Story thread. No specific topic in particular, talk about whatever

Story thread. No specific topic in particular, talk about whatever.

Other urls found in this thread:

I'm one of those weird autistic freaks that gets off on wearing diapers.

fucked a girl while having gf, now both left lol

You get to nut in the chick you cheated with?

I've played every main pokemon game on portable systems (not in emulators)
I've never beaten elite 4

when i was a virgin in high school a nigger girl showed me a picture of her titties and i told her no

Ofc mate

Had a threesome a few years ago with a woman I was dating. She met this blonde with big tits that broke down and had to get her car repaired. She told me about her and was saying previously that she wanted a threesome so I told her to bring her over. They showered and I fucked both of them. The only part I vividly remember is the blonde with big tits sat on my face, and even though she showered I could smell her shitty asshole and it was a big turn off. She must not have cleaned it very well. I didn't even nut because I was on antidepressants at the time. Don't take those pills they're terrible for your brain.

>be me
>be uber/lyft driver
>pick up this one person
>take them to destination
>repeat a dozen or so times for different people
>be tired
>go home
>open Sup
>tell my story in greentext

I am going to commit suicide on my birthday.

Make sure to livestream it.

>be me
>i have gf
>gf starts acting like a total bitch out of nowhere
>found out she met someone else and tried to sabotage things and goad me into breaking up with her, instead of owning up to having met someone else
>but i try my best to make things work
>she just avoids all my calls
>finally she gives up and posts a pic of her and the new guy on her face book
>am hurt, but also glad i caught her instead of doing what she was trying to manipulate me into doing
>don't even bother to call her to argue or anything, just delete her from social media, phone, whatever. just walk away and move on with my life, but still hurt about it sometimes
>two years later
>find out the guy she left me for... she caught him cheating, and his response was to beat the shit out of her

>his response was to beat the shit out of her
hey man karma's a bitch.
sounds like the chick you were with was a stupid cunt. learn from the experience and find a better woman, that's what I did with my heartache.

Hah, well, that's karma I guess

best advise ever

the only game I have ever truly mastered was mario brothers 1 on NES.

Well, that and some budget MS-DOS game called Siege. I spent a lot of hours on that.

dude, smb1 is the shiznit

I know, I just kinda wish I'd managed that with other games?

every few years I pull out my NES and muscle-memory my way through the game a couple of times just to see if I've lost the skill yet. but every other game? nope. not even games with transferable skills like super meat boy, only made it half way through.

I shit myself in second grade and sat in it for hours
>be me
>second grade
>sitting in class doing whatever the fuck second graders do
>a groan emits from the dark abyss of my colon
>I can feel the noxious gasses building up in my lower intestine
>I lift up slightly from my seat and lean forward in order to minimize the noise, then release the pressure valve
>the gurgling of a WW1 soldier drowning in mud emanates from my anus
>An aroma similar to that of a garbage bag full of raw sewage that has been left in the sun for a week slowly percolates through the air
>I can feel an evil wetness slowly spreading through the back of my white Fruit of the Loom undies
>the smell doesn’t stop coming
>Kids are wrinkling their noses now as the cloud of toxic fumes spreads across the room
>my ass is an AirWick from hell
>People are looking around for the culprit, I have to hide my crime lest be forever branded as the kid who shit himself
>I make an Oscar-worthy performance of wrinkling my nose and looking around for whoever was creating the foul stench that now filled half of the room
>God reaches down from the heavens, his divine energy surrounding a random classmate’s anus
>The sound of air escaping a small hole in a balloon is audible to the entire classroom
>All suspicion is averted from me as every head in the class turns towards the source of the noise
>He happens to be sitting right next to me, so he is an easy scapegoat
>I sit in a small pool of liquid shit for the next two hours, occasionally wrinkling my nose at the poor bastard to my left to keep suspicion away from myself

>super meat boy
Fuck I love that game, I got pretty far but it gets pretty damn hard after a while. There's a sequel coming out I will probably get it as long as the controls are as tight as they are in the first game. Most games control like shit and that gameplay is solid.

