It is simple! We just eat the immigrants!

It is simple! We just eat the immigrants!

what the actual fuck? did he also eat his own neck?

That's not a man. That's a very good shop of a thumb.

Fucking faggot

this post will not get very many bumps because it dispels self-aggrandizing theories these simpletons have, and most of the people that browse Sup Forums are on suicide watch from the families to which they are a burden. Their white identity and delusions are all they have. It's the only keeping them from killing themselves.


Terrible post
You should consider inhaling large clouds of phosphine

Kill yourself you beta cuck

Mine was better
You hack

If I wanted to kill myself, I'd climb to the top of your chromosomes and jump to your iq

Stolen joke
Damn you have no shame

At least my dad didn't rape me as a kid you over developed cum shot of a child

too wordy and you didn't stick the landing



Absolutely go back to your safe space, monkey.

Got em. funniest exchange I've seen on here all day lol


Checked, you wonderful person you.

Nice trips buddy! Want to hang out this weekend?

Samefagging hard. Stolen jokes, hack responses, pro-safe space self-victimizing, and samefagging.

Dude you might be the biggest fag on this website at the moment. That's a feat.

Nice trips man, proud of you dude!


At least it's something. Not everyone can be as big as a fag as me. I'm king of the fags! Also I'm not pro safe space

>If I own it, that means they can't make fun of me huehuehuehue

I love you


You did a great job in this thread, user.

Start with the big fat European ones!