ITT: Embrace your hate, cunts

ITT: Embrace your hate, cunts

Honest reasons with solid evidence.

Why does Sup Forums hate this cuntnugget?

How can you not hate him?

Never said I didn't. I want to know some solid things he's fucked up on. Just list them all.


Onision. Basic SJW youtube cuck who's gotten too much attention and fucked up far too much.

Don't know who it is but can tell he is an faggot.

why do you watch him? there is like 10 000 other thing online that are actualy interesting, and you actualy spent time to bring even more atention tohim? why ?

Again, I don't watch him. I just want a pileup of all the shit he's fucked up on.

but why ?

Curiosity's sake, cunt. Sup Forums has been shit since 2014 and now it's nothing but cock rate threads. Lets do some real discussion for once, ey?

He got 'famous' from people liking autistic videos.

Yeah. The autism is on a new level. Anyone know anything about the fake miscarriage him and his girl did at the time?

dude, holy fuck, I watched this kid whine like the whistle of a breeze over an ass agape back in 2010. Is he really still around?

>but why ?
go watch some nat geo shit on youtube instead... this is way below dick rate thread ...

Still around, unfortunately. Yes.

Then leave the thread and go jerk it to some traps user.

also check em

Mate just goto bed its 5am.


well, his idea of "content" is whining. That's why I hate this faglet

Never seen a single video of his. Only heard / seen shit about him.

I also hear word that he faked an illness at one point to get pity?