New /celeb/ thread- Jews and Latinas preferred

New /celeb/ thread- Jews and Latinas preferred


Tell me about why I’m on estrogen? What’s the plan?


Massive milky monster mammaries


To an hero


Scandinavian viking models?

posting this again because fuck you thats why

I need Ryry to bird feed me with tea

I don’t care if I’m being transgender transitioned for fambolini but I hope u can explain to me some of what’s going on????



Matthew 23:1 Then Jesus said to the crowds and to his disciples:
"look at them legs!!!"

Then y not just poison me???!!!


I´m here





Why are latina so good?
Fiercely loyal to you
Wont put up with your shit if you treat her wrong
doesn't put feminism first but puts family first
Hot AF and wild in bed.

Is there anything I need to do? What am I waiting on?


As a white man, what should I do?



How FAST are these threads? Amazing

did you try asking them in the trap threads?

Ryry needs to do such a video too

Cunts tell me what’s going on if ur giving me drugs I deserve to know

Latinas vs White girls

Who has the better nipples?

Oh god


That you are

I want her to bird feed me


I prefer slow and calm tbqhwy fampai


Got snow up in denmark? Everything´s white here


praise be

There she goes fingering the air again.

She's a 6/10 and you posting is getting annoying

It comes and goes, usually only stays for a day and a half. It's kind of an over the place

:( what’s wrong with him her?!!?




Yes I already said that

Get a room trollop

Go forth and multiply with these hot chicks

saved fam

not the same user, but I just wanted to give my sympathies on being gayer than a unicorn.


What am I doing with my life.



You call this a 6/10?


A literal who plank that looks like a strong wind could blow her down is being mass posted thread after thread. Its annoying.

Being gay

To become more than you ever could have otherwise.

Dat squat.

As a white man, it's your duty to breed Victoria and have beautiful mixed race babies.

Yes. With pro make up, maybe a 7

Bit colder here, I think it was -14° last night
I like it


Posting in gay sex threads

>this pic has 100 views

>A literal who plank that looks like a strong wind could blow her down is being mass posted thread after thread. Its annoying.
>posts VJ
Kek. The irony

Insanely witty comment, 10/10.
Please collect your nobel prize for literature on your way out.


Trans even?



Are you dumb?

>just one finger this time.
Pretty weak, tbph.


VJ is badass

Are her eyebrows normal?

Yes. And I eant her ski socks

She has a bad ass, yes

Nobody is forcing you to watch the thread.

Annoying thread. This is now a red pill thread


2 fingers



Yet you post a greasy latina



Latinas > white girls







They're all batshit insane, that's a common thing amongst all chicks. They hotter they are the more batshit insane they are, that's a fact.

>her jacket is wrongly buttoned