>be me
>Dumbass 18 yo
>Air Force gives orders to fucking Mojave desert in Cali
>Fuck me.jpg
>Take 1997 Dodge neon from Georgia to Cali
>Be third day of travel
>Want to see Grand Canyon
>Be 1990s so paper road map
>Take wrong turn
>Getting tired
>Turn down new road
>No speed limit sign, must be like last road so I'll do 55 again
>Entire road ends and all I see is a chain link fence and darkness
It wasn't really a road but led to a helicopter pad where the Navajo Indians flew in their vodka and methamphetamines. I thought I was going off a cliff.
>Slam brakes
>Going too fast
>Car runs off road, hits a hill
>I'm fucking airborne
>Lands, airbags deployed, windows shatter, all my shit comes flying up from the backseat
>Still moving
>Skid a few more feet, open my eyes to find car meshed under the chain link fence
Evidently I put the left shock through the transmission and completely FUBAR'd the piece of shit car.

I was really fucked anons.
>In the middle of a goddamned Indian reservation
>No civ for 17 miles
>Put on uniform, decide to walk to town
>Walk for three hours
>All is darkness
>More stars than I've ever seen
>Hear coyotes in distance
>Shooting stars in sky
>following shit road through reservation to a closed gas station, closest piece of civilization
>Cars passing, nobody stopping
>Know I could easily disappear out here
After about three hours, the Navajo Nation police found me and picked me up.

Took me to a hostel in town, had to wait for three more days before my family could come and get me.

You lucky kid. I shit myself in 5th and everyone knew it. Thank God my mother was a drunk and we had to transfer schools the following year.

Losing my virginity

>be a sophomore in highschool
>hanging out with best friend and we get wanted to invite women over
>open dads liquor cabinet
>i shit you not there are at least 25 bottles of vodka and whiskey
>FULL bottles
>our retarded selves take a bottle each because we dont know what alcohol poisoning is
>start drinking
>”hey user, lets have some bitches over”
>”uh, yeah”
>invite 2 of the sluttiest chics in our grade
>their parents drop them off
>we all start drinking
>im sitting with the chic i wanted to fuck, and my buddy is with his
>my buddy starts making out with other chic
>i look at my chic
>(insert autistic cringey flirt line)
>lean in to kiss
>completely fucking rejected
>”well, uh, i guess it was w-worth a shot”
>she starts drinking heavily
>i tell her to slow the fuck down
>my buddy and his chic are STILL going at it, but clothes are coming off
>i take the bottle from “my” girl to put it away
>i come back and shes yelling and doing dumb drunk bitch shit
>i carry her to my car, and tell my buddy to do the same with his girl
>im not drunk, but everyone else is
>”my” girl says “user i dont feel good”
>Oh hell no
>i pull over and hold her hair back
>she pukes, and little bits hit my shins
>then she takes off her pants and starts pissing
>what the fuck...
>put her back in backseat after shes done
>drop her off and buddy with his girl
>drive back home
>sit in room alone, wondering if ill get with any girl ever again
>fast foreward 3 years
>fuck the hottest girl ive ever seen
>and thats how i lost my virginity

that was fucking funny, more?

>Be me.
>20 year old /bro.
>Going to college for Law Enforcement
>Date a girl that lives in a different state
>Only been dating 1 month prior to her moving'
>Ball eyes out on that last drive home from her house
>visit her for 4 days, have the time of your life, have a makeup valentines day and get eachother cute shit
>walk on beach, talk about our futures and how our life will be so much better soon after the distance closes.
>fly back home
>ball eyes out again in bed for 3 days because you just got used to seeing them and now you're back to your shit tier home life
>have emotional episodes on how you want to move and transfer schools just so you can be in the same state as her.
>think about if that is even doable or a good idea
>question her loyalty when shes away, you never know.
>question if the relationship is even worth it now

I lived in a "boarding kindergarten" from 3 and a half years old to seven years old. Since this was back in the 80's, people didn't give a shit, everything was coed, even the showers.

Each night we would sneak around, like four five kids gathering around someone, and the entire group would play with their genitals. Even though we had no fucking idea what sex was, we were obsessed with what other people had between their legs.

Then I turned 7 and didn't get to touch another cunt for another 15 years. Needless to say all that bottled up sexual rage during my teens with the only memory of touching prepubescent cunts caused a loli fetish I can't get rid of.

