What do we think about Taylor Swift here?

What do we think about Taylor Swift here?

she's getting fat

Hot as fuck...

personally i'd lick her tex ritter all night long.........plus she is beautiful

Perfect women.. if there is such a thing

a nigger loving sellout

a fucking tool
literally a fucking tool

I'd smash but never date.

She looks like she put on too much makeup for yoga. I'd say she was absofuckinglutely insane.

I'd put a boogie dollar down


She's perfect. I'd do anything she asked. I'd crawl on broken glass just to lick her feet.

Unfortunately that is true

damn, whoever she's sucking off has a pretty decent looking piece.
Is there a pornstar doppelganger of her?


Find me a more perfect female than this. (You can't.)

Pretty indifferent.
Around the time she just became famous i was kinda glad that this wasn't just another slut that sings about 'teh club' and partying and has a softporn music video.

But everything changed when the fire nation attacked.

No srsly fuck this attention whore and every pop artist since 2008.

Another bitch that got more fame from her looks than she did from her talent.
And she isn't even top tier.

There are hard working prostitutes, camwhores and porn actresses out there and you guys keep edging it to some sellout that thinks people like her for her music.

>Pretty indifferent.
>goes on a tangent about her being a fucking talentless hack
i fully support your claims but ffs, don't say you're indifferent when the rest of your post suggest otherwise

music is kind of boring, personality is kind of shit, but holy hell is she hot

Just cus she finally has an ass

I'd fucking do anything to be able to help tay suck a big dick ughhhh could you even imagine

Its clearly b8 m8 so have a r8 and go for a sk8 m8 r8b8sk8m8sk8m8b8r8sl8sp8 your not str8 ure g8 m8

shes my goddess

>dat arm hair

thats not her body though

I think it's the only position she's worth a shit. I would fuck her wildly from the back until I was satisfied. I would spin her around to cum in her mouth, watch her swallow. Then procede to kick her ass out, smoke a joint, reflect on my greatness. Of course I wouldn't tell,her my name, so she can't write shitty songs about me...

wait what? people have hair on their skin?
fucking gross

>ure g8

nice body but she has a weird squinty face that reminds me of a squirrel

>What do we think about Taylor Swift here?
TayTay=Everything good in the world

Did she get implants?

my jerkoff fuel for about the last 8 years. i would pay thousands to sniff her shoes or feet


One of us




I love her ass.

Didn’t she get fat

Holy fuck look at dem curves!

she's bland and her music is actual garbage


Jeez when did she become so deliciously thick?

She's a high end Hollywood tranny.

I really really like the way she's bending over in that photo!

shes on her way there

post thicc tay




her hamstrings are so loose i never understood how some women got such loose hamstrings


she is turning into her fat fuck mom now

tay tay is past her prime now

>trips of truth confirm tay tay is turning into her fat fuck mom



see here

Go to bed, Taylor

>ITT we realise tay tay is now a fat fuck

not taylor

I would still destroy this cow


i wanna know what the creature i that ate her and then become her is?

Country Girl Taylor Swift was fucking GODTIER.

Now she's okay, still good looking and shit but y'know....just a bit past her prime.


shes a fat fuck now lol


>tay sad

is that whys she so fat...comfort eating?



women. i have no understading of them

>found the virgin


fyi i have had intercourse


with your gay uncle i bet

one can only wish

You're a sad, lonely little man

"We" don't collectively think anything, asshole. Form your own opinions

Fat? I think you mean thicc

nope she is getting fat like her fat fuck mother

Like I want to see that throat bulge out as it swallows a cock.





Oh no. Shes gone from the body of an anorexic 12 y/o to normal body. It's the end of days

ait that right girl friend

no she went from the body of a giraffe to the body of amy schumer

get it right faggot

found the fatty

Shit. Being called fat over the internet by even fatter virigns. Oh the pain



Worked with her once doing soundcheck. AMA.


Swift is overrated


learn any secrets ?

Fuck T swift! No talent bitch that had her rich daddy buy her way into the music industry. She's fucking ugly with the body of a 13 year old boy.

taytay is a jew
