Where's the movie series, Jim? Why did you only let them make a shitty failed syfy series, Jim?

Where's the movie series, Jim? Why did you only let them make a shitty failed syfy series, Jim?

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His ex-wife is keeping him from writing Peace Talks too

That cunt.

She was his highschool sweetheart until the envy blackened her soul. Her shiity romance books don't sell like Jim's series.

What's she doing to keep him from working on it?

Fucking with their kids, trying to fuck his friends, disputing alimony and shit.

Sucks to hear about his troubles, hope he comes out of it alright.

Why does everyone hate the series? I thought it was decent and had potential

fuck you

thanks for explaining

Dresden Files is like the middle-man between pure children series like HP and adult fiction

in the context of an evolving reader and his tastes consider it the teenage years

Continuing the analogy, everyone who has ever been a teenager looks back on that phase and goes "wow teenage me was a complete fucking retard" and goes full contrarian about their own experiences.

So since the majority of people on Sup Forums are in that not-teenage but still young adult demographic what you're seeing is the unfiltered opinions of the kind of people primed to really not like Dresden Files as a form of hipsterism trying to redeem their own perceived failures as a teenage edgelord.

I meant the TV show, not the books. But yeah, I get what you mean

Fuck a movie series it just needs to be a cartoon


Everyone hates the tv show because it wasn't the books, it's as simple as that really.

That shit sucks ass.

no it just kinda sucked, mostly because of budget issues, that's why it needs to be animated they could do things properly, bring back the actors as character voices, bob was good

That's what I figured

I liked the show because I went in with an open mind and not expecting a faithful adaptation, which would be foolish. Also I'm a fan of DS9 and knowing that many of the same producers and writers were involved predisposed me to enjoying it

Even so you made a worthwhile post. People like to shit on anything related to their YA days as if they've "grown out of it."

I read the first book about a year ago, I could barely make it to the end. It just comes off like it's written by a 14 year old

I always read Bob as Simon Pegg. Dresden was always young Harrison Ford from empire strikes back.

This would explain why Dresden became less of a white knight faggot in the last several books.

His ex-wife is just buttmad that he killed her expy in the book (slit her throat at the end of book 12).

Awesome part, though

meh bobs way too smart horny and laid back for pegg he's more like nick frost imo

>nick frost
Cannot un-hear now.

>still no high quality Discworld movies either

Going Postal was really good except for that scene they used to replace killing the Banshee. More books need movie adaptions, there's a huge well of 100% adaptable books that will never be touched.

Dresden Files would be great as something like an hour-long-episode TV series similar to the stuff Netflix and HBO have been shitting out lately.

Neuromancer would make a great masterpiece of cinema as well.

same I should never have said it

Going postal was decent, it's back to budget issues, last time I'll post it ITT but all these need to be animated, not anime, proper high quality cartoons

It actually did very well despite its budget, the previously said scene was the only part I think which showed poor quality.
They handled a lot of the problems a low budget brings expertly in my opinion. It helped that they got good actors as well.

Also there were animated Discworld movies and they were utter shit, nearly CD-i tier.
It couldn't be live action to truly capture the emotion of the series though, it'd have to be high-end CGI in a style approaching something like How to Train Your Dragon : a little exaggerated in shapes but not overly cartoony.

It won't happen though, I doubt Prachett's daughter will let the series go anywhere but down.

Yea I know, it's happened a few times
Dragonlance was utter shit too

But good ones like dantes inferno exist too so it could be done these days with the right studio

I haven't read any of hers not sure I want to, or even if theirs any out, can't imagfine they'd be anything like prachett

They're not great, also she's a full blown SJW feminist who supports Anita Sarkeesian.

Pratchett died in a horrible awful way no human deserves and we're left with this female version of Brianna Wu.

The first three books are completely different from the rest of the series.

Try again, but start at the fourth book

Butcher admits his first few books were pretty bad. They get a lot better as they go on.

Ok then raising steam is the end of the story good to know

Actually his postmortem book got released

Haven't read it because Raising Steam was so shitty and his Alzheimer's was starting to show through it. Making Money was his last good book in my opinion.

can't remember the order of books right now, I just always prefered Watch and Vetinari stories and the stand alones I might check out his last one then didn't know it existed

The Dresden Files books aren't very good and Jim Butcher isn't a very good writer. I do have to give him credit for creating an interesting urban fantasy setting, but he's not talented enough to do anything interesting with it.