Of course m8, heres halloween in middle school

>good friend and i go out trick or treating
>its a nice ass neighborhood
>like everyone is handing out sodas and HUGE fucking candy bars
>walk up to house with bowl out front with a sign
>”please only take a handful”
>immedietly dumps entire bowl in my bag
>Our bags are getting full and we head back to my house
>see rich douchebag dinkleberg old money neighbor up the street driving towards us
>*autism intensifies*
>i throw a piece of hard as fuck candy at his car
>this is a brand new BMW btw
>”oh fuck”
>i think i broke his window
>my retarded ass runs STRAIGHT towards my house
>i run inside and slam door behind me
>my buddy and i are freaking out
>knock knock knock
>dad answers door to raging faggot
>tells him his son is mentally handicapped and hes sorry
>neighbor apologizes and leaves
>thanks dad

Here's a kino tune to listen to when you read my story:

>take promotion with my job
>move to town with no family or anyone around I know
>make good money, but no family or friends
>meet cute woman through her cousin that I worked with
>fall really deeply in love with her
>we move in together
>rocky relationship, after a few months together we break up
>I stay in contact and we get back together a few months later
>same old shit getting back together was a mistake
>we break up around christmas
>deepest darkest depression of my life
>plan to kill myself
>wake up one day and say, fuck it
>don't give a fuck about anything anymore
>at rock bottom, not scared of anything
>go to local gym and get a personal trainer
>browse fit (no homo)
>lift like a fucking boss, get ripped
>all of a sudden bitches won't leave me alone
>confidence through the roof because I'm not afraid of being alone, made it through the darkest time I've been through
>still to this day don't take shit from anyone or give a fuck
>the pain turned me into the most honest and real person you could meet
>working new job a few years later
>meet a qt religious and sweet woman at my new job
>started dating seriously
>she loves me more than any woman I've ever been with
>asked her to marry me on valentine's day
we're all gonna make it bro

Im in the process of doing what you did bro. Im glad that you are happy now man

For sure man. In the grand scheme it's all gonna work out.

>be me
>Sort of late night. Already jerked off twice.
>Get a text from a coworker saying she needs a ride and a place to stay for bit
>(You know where this is going)
>Drive over to her. Gets in car she looked semi drunk.
>Take her to my room. She lays down.
>I lay with her. Back turned.
>She starts playing footsies with me
>Problem... couldn't get hard.
>I stall. Suck on her tits. Eat and finger pussy.
>She pulls me. "Fuck me user"
>I get off bed and pull pants down
>do best to jerkoff but still nothing.
>She tries to give me a HJ, still nothing.
>Pulls me to bed and starts grinding on me.
>Still nothing.
>I tell her to stop. JustNotFeelingIt.jpg
>awkward drive to her place

I guess I'll share a very short version of my life story because its probably one of the more interesting ones. Ill respond for a bit too if anyone has questions

>Be me
>Alcoholic/abusive dad, junkie sister, god tier mom
>Get into gang/graffiti life
>Selling blow at 16
>Get my own apartment, finally away from my shit tier house
>18 now, 30 k in cash in my room, new apartment, new car
>Get set up and jumped by "best friend" and 3 niggs
>fractured jaw, 4 broken ribs, lip split, 22 stitches, 1k cash and a zip of blow taken, left in my boxers
>lose everything as fast as it came
>retaliate or grow up?
>get of of the drug game, still doing graffiti, getting my GED
>get GED, enroll in a university, majoring in Economics
>mom talks to me for first time in 3 years
>sophomore year of undergrad apartment gets raided
>6months up state 1 year probation
>time to actually grow up, goes back to finish undergrad
>senior year, totals car, blows .29 BAC, arrested again
>beats the case on technicality, 16 mo license suspension, reckless driving ticket, no DUI
>finish school with 3.7 GPA, take LSAT
>168, full ride to nice law school in CA
>sitting on Sup Forums avoiding my crim reading

TLDR from felon to law school.

