Why don’t you own a desert eagle Sup Forums?

Why don’t you own a desert eagle Sup Forums?

i live in england

I live in France which have a very strict legislation and own a gun
You probably could get one either if you want to

take this to /k/
>Because I'm not compensating with a gun that is ridiculously huge

Way too powerful.

Because it’s not a fun gun to shoot.

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Because i have the power of Triforce instead.

They are not cheap

Because they are over rated, heavy, low mag load, and silly.

also, that's a Smith and Wesson M&P.

I think we're done here.

Uhh, because I don't live near a desert and I don't want a pet bird? What a dumb question.

Because I don't really want one. If I want to shoot magnums I'll just use a revolver.

>Because I'm not compensating with a gun that is ridiculously huge
What gun do you have then?

im scared i might accidentally shoot up a school

Most useless gun ever made.

Too expensive to use it casually
Too heavy + low capacity for military use


Because its a meme gun for small-dicked losers

>also, that's a Smith and Wesson M&P.
Pretty sure it's a FAMAS

I have a medical marijuana card CA afraid they will fail the background test due to it

They're a retarded waste. Kinda cool in .357 but fuck that.

Yeah, but great if you want to assert your dominance to your homies or look cool in a music video.

>Cucking yourself with marijuana

like it wasn't over before it started

but to contribute, Deagles aren't always fucking .50cal the ENTIRE Israeli army's standard issue sidearm for years were .357

that said they're unwieldy and fuckin played out

I would rather never shoot a gun than not spend my life stoned 24/7

I have a medical marijuana card in CO and they don't give a shit nigga.

Who's selling?

You have a problem. Not the gun part but stoned 24/7 part

Your local gun store for way too much

What are you, in middle school? Grow up and do a big boy drug like meth or heroin.


need to figure out how to get one to carry in purse

What it says in here :

Had a couple. Traded last one (compact 1911) for some stomach work.

Cuz im not an eagle on the desert