Well britbongs, are you ready for porn access to be blocked nationwide unless you can PROVE you are over 18?

Well britbongs, are you ready for porn access to be blocked nationwide unless you can PROVE you are over 18?

>this means you can't browse Sup Forums anymore without ID verification

>FB/IG/ Social Media Fap
>girls you know in real life


you fucking niggers, you need to realize that you will NOT be able to browse Sup Forums after this, this DIRECTLY EFFECTS YOU

>torrents porn
>uses tor/freenet/ipfs
That was difficult

>installs vpn

>askes for id

will they ever know about exhentai though...

>proceeds to slit eyeballs

They already do this now with mobile data. Nothing new.

why are britfags so fucking cucked

i dont live in teafag land so im good

Hate my country and going to america at whatever chance I get.

>This is a first in a democracy
How is this fucking democracy?

Ever heard of a fucking vpn?

>be american
>cucked by ISP
>pay $80 trump dollars extra for porn package
>somehow better off?
>uk is so cucked reeeeeeeee

why are amerifags so getting shot at school every day

Murican 'news' site reporting on britfag issues.

Seems legit

It's the usual crusty old halfwits that litter British politics desperately trying to justify their grossly inflated salaries and up their standing with their local constituents. The blue rinse churchgoers. They have no fucking clue about the technology and how easy it is to bypass blocks. I'm surprised that we have blocks (only for some of our ISP's) on pirate sites. They have had zero effect on my life. This non-story about suggested porn blocks will probably just disappear.


>moves to America
>gets shot

>government cucks install parental controls in the motoms

this is just an april fools joke

if this means less britbongs on Sup Forums I'm all for it

How does one "impacted" by this, change it. Since you know, minors and all that?

>brits aren't cucked you amerifat scum
Porn sites will know your info.
The government will know what you masterbate to
The government will block you if you want to masterbate to lolis, extreme fetishes, etc

If it works for one government others will do it too. You'd be a fool to think it won't happen in your country. Imagine no one able to browse Sup Forums because we're "cyber terrorists."

Who gives a fuck. If I can get even a few years without you fags spamming this board with your cuck threads then I'll be happy

You already have to do this

You literally ring up, say you are 18+ and you want to beat the meat to the song of life

Bish bash bosh, im touching my noodle

Who gives a fuck, if government want to see my porn history bring it, all it is, is BDSM, doesn't matter though, government are used to fucking me without lube anyways

It'll literally be another day

OH NO now kids will have to go out and fuck at 16 but won't be able to watch it unless their 18...... dumb law cunts.

Haha since when? Who the fuck are you with?

Maybe in America but not here. Unless you still live with your parents and they have it bitch

They're doing that at 14/15 you retard. If anything porn is making them want to do it earlier. You retard

To build up a tolerance to bullets.

If you are on Sup Forums and live with your parents you are pathetic

I pay my rent, my internet, my utilities

I don't care anymore, government only listen to feminists and blacks, fuck the whitey, he's an oppressor

I can't wait until white people are rounded up and exterminated like WW2 under the guise of these guys are oppressing you stop them before it gets worse REEEEEEEE

awk well, I love big Theresa knowing my whole life

Britain is literally 1984, no reversing it now

Cause our kids are more badass than yours

Also 1-0 Usa v. Britbongs

I don't know man, everyone in America elected an orange for president

The other candidates were Bernie and Hillary, I'd say you's are -1-0

user, this is Sup Forums. It should come to no surprise if someone still lives in their mum's basement.

Right when I'm leaving this shithole. Great timing. Enjoy giving all your blood to the queen and wanking over crumpets you sad fucks.

>There are people on this planet who actually UNIRONICALLY believe this.

">"tfw I can't greentext

It will do me a world of good, I masturbate way too much.

You just ousted yourself as underage b8


> are you 18 or over?
> yes