8 values thread, muh lefty edition

8 values thread, muh lefty edition


Off the fence, faggots


why the fuck is it called 8 values when there are 4 spectra ?

you niggers need to go back to school .

just because there are 4 spectra doesn't mean there aren't still 8 values you fucking autist

4 axes, so 8 different possible alignments, you fucking mongoloid


Sooo Nationalist Socialist?

i'm a nationalist and a socialist but not a nationalist socialist

Nothing wrong with it if you are

i think i should move to Sup Forums

fuck all the commies

The only letters I need are U, S and A

how do you even get 100% nationalism


>crops out result
fucking autist

threads full of leftist faggots

all of you need to kill yoursevles

moderate conservative aka NAZI

go back to /pol you fucking racist

really about founding father's traditions n shiet are ya?

Economic Axis: OPEC sucks, non government mandated monopolies suck, ISPs suck, list goes on. Privatization is just an exercise in collusion-to-be.

Diplomatic Axis: Not much to say here. Nationality is just as intrinsically artificial as tradition. Fear mongers desperately count on you supporting your "land" that you don't actually own.

Civil Axis: I prefer rights over authority. The 'boys in blue' kill roughly 20 innocent pets a day (DOJ). Also they intentionally only hire the meatheads that either love guns or are good at saying yes sir (US).

Social Axis: Traditions are just random, out-of-touch shit your parents convinced you mattered, and same with their parents. Also having to prove basic science exists is just depressingly pathetic.

If you're from Sup Forums sorry if you get butthurt.

agreed, but progress for the sake of it is just as bad
ideas should be challenged on their merit, not on if they existed already
not implying you want that user, just putting it out there


Oh no I pretty much agree with that.

ayyyyyyyyyyyyy boiiiiiiiiiii