Dude i had something similar happen when i was taking a certain medication, it would be so hard to get a fucking boner.
Ended up losing my virginity while trying so hard to keep a fucking boner.
Lasted a while though.
Try VigRx, its non prescription and i never had a problem like that with my meds again

Nice story m8, good shit

Damn user some tadalafil would have fixed things up.
>be me
>I want to drink a lot of beer on my days off of work
>I know I'll get too fucked up to bone my gf
>take some tadalafil
>rock hard
>fuck my gf endlessly
>she cums buckets, I keep pounding her
>her pussy is wrecked
I feel bad for her but she likes it, otherwise she wouldn't let me do it.

that's a shame

still virgin to this day. Will consider it to be honest. Yeah I still get hard during porn and my mind runs wild on some of the females at work but idk.

good to know! thanks user.

rasa research sells some good tada, you can find it other places too though.

sure.. why not. already had this typed out from a while ago so why not?

> cross country drive with my brother in 2007
> a little hung over and dehydrated from drinking in Colorado the night before
> make it to Grand Canyon, buy some tents and camping gear at Walmart
> hike down to bottom camp site
> 2-3 hours or thereabouts
> even though downhill, legs cramp up something fierce for the last 45 minutes
> humid as balls down there cuz of river
> shitty night sleep in 6' tent. (I'm 6'2")
> wake up next morening
> feelok.jpg
> make it to half way point, take break have sammich
> begin 2nd half of trek out
> start to cramp up again
> both quads, calves.
> literally falling to the ground every 30 yards in agony
> ground covered in Mule shit
> ask passing mule tourist company to send a nigga down for me will pay for it.
> nope
> rangers walk by. tell me to down a 2 liter bottle of gatorade and they wil be back in 30 mins
> laying down, whole body is cramping: ribs, face, tongue, arms, shoulders, abs everything
> start back up the trail, falling in mule shit every 30 years
> get smart, stop every 30 feet --> no more falling in mule shit
> stop at 3/4 mark, drink more gatorade, eat pringles etc
> stopped for 2 hours, still breathing heavy
> blood was thick as oil
> ranger telling stories of how an Olympic marathoner died here prior month
> thanks asshole
> see eurofags wearing all black, no water, jeans casually strolling around.
> Fuck you I hope you all die
> finally get going again
> near the top, a wild desert thunderstorm appears
> lighting shooting all over the place
> pitch black at this point
> make it to shuttle bus just before deluge
> 16 hours to GTFO of that shit hole

Not sure if I should avoid that place for the rest of my life or get in such kick ass shape that I run up and down it to kick its ass.

Where are you from? I hiked the grand canyon in middle school... not trolling I'm from AZ but it sounds like you aren't used to the climate and shit here.

I have liver failure, I will most likely die from it. I'm nauseous all day every day, throw up at least 10 times a day, often times with a little bit of blood in it. I eat food that's good for your liver, take medication the doctors prescribed me, and don't drink alcohol, but I don't seem to be getting better, I seem to be getting worse.

yeah no kidding. I also knew zero about hydration at the time.
But even now that I do, I cramp up every fucking day. Its becoming a big issue in my day to day life actually. I am not well suited to that place

was booze the cause or something else?

Something else, I've never had an alcoholic drink in my life.

eat some bananas, potassium helps a shit load

taking a lot of magnesium (powder, tablets, topical cream) which does nothing. Potassium tablets also nothing. Electrolyte powder - nothing. 1 gallon of water a day nothing. lots of gatorade/powerade nothing.

Without bananas everyday I would barely be able to move.

>Be me, last year
>Start a "new life" regime since i am/was an obese, jobless loser motherfucker
>Been dating this chick by 2 and a half years, know her since grade school, about 8 years now
>I really thought she was "the one"
>She complains all the time about me trying to improve my life, says its OK if i take a retail job even if i want something better, asks me not to work out since she loves my "chubby me", etc
>Im flattered that she loves me the way i am, still i want something better for myself.
>Eventually (in november) i get a decent job at a financial corp as a technician, not the best job in the world but it paids well considering i have 0 experience, however the job is pretty fucking intensive, i have to learn a fuckton of things while making sure not to fuck something up (since i manage sensible data if i fuck something up i could get sued)
>Gf complains how im not paying enough attention to her and how she wants to spends more time with me and blah blah
>After a rough week, i want to spend my whole weekend with her... what was supposed to be a chill weekend ended up in her breaking up with me
>Im sad as shit, but i don't contact her which im pretty sure its what she expected

To tl:dr the rest: im slowly "getting there" in my life, i paid all of my debts and im finally saving some money to get a car (im at $600 atm).
Oh and im at 249 pounds atm, i still am a fat fuck but im not that 338 pounds obese fucker anymore.

what is the prognosis?

