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Awful season leaks confirmed edition

Previous watchersonthewall.com/game-thrones-chaos-seville-plus-major-italica-spoilers/

>And what was such an incredibly broad group of characters doing together in one location-both Dany’s crew and Cersei’s gang? We have confirmed that the filmed scene involves characters bringing a wight into the Dragonpit as proof of the White Walker threat.

Archive of Awayforthelads comments:

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Azor Aegon

>naming two sons Aegon
Jesus Christ D&D.

>You're assigned the duty of taking care of Arya by Yoren. What do?

I make sure to wash her body nicely. Every single part. With my tongue for the harder to reach spots.

After that I don't know, how do you take care of a girl? We play go fetch or something I guess.

The one true king

Bran is my favorite character.


Goody I can't wait to pretend it's the best season ever just like I do every year with my friends. Sometimes I wonder if we're all pretending.

Enjoying things is normal, at least a thousand times more normal than the neckbeards here.

>watching a show just so you can cry on a forum each year about how "it's the worst season yet" and spam "poor writing" and "poor acting" because you're not intelligent enough to even fake a real criticism in support of your asshurt bitterness

>Sometimes I wonder if we're all pretending.
You can stop sucking each others dicks as well. All pretends there too.

I'm just waiting for this show to end. I don't care about it anymore, but I've invested way too much energy and time into it to just drop it before Season 7. The first 3 seasons were excellent, 4 was very good, but 5 and 6 were noticeably worse, matter fact they were awful, they looked like D&D made them by reading from the same manual that produces all those dumb capeshit and stupid summer blockbusters.

Can someone sum up all these leaks for me?

Does Lena Headey make a conscious effort to furrow her eyebrows 24/7? Or is her face just stuck that way?

Have you forgotten me /got/?

Back to where you came from, Jewie McJewtits.

>remembering Ted Cruz

So its basically confirmed that this season will redeem Got forever, right?

Its like Shakespeare found GRRM scribble and made solid gold out of it.

It's called resting bitch-face. Google it.

>reminder that Kit and Emilia are confirmed to be banging on set
>based redhead is getting publicly cucked for the normies to see
>Season 7 will be "the best yet"

Black Sails still wont get an acting or writing nomination despite being vastly better in both catagories than the shit this show produces


Starks are literally autistic

The leaker implied there's more flashbacks to the Tower of Joy next season. Why would we need to go back there again?

it might come off as a surprise to you, but D&D have absolutely no clue how the fuck to write a story/scenes that make sense.

All they're gonna do for the rest of the show is "The fans liked this character/this scene so we'll do more of that".

That, or they (rightfully) assume all showfags are fucking retarded and half of them missed the whole thing and need more exposition, so they'll show Eddard coming out of the tower with the baby and tell HR : We have to pretend this is my bastard. I'll name him Jon, even tho he's truly a Targaryen. The rightful king. Sharing the rule with the other Targaryen still alive, Daenerys. (don't expect D&D to think about Viserys, Aerys, etc.. ).

dumbass obviously the prince that was promised would be named aegon after aegon the conqueror whom they view the ptwp as his reincarnation

>That, or they (rightfully) assume all showfags are fucking retarded

But Rhaegars first born and heir was called Aegon you tard.

Why would he name two of his children Aegon while they are both still alive hmm?

>And who?
>Are you?


I legitimately enjoyed Seasons 1-4 but, you have to be kidding yourself or an absolute pleb who only cares about actions scenes to think S5-6 are good (there is maybe 5 episodes total I enjoyed out of both of those and the battles are impressive for a tv show).

>Lyanna, is that Jon Snow as a baby?
>Why, yes, Ned, it sure is. And his father is Rhaegar Targaryen, who was slayed by Robert Baratheon.
>Robert? The king who was killed back in season 1?
>Yes, Ned, the king who was killed in season 1
>*both look at camera and wink*

Then why don't you drop the show? Do you not value your time?

Droping this shit fuck grrm for shilling for hillary

Invested too much time into it, plus an hour every Sunday when nothing is on isn't really a waste of time. Plus it's the only way I will know how the books end because the fat piece of shit is never finishing them.

aegon died. the person currently posing as aegon is the last blackfyre. A cadet branch of targaryens with the same sigil just with inverted colours.

