun to laugh at Alex Jones and pretend Bill Clinton isn't a pedophile rapist" episode

Why does Podesta have those finger scars.

to learn to pick himself up

kek, that isn't bad

I see this joke posted my middle aged people on facebook every time I visit that shithole

> implying god cares what kind of Christian you are


Because seeing a grown man repeatedly throwing temper tantrums that would embarrass most pre-schoolers will never not be funny.


Scroll down, holy fuck these people are lunatics.


>It's a thousands of years ago there was a basic form of chivalry. Our ancestors would hear the drums of war giving the warriors of the tribe a chance to organise and prepare for attack episode.

>murdering vampire pig demon

how would alex jones do in the presidential race? If Trump wins and the whole american political spectrum get shifted to the right where Trump is seen as neutral in 2020 wouldn't there be a legit chance for peeps like jones

>trump supporters are so desperate now that they are literally unironically claiming Hillary is a witch who communicates with ghosts and Satan

there's a legit chance for alex jones right now, he'd probably do better than trump

>yfw the reason Alex Jones has fostered this mad man image is because he knows about meme magic

Only the most pure form of love can defeat the hordes of satan. We are all of us apostles under the great meme lord Kek, bless his name.

The whole thing has become a farce, so I'd assume he would have just as much of a chance as anybody.

What ever happened to THE NEW WORLD ORDER? Has it been replaced by the globalists?

NWO is conspiratorial, globalism and it's actors are for some a real threat

If anyone close to Trump took part in secretive Wiccan blood and cum ceremonies there'd be fucking outrage.

Alex Jones is a racist sexist whackjob, you shouldn't listen to him because he is crazy. Now please excuse me as I go get my facts from the well-mannered and distinguished John Oliver.

That's what's so funny about Alex Jones. For years he's been talking about the all encompassing NWO. All of a sudden a humble billionaire is able to bring them down?
It's interesting how he's toned down his conspiracy stuff. Just shows he's all about the money.

Who would be the democratic equivalent of Trump? Talking personality and history-wise

>an actually meaningful post about Christianity on Sup Forums

I´m impressed

jfk or bill clinton?

>Not liking a literal snake oil salesman means you have to like sjw shitpots

Fuck off, and go drink your brain force.

Alex Jones is a god tier comedian.

none yet, maybe at the senator or congressional level there's been some quacks but trump is the first of his kind to rise to candidacy

wut? they were both well-established politicians.

he cried for our sins

Has there been anyone like him on either side really?

>Alex Jones believes in Jesus
Is this guy crazy? I thought he was a reasonable individual.

>tfw all of Alex Jones's retarded conspiracy shit is coming true this year

This timeline is a disaster. Can we switch?

No, not historically but who would be a famous person stepping in to a role as the democratic nomination and changes the whole game

You sound like a satanic globalist. Have you sacrificed any babies lately?

I thought you meant personality wise

I don´t think there has ever been an underside candidate from the democrats

the parties usually crush undersides since they don´t have to do favors



Umm Trump is going to trial where he stands accused of molesting a child later this month but no one cares

In fact Trump has gotten away with lots of stuff that would have immediately sunk any normal candidate's campaign

Bill Maher.

so many fucking GLOBALIST SHILLS ITT

the fight against satan begins at your hairline

so is it coke, crack, meth, amphetamine, or methylphenidate?

>Umm Trump is going to trial where he stands accused of molesting a child later this month but no one cares

Case was dropped.

didn't alex jones make fun of glenn beck for crying?

Love you guys

Alex has an incredible work ethic

whoa dude, chill out man. it's 2016

discredits himself by crying over stupid shit

hillary calls herself a christian. this is just one christian calling another christian "a satanist" because he disagrees with her

Which one?

Damn. Why didn't he tell Roger Stone before he invested in hair plugs?

there really isn't any equivalent. i don't know what it is about conservatism that lends to totally fruit-tier loony talk show hosts that doesn't have an equal on the liberal side but it does seem to be a uniquely conservative thing

Methodists do some weird shit though man

The one I quoted.