Probably some pain pills

They have no idea what caused it since I don't drink, they say I should be getting better since I changed my diet and started medications, but my symptoms are getting worse. Vomitting more often, blood in it now, abdominal swelling and soreness. It feels like they said I should get better just because they didn't want to tell me how fucked I am.

no I mean what does the future hold for you?

That guy wasn't me. was

When women say that they don't want you to benefit yourself it's literal projection of their insecurity of if you get hot as fuck and get a six pack you are gonna go fuck sports illustrated models rather than her. Women always do that. To be honest I went on a pussy rampage for about a year where I fucked every woman I could. I read and listened to a lot of pick up artist shit which is mostly a meme but the underlying truth is that the better you understand the psychology of women the more powerful you can become with them. Looks aren't everything, they help but they're not the end all. Picture semi-related, good advice from this user as well.

You still here?

Would actually like to hear some stories from an uber driver..

I remember your story from the other night. I was the user with the 5th grade projectile vomit post. Thanks for coming bro.

My brain invents memories that never happened. They usually involve me dying or almost dying. Ex. I have very vivid memories of watching the hull of my ship cave in as I flew off deck and into the water. I have never been in the navy and avoid water like the plague. A lot of memories like this center around different wars. eg. Getting dragged under by my pack in WW2 while trying to reach shore. Laying bleeding from a gut wound in the civil war (My only thought being, my grey uniform looks so fucking red)

Sometimes they're innocuous like watching my kids play by the river while I'm nursing a baby (but not the kids I currently have, also I'm a dude)

I suspect my brain is misreading memories of TV or books as events that actually happened to me, though for the life of me I can't place any of them other than the war ones.

I really wish It'd pick someone famous to make a memory of, but the closest I've come is a memory of being a duke with a bitch wife that I was forced to keep for political reasons (no clue what book that could have come from, if you have any clue let me know because I so wanna read it).

tldr; My brain is fucked

Here's my story

I first studied for a long time and actually got a job in my field. Than came the hard part about work, I was up sometimes at night thinking about work, designing solution to problems in my head ,and in the morning putting all my ideas down on paper

Than I took many projects and started being a lead at the company and had to train people and just teach them anything i have learned until they got good enough

After a while it felt like there was not much for me to do anymore, everyone in my dept knew a lot and even if i knew more they didn't want to keep coming to me so they did it on their own and i felt like leaving the company

I found another job, a really, really good job that i'm still in

Basically, this is what happened, I got a job here and developed depression right away, i get paid a lot more money, and the job is even more skilled but i now know something is wrong

I'm alone, single and in a state I've been in for a few years and didn't make many friends. I have been depressed for some time, and it caused me work problems. I dont get respected in this new job very much and when you are face to face, people will try to be nice but behind your back they are horrible and than sometimes the emaisl they send is even worse, like stupid fucking shit that they do on purpose to bother you

That just fuels my depression even more sometimes, i literally dont want to waste my time with this job but i love it

i dont know anymore, i dont get respected at this job but i get paid very well. I may have a lot of knowledge on something but i am still a joke, i guess i fucked up somewhere along the line and it is time to search for another job. This will hurt me to find another job, i love this company, and actually enjoy the work i have been lately doing for a few months now. I don't know what is ahead for me, but i hope things go well

Depression is still there, good news is i think i will get better one day

Do you believe in reincarnation? Your post made me think of this:

If you really want to jump down the rabbit hole there's this doc as well:

He was a boy, she was a girl. Could it be any more obvious?

I've given up on maintaining my revenge list because too many people have done me wrong.
It makes more sense to just hold people as a whole responsible, and look for opportunities to hurt anyone.