The three eyed raven killed them off but by the story of the black dragon inn we know one of them survived.

The inn keep took down the hanging dragon from the inn due to it's colour representing house blackfyre so he smashed it to pieces and threw the fragments into the lake.

One of the black fragments rusted red and washed back on the shore.

This story is basically a telling of a blackfyre who survived and through his blood line and poses now as a targaryen.

Tyrion also notes that he is doubtful aegon is the real aegon.

Aegon is the son of illyrio mopatis and varys and himself ( varys a descendant of aerion brightflame who was exiled ) are working together to put faegon onto the throne.

The real Aegon is dead.

I honestly expected something like that from season 6, I was surprised by their restraint.

>Robert? The king who was killed back in season 1?

>Brienne enters the ToJ for no logical reason whatsoever
>Wasn't he the brother of the guy I decapitated? Stanley or something?

I've asked myself the same question many times but at this stage I'm just really curious to see how they will finish the story, even if it is an absolute trainwreck. Also out of some sort of wicked joy I find in getting angry

>Do you not value your time?
I know right, 10 weeks a year I lose 1 hour of training for the major leagues, or 1 hour of hardcore sex with supermodels. I prob should drop it.

Seriously, it's 10 hours a year, not like most of /got/ have a very busy life.
As for me, well... I like /got/ (because I'm part masochist and part autistic) and if I don't watch the show I'll hear every single fucking thing about it anyway.

10 hours a year isn't much an investment to avoid dropping out of a thousand conversations because you don't follow anymore. Plus, there are some quality scenes.
They are less and less as the seasons come (was like 90% in S1, 50-75% in S2-4, 10-25% in S5-6, and I assume it'll be close to 0% in S7-8), but it's still something.

And that has what to do with Jon..? Aegon died after Rhaegar did.

it has nothing to do with Jon. giving two brothers the same name does not make any sense.

in the books, there a few instances suggests that Jon's real name is Aemon.
and there were lot of targaryen brothers having Aegon-Aemon naming scheme. closest example is Maester Aemon and his younger brother, Rhaegar's Grandfather, King Aegon V.

correction, great grandfather.

Reminder the Jow Joans of The Joans Brothers fame is now tapping that asshole on the reg

because more northern fucking shits need to die


I sense great butthurt

Where is your god now denialfags?

Based Qyburn will save the scene

How nice of everyone to lean forward, to the side, or bend their knees to make Kit feel normal.

Could someone sum up the awful leaks to someone who's been out of the loop since last season?

who is that guy on the right? DARKSTAR?

>Do you not value your time?
Not really to be fair.

I like Pilou even though D&D butchered Euron

Lads. Who am I impersonating?
>Muh Dorne
>Muh Bloodraven

Disappointed bookfriends.

Qhono aka White pussy hair

Just read


I love how people though that set photos would resurrect /got/
what these people didn't predict is that some guy would literally spoil the entire season plotline so that we wouldn't even have the chance to figure out the storyline

It's just fucking hilarious. and the show is coming back later than usual.

>Uses a 'face' to disguise herself as Walder Frey and holds a banquet for all of his family. She excuses the women and then proposes a toast. The toast is poisoned, every last Frey son dies.
Guess all the Freys are going to be adults.

>all the Freys are going to be evil white men
fixed, before the killing we're gonna have the scene with all the freys raping innocent women

Apparently the fresh faced baby Freys and Knight Freys were involved in the planning but not a single woman was. Tbh, even if he's a bit of a lecher, I don't think I ever heard Walder refuse to listen to someone just for being a woman. He treats Cat the same as any man.

I'm talking about how we had to see the scene with meryn trant being a pedophile so that arya killing would be justified. It doesn't matter that arya had reasons to kill him, dumb viewers don't remember something that happened seasons ago.

the same will happen with the freys.

Offseason /got/ is now kill.

Normies will know everything months early

And awayforthelads probably got his "friend of a friend who writes for the show" fired and blackballed

We all lost

we didn't lost, at least I didn't. I don't get why it's so bad to know all the bad spoilers. we're going through stages of grief early and that's a good thing


if you're gonna boycott all media of which the creator supported hillary you're left watching reruns of charles in charge

>. I don't get why it's so bad to know all the bad spoilers.

We have nothing to speculate on anymore or make theories about and discuss. We know everything and we know the answers already, far, far, far too early.

