Wtf is wrong with woman skin

wtf is wrong with woman skin

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They put chemicals on it every day, then more chemicals to get the chemicals off again

Explain the question. But I'll have a guess and say wearing makeup all the time isn't good for your skin

average mens skin in comparison

wew wat a HOT

Depending on the time of day it is either covered in makeup, cum or wrinkles.

she is beautiful.

like tina fey who is beautiful but still wears make up and then whine about oppression of women

Skin is determined through the X chromosome, and because each cell in the female body has two Xs it chooses one at random, leading to blotchy results

this desu, most women look like they've had an acid wash on their face which they've then tried to cover up with progressively more make up the worse it gets.

Probably the stress of being a female in the entertainment industry

Check out this maximum privileged piece of poop enjoying his blemish free life

I have acne scars all over my face and even fucked up a chemical peal with TCA. A dermatologist prescribed make up + a 1h training by a nurse. The result is very good. I am total Chad with make up, but alone I fail to apply makeup, it is very visible that I wear it and it is ugly.

i would love to have my ears surgically attached to her thighs!!

all those little spots are actually not a big deal without makeup but women think they are so they cover them up like that and then look all bumpy and weird

Hormones bruv

hardcore insecurity

Star searing flames of absolution!

Hahahahahahaha faggot

>Skin is determined through the X chromosome
Sounds like bullshit

>put chemicals on your skin
>they damage it
>cover up the damage with even more chemicals instead of taking care of your skin

Truly a foolproof plan.



dumb as fuck bitches just following their peers, and what the see in the media instead of thinking independently

Hilary looking good

This is why midwest girls are best girls, they only put on makeup when they need to, or only put on the bare minimum. So many girls here have absolutely beautiful skin that hasn't been destroyed by chems and tanning.

Keep telling yourself that, you flyover state mouthbreather. Keep on using wrong and outdated stereotypes to justify your shithole welfare state.

>its a another dermatology thread

Her foot game tho.

these are closed comedones. relatively easy to fix, simple chemical exfoliant such as red box stridex would fix this up in a couple of weeks

effay skincare we outchea

please link

they dont let their bad skin expose to the sun to heal because its layered in makeup

who is this though, she's beautiful

I dont get it

I never used to like feet but even I enjoy this footgame