I work during the day so I really only take people to work, lunch or shopping. I'm sure some night fags have some good stories I just don't work those hours.

That song is painfully 90's.

>song from 2002
>painfully 90's

Sounds like a cop out, why don't you take responsibility for being easy to fuck with or manipulate? That's likely the real issue. Man up you bitch.

We're all with you Sup Forumsrother.

the reddit spacing makes your post hard as fuck to read

Wait what? Well shit. Alright, what the hell are the early 00's called? Like the 90's can be written the nineties, but what are the 00's?

I have yet to see any actual proof that reincarnation exists. I tried tracking down names, dates, times, and circumstances for some of my false memories as an exercise to try to get my brain to correct itself but I found no information of use to prove or disprove a given memory. The operating theory is that they're all false, most likely a result of errors in the store/recall memory cycle in my frontal lobe (which lines up with the higher than normal levels of activity in the central medial temporal lobe of my brain) or a novel form of epilepsy where during an attack, data is moved from the area that stores fantasies and fiction to the area that stores historical information. Incidentally, it's my brains tendency to fuck up that first interested me in the field of neurology and neurochem. All the doctors I've talked to agree it's interesting from a medical perspective but not overly concerning as long as I can recognise that those false memories aren't true.

You have plenty of stories you could share

Anyway, who are the most customers, men women etc..?

What types of situations do you see people in?

What do you think about your job and how you get to see people every single day and is this helping you stay social or you're pretty normal which i thnk you maybe

Dude i remember you too, your story was gr8 m8 i r8 8/8

the noughties.

I know, I fucking hate it too.

i actually had regressive hypno done week ago. Seen previous lifes and my guardian. I can tell you one storry of girls who seen not the previous lifes but what is between reincarnation. Interesting shiet

Interesting but ultimately impossible to really know for sure. Science can only show so much as our neuroscience is still pretty pleb tier and the human brain is one big mystery as a whole.

I took mushrooms with my ex and she had some vision of being chinese in a village, apparently it was very vivid for her, could be nothing or something no one knows.

If you believe in parallel universes and get into that stuff you may not be as crazy as you think. You sound pretty sane for not believing your own visions but I would personally be more inclined to believe and question them rather than to write them off right away. I'm also under the impression that you've had cat scans, and you haven't had brain trauma or anything like that, because if you have then yeah it's probably you.

proceed user, this interests me greatly


I... I... Have never anyone use that term seriously. I always assumed it was just a joke.

Today I saw the following people

> black dude early 20s living in the fucking ghetto with his parents going to a job interview at forever 21, he sat up front, was pleasant, hope he got the job

>white dude in town from Oregon, visiting his brother in the hospital, brother isn't doing well, sounded like complications from colon cancer, felt bad man, going to avoid the med center from now on I think.

Had a short day today because of a job interview. Went home after the last lady.

>dude in town from chi-town on work, very pleasant. Sales guy, I knew it right away. Seemed worried about his flight tomorrow in the rain, tried to make comfortable about it

>young dude at lunch headed home or to gfs house, not sure. Absolutely reeked of weed. I have no problem with pot but damn I gotta drive other people in this car after you bro.

Stopped to shit at a CVS and let the car air out

>woman from the med center again, headed home. Think it was a physical therapy appointment, she didn't say much, was nice though, gave 5 tip in cash.

Also I didn't start today until after 11, plus the job interview it wasn't a typical day but they were all typical fares.

>be me
>Be taxi driver
>Rainy night in San Fran
>Last stop to make my night
>Lady wearing blue
>She's soaked
>I make some inane comment
>She looks out window, says destination and nothing more
>Ride in silence
>Catch her looking in mirror
>She glanced at my license
>Smiles the saddest smile I've ever seen
>Be old gf from ages ago
>MFW we recognize each other
>I used to take her home in my car
>make out a few times, nothing serious
>She wanted to be actress
>I wanted to be pilot
>I just want to experience life
>Drop her off, nice house and gated yard
>Hands me money far in excess of fare
>Says we have to get together
>Things that will never fucking happen for $200 Alex
>A better man wouldn't have taken it
>If I was a good man I wouldn't have let her go in the first place years ago
>Stuff money in my shirt pocket
>Head home, think about it
>She got to be an actress, acting happy but inside seemed so miserable
>I get high and just see life
>Sometimes you do get what you ask for
>Strange how you never know

ok i will type fast as im at work.

