Would i look like a faggot if i use strange goatee?


You will look like a faggot with or without a goatee. Do what you want.

Unless you're really good looking, you won't be allowed within 200 meters of a school.

Not if you have a similar facial structure.

If you've got a fat face, it's just going to look like you're tying to strategically place a single bandaid over a huge gaping wound.

Why not?

I'm gradually getting close to it, and my girlfriend has never jumped my bones so much. She said if I shave, she'll shave her head in retaliation. That's how much she wants me to keep it.


No, you'll look like a chump who thinks it's 1999.


>it's a normalfag episode

>implying he's a normalfag in the first place

pedo goatee > pedo stache

>I like pretending for anons on the Internet.

Nah, it's the hair that bothers me.

She found your post very amusing.
She's impressed that my fantasies are so realistic they can send me nudes.

Also she "really likes sucking my big normalfag dick." (she made write this to spite you).


Yeah, I figured you wouldn't believe it. She joked about posting her pics to prove it, but I won't.

Surprise surprise

We hope you find happiness bro.


Almost everyone with a goatee looks like a smelly magic the gathering player. You have to be attractive already to pull it off

>This thread