Where my fellow alcoholics at? How are you today? What are you drinking?

Where my fellow alcoholics at? How are you today? What are you drinking?
>about to down a pint of bottom shelf vodka
>been doing this most days for a long time
Also, if you're feelin feely go ahead and talk
>giving out a lot of free (You)'s

Other urls found in this thread:


Where is your favorite shit vodka distilled?

just here drinking rubbing alcohol because no money and no liquor

Absolute when I feel not dirt cheap. Potters when I feel dirt cheap.

I was dirt cheap today

I drank a $75 bottle of scotch in one go last night. I meant to make it last a few days. Woke up drunk this morning, didn't even get a hangover.

absolute is for faggots.........kettle one is god tier vodka

I've seen others do that. What's it like? I have to imagine its painful

Got some Captain Morgan, Sailor Jerry, and a buttgeiser.

What scotch? If I buy a fifth its usually gone the day I buy it
Absolute is just cheap and I'm used to it because my friends like it. Kettle one is shit but at least good shit

Rum is the one type of liquor I don't buy. I drink it when it's available but I don't seek it out. And good suggestions? Besides the two you listed

Tito's Handmade Vodka. Every. Fucking. Night.

Macallan 21 year. Damnit, now I want a glass.

Tito's makes a damn tasty dirty martini

Who is the hottie in the pic?

Nice! I've gotten the 18 year a few times, that's definitely top tier scotch

Drinking Lech at my balcony
It's a Czech beer
It got a good taste
You should give it a try OP

Sorry, it's Polish

Captain Morgan. Go through a 1.75 every 3-4 days. not proud

This is very true
Some Sup Forums slut that I saved. I wish she'd wrap her thighs around my head and make me eat her ass

or belvedere is good also

I've had it! Good lager. Easy to drink
I've had it before but maybe ill buy a bottle for once. I don't know how well I could drink it straight though

Fuck yeah. That body is damn near perfect.. I'm saving too. Lol

Try pic related if you've ever got some spare cash on hand. It's only obnoxious gatekeeper tier scotch if you don't tell anyone about it.

She is quite the milf

I drink it neat. nice and smooth for a cheap bottle. Ive tried some $40-80 bottles and actually prefer the Captain

Hi bro

>It's not obnoxious gatekeeper tier if you don't tell anyone about it.

I'm a fuckin tard

A friend of mine has given me a pour of that. It's great

I've had a lot of my friends express their love for the captain. I'll buy a bottle soon
Nice Sup Forumsro take a pull for me


Double ipa nice!

Where are you at, that it's still daytime?

I don't drink but really want to kill myself

Not a current pic. Treehouse Brewing. Out of Massachusetts

Go through 1L of everclear every week. Everything else gets too expensive for how much it takes to get me tipsy/drunk

You should try drinking. It isn't a good therapy, but it makes me feel better. It isn't healthy, but its healthier than lead in the head. Want to talk about what's wrong?
Damn, I can't do everclear unless it's mixed. I did a straight double of it and I felt like my throat was going to melt faster than golem in mount doom

Echo Falls
Fresh Strawberries & Cherries
I'm in love with wine for some time now. Doesn't get me drunk but puts me in the "good" state. Stops me thinking.Would recommend rose wine to everyone.

U got it ;) cheers bro !

I've started liking wine more. I've started realizing I like red more than white Cheers my man

Wtf is this a group therapy session on Sup Forums

How cute

I usually do 50/50 of everclear and cranberry. Cuts it well enough, imo. Shots of it don't burn me anymore but it still doesn't taste good.

Wine is nice to chill to. And from my experience, a lot of girls like it so that's a bonus xd

Do "vodka specialty beverages" have sweetener in ? I noticed the 10$ handles that avoid using the word distilled have a sweetish taste but im not sure

Also who else here loves screwdrivers?

Hey bro where are you, want to trade I have green Julius and bright

More like an AA meeting but with alcohol
That sounds decent. I tried to make a screwdriver with it but fuck no amount of oj makes that taste ok. I applaud you for being able to stomach straight shots with somewhat ease
Girls like wine, so knowing wine is important

They don't have sweetner and screwdrivers are great

spfld area. still have some bright w/ citra, haze, sap and a couple dopples from january. Scored a 3 1/2 case day

One of the best in Europa. Polish
Not to cool

What is this gibberish

>absolute is for faggots.........kettle one is god tier vodka
It cracks me up when people try to be snobby about vodka.

It's all just literally water and ethanol.

The only thing you can say about one vodka tasting better than another is that the better one is "smoother" tasting.

Which most times just means it has a lower ethanol content KEK.

There's no impurities to filter out. It's crystal clear.

Scotch has impurities. Bourbon has impurities.

Vodka is just water and ethanol.

Who gives a fuck as long as it's over 35%.