The Holy Spirit ™

>Man is disturbed by pedophiles who are into occult bullshit

Wow what a fucking weirdo. Remember to vote Hillary because Trump supporters are creepy virgins.

and Jesus loves you

>In fact Trump has gotten away with lots of stuff that would have immediately sunk any normal candidate's campaign
He's a star. They let you do it if you're a star so it's okay.

Guys why is globalism bad

>yfw Alex Jones was right all along


because the money mostly goes to the top, not the people who need it. Globalists is a alt-right buzzword but the left's criticism on bankers and elites are basically the same idea

>Why is the entire world being ruled by one entity a bad thing

subordinate of lucifer BEGONE THIS INSTANT

Democrats had plenty of equivalents.

Huey Long.

George McGovern (who lost in an all time landslide).

Bernie was a half step away this year.

There will be one in the future.

Pls be Kanye.

globalism is about consolidating as much business as possible to require the least amount of workers and labor as possible. globalism is inherently about the undermining of the worker from blue collar to high paid STEM jobs

none. It's an untreated manic-depressive disorver.

plus they want nothing more than for humanity to forget about it's roots. They want you to become a pile of sludge that has no identity outside of the present moment.
And even more insidious is their ability to dress it up as "we should all love each other and sing kumbahah" you think they believe that bullshit?

It's an inevitability, user. We should be focusing our efforts on how that entity is constructed

>Alt-Right buzzword

It was a buzzword long before the Alt-Right buzzword existed and looooooong before the right decided to poach it.

that ad the end sounds like he's talking to his audience as if they are children

"my paul reveres"

his audience probably has the intelligence of children

isn't that just capitalism? income inequality was complained about before 100 years ago.

>mfw I always laughed about Alex Jones ranting about satanic globalist pedophiles but the FBI releases and Wikileaks confirm it's all true

>It's an inevitability

no. it really isn't.

yes because tensions based on ethnicity or nationality are ... important? to...?

I think you are on to something

even a stopped clock is right twice a day

she's a sociopath

im voting Trump

>they both have a receding hairline

I feel like all of the right wing conspiracies are, at their core, started by men who are balding, overweight, or impotent and looking to blame someone.

blame the tensions on the white man. Hammer it into his head that only he is to blame and a cuck is born. One that cares not for his country or origins and what they stand for, but is only ridden with guilt and a sordid nature who will bend over backwards at any command.

in the sense that pure capitalism is inherently inhumane and anti-social, yes

what did he mean by this?


Satanic pedophilic globalists is a bit specific and outlandish to just write it off as a broken clock

I agree that it manifests itself as currently exploitative of places where unequal workers rights are on place, but international business and organisation is not something that can be stopped. Any energy we have should be focused on raising global standards of living to de-incentivize that exploration

In the end, "the worker"is an outdated concept and as the robotics and automation revolution continues to spread towards every facet of the manufacturing world, while new systems will need to be put in place to support humanity otherwise we'll be left with entire nations that look like fucking Detroit. Well, more of them anyways

That's a problem of global proportions

really makes you think

because having access to an almost unlimited workforce pool only leads to extremely low payed jobs since there is always going to be some guy in a third world country that does your job for even less money

it basically allows the rich getting even richer on the backs of the middle class.

it also allows big companies to make an absolute killing with sales in one country without having to pay any taxes what so ever

>proponents of globalism are centered in Western Europe and the U.S.

>Globalism picked up momentum 25 years ago when West Europe and the U.S. controlled 75% of the global GDP

>They now control 40%

Hope you're learning Mandarin user.

so republicans have decided they hate neoliberalism now? When did that happen?

You can say what you want about the guy

But he cares about his country


any state that embraces global trade will outperform and eventually through direct or indirect means, take over those that abstain. Globalism isn't a conspiracy, its just something that makes a lot of money. A one world government that works in the interest of the people is the only path to put a stop to things like tax havens, and off shore accounts. If you try to seal yourself off from the world, you're only going to lose out on all corporate tax revenue instead of most of it.

is your reality really a collection of conspiracy theories? Why? Why dont you go get an education or something instead so you can learn critical thinking skills?