Girl met her guardian as you first need to find your safe space and then he come and start to guide you. She remembered him very well and was aughing because he came dressed as she said very "cheap". She knew he wants to make her laugh as they always make jokes like this in the upper world/astral call it whatever. After guiding her up she saw her "friends" "soul mates" that are "dead" that means people who she met in her life but dont live anymore and still didnt reincarnate. Some of them had blurred faes as she still didnt met them in her life and they will be imprtant so they didnt want to spoil her. Came up she and thos soul mates are elder souls who are responsible for making calculation about new ideas which are applied in our reality. The were checking statistics about new religions, politics literally everything. They wer checking if the thing will work or not but they did not came up with it they were just responsibble for calculations. Her guardian angel was responsible for them and how are they working. She also said that he was thereincarnated padre pio. He did it to push some idea in people minds. They all were impressed he did it as reincarnating as someone who does miracles is very "cheap" and for guardian that high rank its not common.She said its like magician showin tricks..its impressive for people but for him its nothing.

>I'm sure some night fags have some good stories
video related:

Taxicab confessions was real and interesting before the internet gained popularity. Listen to 1:58 on of the video, that's raw. Crazy story about the subway. It always stuck with me. Crazy shit honestly.

radio stations use it.

Everybody else just ignores it. we dont have a word. once we hit 2020 we can call everything before the 'early 2000's'


She was reincarnated old god.. not know one, forgotten some small one from slavic religion. Being a god is big responsabillity as you have to collect a much energy as possible and pass it further. The more believers the more energy. She was bad god as she did not pass the energy but started to show miracles, to show herself on earth in miracles..using the concentrated energy forherself. Because of this she was punnished and had to start the whole carma thing from scratch and now after she was given this calculationthing responsabillity but still she need to reincarnate on earth.
Basiccaly collecting energy is essence of living. Every god does it and thats why he never shows on earth and does nothing..its just the idea that sooner or later will be forgotten and then they applie another idea. She was asked about hitler she answered that it was bad calculations and they didnt think he will collect all the energy for himself.. Its wasnt their idea and it wasnt planned.

pretty cool stories actually

More about collecting energy she was asking what was her plan for this life they didnt answer as she has to find out by herself but was said that she forgot about importance of collecting this energy and how simple it is. Was said that even when you smile to other person on the street you pass the energy and it works like this every time and that she is forgetting that negative feelings should not be passed .

on the other hand i had regression and i saw jesus as my guardian. i was like u mast be fucking kidding me and then he turned to purple energy. i saw previous lifes but not the astral universe

U might have Lyme disease. U should get checked

how about a worthy (you) with some advice..

the oooooze

I like reddit spacing, and I haven't even been there.

Looks like you've got this, you're too good for advice.

okay, yea i think i'll be alright anyway
Need to rethink my work strategy, i have some projects to complete and will slowly look for another company to join

I picked up so many skills here, I may not be like the others in this job who are 5+ years in and they enjoy it. I'm going to have to jump ship and take my skilled career elsewhere

Not right now, i need a few more months here and slowly find another job

>Doesn't know how to space paragraphs to make large posts legible
>Knows all about Reddit spacing
>Solved two captcha and spent time picking bridges, cars, and other stupid shit to post useless message that contributed nothing to thread

>make large posts legible
phone poster detected

I'd try and help, but I'm just not feeling it today, hence why I'm on Sup Forums instead of in bed.

BC nobody uses phones right

fuck the last parts hit me, sometimes i get stressed from work and act like a child who believes the world is falling apart meanwhile all i have to do is figure it out and find a solution to a problem

no wonder im alone and miserable

KEK on the descriptions

For the past 3 days, my friend has been sending me nudes of his gf as well as pornos he's made with her (amateur of course).

He has planned to invite another dude he knows to fuck her in front of him, apparently for enhanced pleasure, if you ask me, he's got ulterior motives.

He went even as far as to offer me an invitation to watch them fuck but I rejected it because that shits just weird.