>Cask age

Wannabe alcoholics. Go find another crutch.

was for
He knows what im talking about.

my local liquor store sells handles of wild turkey 101 for $14 and it's a godsend. for cheap bourbon the stuff is pretty good

I can get a 4 litre bottle of cider at my local shop for £2 which lasts me a night. £14 a week to stay drunk is good for me. They also have wine for £3.50 which is 14% too easy.

Nobody in here really strikes me as an alcoholic. When I was bad, I'd go through a 1.75 in a day and enough days of that I'd be throwing up blood. Being an alcoholic isn't really something to be proud of.

I smoke weed loads more than I drink, i spend most of student loan on weed and I have no regrets

How long does it take you to go through a handle?
And being an alcoholic doesn't mean we have to compare to your experiences. Anyone that depends on alcohol as a crutch can be considered an alcoholic. you're a fool to compare your experiences to others

A handle a day here. Not fun.


Kingpin is gold

alcoholic reporting in but i'm not drinking right now, i'm finishing up the last of my cocaine listening to post malone. gonna re up on friday but it's kinda gonna suck to run out.

who else here fucks with it?

Never tried coke, I have a heart issue. Always scared me

I've been a drunk for the last 18 years and a bottle of bourbon a day habit for the last 4 years. I've been sober for 16 days for no real reason. I suppose I'll start drinking my bottle a day again soon until my liver or heart goes out.

Turned into a huge alcoholic after spending 3 years living in my frat. Still managed to graduate with a 3.8 GPA and was accepted to 3 top 10 law schools.

My average now is 1.5L - 2L of wine a night, or the rough equivalent of that in either beer or hard alcohol generally over the course of 5 hours before I go to bed. Haven't drank yet today and already having cravings.

So what made you start a bottle a day habit? And any withdrawals when you stopped?

Does it feel strange being sober?

Big problem with that stuff is it's all glucose-fructose syrup now, you'll be diabetic long before your liver starts to struggle.

Stopped using coke after I graduated college. Would do it maybe once or twice a week for like a year or two. Never had any issues becoming addicted though.

Just at work sippin the shittiest cheapest whiskey I could find.

straight room temp jameson currently

I'm a low grade alcoholic in that I drink every day but not at work. Jack on the rocks while I grab sushi before laundry. I hate coming back from a trip with a pile of dirty clothes but here I am.

I usually go straight for the tesco value rum to knock back with some shit coke or if im feeling in the mood go for the cheapest bottle of port they have

Depression, anxiety, boredom, loneliness. No real bad withdrawals. I've never gotten the shakes the few times I went a few days sober. I had a really hard time sleeping for a week and when I did, I had incredibly fucked up nightmares.
I fucking hate it. It feels like time has slowed down to a crawl.

>gatekeeping addiction in 2018

I've been drinking heavy for about 8 years. I used to be able to stop like you. The past year or two I start getting the shakes and feel like I'm going to die if I don't drink

>expensive whisky is good whisky

Worst way to judge a drink possible. It's true about the cheapest paint stripping booze you can find, but I've had a dram that would have cost £1500. One fucking shot. It was shit. It's the rarity that you're paying for not the quality.

P.S Glenfarclas is dog shit whisky.

Seersucker gin with lime

The shit he mentioned really is great though

My dad is diabetic too, should probably quit drinking soon and stick to mary jane.

Went through fucking treatment for 30 days....stayed dry for a year..........Decided either blow my brains out or drink........I'm still here motherfuckers......And that goes for your fucking AA bullshit

Will back. Cheap stuff is cheap, middle tier can be just as good if not better than some of the most expensive.

So... you drank?
I do feel like there is some merit to that

Drinking some pernot absinthe rn because I splurged, usually its Jamison or jack depending on mood, for cheap shit its malt liquor either old E or Mickys

Wish I was drunk, but my wife hates me drinking. Would hide it, but I've done that once and she smelled it off me and I got caught.

Malt, bleh. Tastes like bad ass
Lol I'm sure you can hide it from her

I can't. I drank some liquor and as soon as she came home she knew....

>Wish I was drunk, but my wife hates me drinking.

Jesus christ, trust me getting a divorce is like dying and going to heaven. One day you'll look back on your life a wonder how you let yourself become so pathetic.

Then brush your teeth dumbass
Sounds like you have some stories to tell. Care to open up?

have a couple more of these left. they are exceptionally tasty, but expensive. gonna wait til my stomach is a bit less full before I finish them off though.

jesus christ this is bad advice. my wife left me in part because of my drinking and i would give anything to have quit and be with her

Good taste Sup Forumsrother. Kentucky Bourbon Barrel Stout reporting in

you would leave your wife just to be drunk? that's sad

One day he'll he'll be separated from his wife and look back on his life, all those years wasted on someone you now dispise. With children hating you for all the things the mother tells them you did.

All that time you could have just spent drunk. What a waste.



Holy gets

Another pic of Courtney

Thank you