Seems legit

Seems legit.

the guy who sold the box lost $10 though

Holy fuck! and here I've been studying hard in college all this time!


As long as I get to be the guy in left.

Hey op


No. The guy who buy lost 10 retard

No, they both made 10 retard

so Sup Forums really is dead ...


both made 10, wtf can't you retards read?

Doesn't work that way. One dude put in $20, got back $30 from sale, $10 profit.
Other guy put in $20 plus $30 for sale, got back $40, $10 loss.

>First time Sup Forums
Pls kys

wow . you explained it .
that makes you not a faggot anymore .

oh , wait ...
confirmed faggot .





Mercury has a molar mass of 200.59 g/mol, 1kg of the stuff is 4.985 moles. Gold has a molar mass of 196.967, meaning the same amount of atoms would only weigh 981.94 grams, so less than a kilogram.

On top of all that, the number of indavidial atoms you would have to strip a proton from is roughly 3.0x10^24. Good luck faggot.


reddit/10 fuck off


fool proof


because lead isnt fucking magnetic
14 year old potheads make these things, i swear

No lie, how strong does a permanent magnet would have to be to change a bullets direction.

An electro magnet could work; if the enemy is in a narrow and closed avenue of approach; you could have one just take their weapons

Didn't see your post user but could an electro magnet strip weapons of of people?

there is no way this one would work


Who here thinks this is plausible?

seems legit
>what is a perpetuum mobile

good luck holding your own gun and not getting slammed to bits by every piece of metal around with that electro magnet. :-p


This one was funny

There is no fucking way that I'm doing that and you're a fucking large huge faggot.

>all the fucking faggots in these threads can't fucking understand the basic sarcasm and mocking of these funny memes

are you fucking stupid?

its a joke you stupid fuck

none of these would work you absolute degenerate Sup Forums niggers


Nice b8 m8



plz keep posting

If a magnet was strong enough to stop / divert bullets, it would probably be strong enough to suck all the iron from your blood.

How fucking stupid are you did you not read they both made $10.

This thread is amazing, so much clueless autists sperging out.

Totally works

this is shit





this is actually how americans do it.


Tesla beat you to it


it's how the whole world's doing it, and banks, and countries.

Isnt this why credit ratings exist? To stop this? Interest can be negated by getting bigger and bigger loans.

Explain yourself fuckface

Law prevents it from both sides
Credit rating is used by the lender to determine their rate of return or to decide whether to lend at all

>credit ratings
they don't do shit. you can have 100k on the bank and move to a shittier area (for whatever reason); your credit score will fall like the american dream.

>never pay for car batteries again
You still have to buy batteries either way

Sad, a guy from work literally thought this was true. Victim of the US public education system, I guess.

>invest 30
>profit 10


yes, that's the problem.

Fucking retard

Now repeat same with my weeks of semen, you've a sperm bank now.

Your prob ugly in reality and onluy play beer pong

If you can convince someone this works then just keep selling your $20 for $30 and you would be making a $10 profit.



High school is out early today

Damn. I'm glad to know that I'm not overweight, I'm just in the wrong gravity zone




Since lead is deemed poisonous, it's illegal to use in ammunition. Yes, in war situations as well

But steel is.


that was me


Wow, that's smart!
How much is Helium now a days?

They pay you to take it!

Cars emit carbon monoxide though, completely different gas.

You should hook the pipe up to your mouth to makesure.

It won't fit, I use a plastic bag around my head, and just put it in that instead.

trust the trips

Thats not true. FMJ ammo has a lead core, most bullets contain amounts of lead. Most countrys try to ban lead ammo from hunting, cause the remains in the game can be poisonous, but it's not forbidden and right now it's an important component in most bullets.



Pffft, what happens when the magnet is covered in bullets and gets too heavy to wear?


Thats just not true and If you had made the effort to google you would have known before posting such bs

Actually works but is negligible

Until they run out of money

fuck off

space isnt absolute zero you fucking mong

yeah it is

No, it is not.

so far ive mastered step 1

Isn't it though?

I mean, you can be in space and receive warmth via radiation, but the space itself is zero.

That said, I don't understand enough about thermal radiation to know if water would freeze quickly

no point banning guns

Water boils in space you utter morons.