Who's your favourite movie villain?

Who's your favourite movie villain?
For me?
It's Immortal Joe.


>Immortal Joe

I still like LORD HUMUNGUS more. There is just way too many layers in him to not like.

tfw Humungus was originally supposed to be Jim Goose mutated by radiation which is why his whole crew uses police gear and he has had a police issue revolver and why he's portrayed as a dark foil to Max

It's spelled Immortus Joe you fucking penguin.

I actually quite like the Toe Cutter. As awesome as it was that it was the same actor in Fury Road he didn't get to do as much face acting.

A hard choice. Joe had more lines but Humungus had arguably better lines.

the clown

>named Immortal Joe
>dies at the end


Freddie Coogar.

The It

Jack The Ripper

Humungus what?

That doesn't make sense dumb frog poster. Names in Fury Road are based on Rome.


Abraham Lincoln of Spielberg's Lincoln. A manlier Hillary.

That's clearly Jeremy the Camp Counselor Killer From Camp Crystal Cake you contrarian cunt.

The Prankster

>Immortal Joe

It's Immoral Job ya dingus

No, it's Jeremy the Camp Contrarian Cunt you counselor killer.

Let's talk about sharks! WHAAAAAAAAAAAT is UPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP........with sharks?!

I liked Scream a lot


Dark Vader especially when he uses his Life Saver

Pennywhistle scared me as a child.

that's Nicklesmartass you dolt

>That's Auntie Linguini to you, Maria. *coughs*

Hannibal Hector

but goose wasn't so big that's why they scrapped the idea. He simply wasn't a big guy for Max



Dark Vader

>It's Immortal Joe.
He wasn't villain.

JJ Abhrams is my favorite villain

Pikachu from Calm Seas has a special place in my heart 2bh

The Raptors in the Jurassic Park series.

"I'll buy THAT for 81 pence."

King koopa?

Wasted trips. His name is Immortan Joe. Not Immortus or Immortal or anything else.

Mine is Olivier Giroud (circa 2012)

Olivier's physique in the early 10's was very impressive. He has a naturally lean frame and his subtle muscle mass really complemented this. Great defined abs and body shape that could make any girl blush. An aspect i loved of his body was the rugged facial hair and thick, clean and stylish hair. It really complimented his 'boy coming into manhood' phase. I often find my self watching his old matches just to stare and look at his 'sexy boy' body. Any celebration move he performed really showcased his pristine body. A complete joy to watch especially his abs in his wet kit. Sometimes i replay it numerous times. The reveal of his abs through his kit's fabric never ceases to excite me. Olivier will forever be my 'boy toy'