Without thd leaks, we'd be reposting pictures from the set all the time giving our take of what's happening, wondering how certain characters got to where they are and what happened or is happening with the others. We can't now

well I would rather find out about the apocalypse a year earlier than a day before. helps me prepare for the impact

>mfw reading all of this

haven't read all the spoilers
is anything important happening with my fave hound?

I'd rather find out a month or two before, /got/ is gonna be dead for months now, half the posts will be people posting shit that again confirms the leaks and the other half people reacting to confirmation, with the occasional waifu or BOAT SEX post

No. He's just kind of wondering around, being a jonfag. He meets up with the Mountain, but don't bother getting hyped.

Friendly reminder that snowfu is the best fu.

Literally nothing.

He doesn't want to pass by Winterfell because Brienne is there, somehow doesn't care that Sansa is there, doesn't think of allying with the North against the Walkers. He heads to Eastwatch, gets locked up by Tormund, helps Jon hunt a wight, flies off on the back if a dragon. Gets back to King's Landing with Jon and Dany, chops up the wight in front if Cersei to show it's not human and can't be killed. Doesn't even react to Gregor being there.

>somehow doesn't care that Sansa is there

Why would he give a shit that s*nsa is there?

what the fuck
why even bother

Cause he cared enough to want to escape King's Landing with her and last he saw she was a prisoner still. And she's the closest thing besides Arya maybe he can call a """""friendly""""" face

Fan service

>And she's the closest thing besides Arya maybe he can call a """""friendly""""" face

Not really, Hound has a blond drinking buddy. Also, he probably just wanted s*nsa for ransom like Arya. I don't see any reason why he should give a shit about some naive, self absorbed little girl.

Are you really that stupid?

Give me a fucking reason instead of attacking like a stupid person.

Read the fucking books nigger.

>. I don't see any reason why he should give a shit about some naive, self absorbed little girl.

You can't deny he cares for her in some way. He agrees with her to get Dontos spared, gives her good advice so she won't get beaten and n the books tells her how he got his burn even though that's pretty personal

>reading books
What you think i'm a fucking europoor or something?

I want to see Emilia Clarke get her pussy split open by a huge BBC

lol nice argument

Even with all of that I don't see why he'd want to see her again. He was forced to interact with her so he was nice and made sure she wasn't causing too much trouble.

She'll settle for Kit's BIG, FAT, COCK

>so he was nice and made sure she wasn't causing too much trouble.

Well he didn't have to be nice in those ways. Could've let Dontos die, could've let her learn her own lesson, didn't have to tell her anything about himself.

At least in the show the Hound didn't tell her about herself, Littledick did

Also Tormund confirmed Jon is a dicklet

>Also Tormund confirmed Jon is a dicklet

Tormund's got a HUGE member, so he has a bad reference for dick size.

>jonautist still around

Bran will probably show Jon and Dany so they can avoid the historical solution to a rival claim to the crown.

>one killing the other

He will show them, they decide to do the right thing and fight together to save the world


For the millionth time, that is not how greenseeing fucking works you Jontard idiot showfags

Ground is clear Mr. Satan

Dany should eat some humble pie, bend the knee and accept Jon as Head of House Targaryen.

Jon would normally be willing to bend the knee to her to prevent any trouble, but she's not fit to breed so she needs him more on a personal basis than he does

Let us mark 2016 as the year Maisie surpassed Sophie.

So awayforthelads had a friend who worked with the writers and got his own scripts, what was the leaker here?

Judging by how he only knew big action scenes filled with CGI, didn't know why "we" in his wmy rds got Bran arriving at the Wall scene, and confused Summer with a wight polar bear, i'd say he works in storyboarding for digital effects department. Something small enough that he doesn't get directly told everything about them, but that he does get to see them. Maybe an assistant, intern, mail or lunch guy

So shut the fuck up then.

Modern day Isaac Hempstead Wright

Won't lead, won't breed - D&D


Yeah, and I wanna see how it ends. Who the fuck invests at least 50 hours into a television show and then end up dropping it?

The fact that it's so shitty gives more reason for people like me to watch it; its so bad its funny.

Doesn't matter, Sophie is off the market now anyway.

>pilou asbek irl acts more euron than in the show
that's ad