Who was in the wrong here?

Who was in the wrong here?

You for starting a thread that was done yesterday.

She was for not defining break.

Anyone that watches Friends.

rachel, even though the show sided with her

>implying it's not one the comfiest shows up there with sex and the city


Rachel. She ruins every relationship Ross has with any other woman because she gets jealous, then decides she doesn't want him for her self and leaves him with nobody.


Well they were on a break.

Rachel got what she wanted and then got angry when she realized it involved not being exclusive. Top kek what a dumb fuckin roastie

Break is a sexist whore concept, so the whore

>Top kek what a dumb fuckin roastie
Pretty realistic woman desu

Was Ross the most powerful Friend?

If he was, he could have just eaten the other five.

Would you have sex with Ross?

I would.

Break THIS *grabs pussie*

Ross was odd
Other than being related to Rachel he always seemed a bit...disconnected from the rest. He didn't live in the building, he had an exwife and SON, always had a steady job, had work adventures, and didn't really need a partner for his little escapades like the rest who often worked in pairs

*related to Monica

I don't think the son is even mentioned after like season 3.


The monkey is more important to him than his kid.

He'd save Marcell over his dyke bitch exwife and autistic son in a second


Well who wouldn't. So shitty characters that they just dropped it all without a mention.

>up there with sex and the city
You're gonna have to explain that one to me.

I knew a couple of guys who watched that, but I sure as hell never pressed them on.