DORMAMMU, I've come to bargain!

DORMAMMU, I've come to bargain!


>he's a savescummer

>an ancient order that existed for thousands of years whose entire purpose is to protect Earth from Dormammu
>all it took was one shitty spell for Dormammu to fuck off forever
10/10 writing

DORMAMMU! I've come to force a meme!

They repeatedly mention that Dormammu is only one of many threats from the multiverse.

nigga it's a fucking infinity gem that controls time, not some common spell

>tfw watched the movie today
so is rotten tomatoes useless now?

Save scumming to a point at which the AI literally just gives up.

DORMAMMU, I've come to bargain!

>stealing ideas from Undertale
Hollywood is fucking done

Bargain DORMAMMU! I've come!!!

Why didn't Dormamu just cut off Doctor Who's arm so he can't cast a spell?

People weren't able to use the eye of Agamoto.

Relics pick their user.

The eye and the cape picked Strange.

He was literally the only one able to pull that time bullshit.

The magic needed to do that time spell was in the forbidden book. It's magic that requires drawing energy from the dark dimensions. Those teachings were banned for thousands of years by the Ancient One. She never thought of it because of her own rules against violating the timeline.

Loop was set beforehand


Dormammu's a dick who doesn't keep promises

he'll be back

Probably Mordo's going to summon him and we'll get flaming skull man dormammu

>just cut off Doctor Who's arm

Did you miss the scene where an armless sorcerer showed you that doesnt matter?


How many times do you think it looped that we weren't shown?

Why didn't Dormammu just imprison Doctor Strange and send him off to one of the corners of his dimension?

Either Dormammu was just a very very impatient dude that was afraid of this time thing that was new to him.


1000 years.

Time was frozen. Locking Strange would also be imprisoning himself in frozen time.

Strange would kill himself and come reset the loop.

This was not mentioned but maybe he can activate the loop without even dying in case of torture or just stalemates.

>omnipotent creature from another dimension
>speaks english with generic saturday morning cartoon villain dialogue

this. Dormammu is a massive elder being, he could easily ignore bent cucumber and he would be unafected by the timeloop.

Well it would be hard to bargain if you didn't speak the same language.

he's not omnipotent


Dormammu could have jumped to a different universe easily to bypass his time locked one

Time was frozen, on a dimension where time does not exists.

>"I've never read the Dr Strange comics ever"

Dormammu is the most saturday morning cartoon villain of all

his endgame is ruling earth and destruction and death for shits and giggles

Strange would just kill himself.

>MFW every time I attempt to kill that one boss on Dark souls for the 100th time.

today I masturbated myself in the anus with a benedict cucumber

>What is time gem

Strange brought time to Dormammu and the Dark dimension.

Doctor Strange confirmed too smart for Sup Forums

Dormemeo, I've come For You.

You can't come to bargain with someone who doesn't speak

>create a timeloop
>killing the person doesnt shut it off
>only the guy who started the timeloop can turn it off

The way it was cut it didn't feel longer than something in the range of 2-3 hours to 2-3 days. It should've felt like several years.

What's the point of this post?

Are you just recapping the movie?

Why didn't he revive the ancient one with the stone? He just let that bitch die

He didn't need the damn stone, the doctors could've done it but she told him to fuck off and that the whole reason she prolonged her life that much was to get to him and teach him.

i'm showing how absurd the movie is. everything happens with no reasoning behind it
>in NY sanctum, Strange tries running from Mads, Mads casts a spell to make the hallway longer
>in a later scene Strange just running from Mads in the mirror world, even though he knows Mads has a spell that can make distances longer
>Mikkelsen starts rotating the world, Strange and Mardo have no counter except to run
>they never fall to their deaths, Strange doesn't levitate his way out of it using his cape

same with every Marvel movie
>in one scene Iron Man is stronger than Captain America
>in another scene Captain America is stronger than Iron Man
it's shitty writing

how did she know he was the one to teach? what if Strange didn't work out, she could have fought and helped protect the hong kong sanctum instead of letting herself die as you say

another example of shitty writing
>in the NY sanctum
>Strange pushes the followers out the door portals
>they don't just teleport back

>I've come to play starcraft 2 again


I’m Dormammu, and this is my dark dimension. I rule here with my conquered planets and my eternal prisoner, Big Kaecilius. Everything in this dimension has a story and a price. One thing I’ve learned after six billion years – you never know WHAT is gonna come through that inter-dimensional door.


ORSTEIN, I've come to bargain!

sup reddit

Could Dr Doom beat Dr Strange?

No but they did team up at least once in the comics

Why didn't he use the timey wimey powers to save bald Bowie?
Why didn't he use the timey wimey powers to unfuck his hands?

Because time powers are bad for the environment.

Even though it's a fucking infinity stone and they're
bound to use it over and over again in the future.


it has spawned a shitty meme, but it was a good way to beat the bad guy that wasn't some dumb fight that strange should not have been able to win but did.

my only complaint is that the duration of the loops didn't seem very long to the viewer


Iiiiiiiii need to know now
Know now
Can you bargain again

Dance off bro, just you and me

A week into release and already memed out. It's new record.

I really didn't mind this one but annoyed me to hell, I guess Miks rescued the henchman off screen, wondered if the henchman had the teleporting spell or not, kinda bothered me a bit after it happened.

Also movie had a hugely obvious goof where Strange knocks off his Surface onto the floor, then in one shot its back on the table with no scene where he picks it up its just there.

I just think the problem is - how do they actually make the viewer FEEL the time? Make it boring? Make some silly montage that lasted double as long as the montage we got?

They couldn't age the character as Combinecatch is already 40 years old, he'd need to be a grandpa or something but they don't want to do that.



I dunno, post-post-credits scene makes me think the next movie will jump straight to the Empirikul all-magic-must-die plot of the current comic run

gonna flip a bitch if they take out the cape and the eye this early on

You're never gonna see the Empirikul on the big screen. There are a shit ton of major, classic Dr. Strange villains they're going to use before those jokers. The director has even said he'd want to make Nightmare the villain for a sequel.

>recent marvel shit

Please no

I was thinking about this during the movie. Was wondering how the time loop would last and was thinking it would cut to Mordo fighting Mads and then cut back to Strange still looping.
That would work a lot better. Just throw in a line about time moves Slow as fuck in our universe compared to a universe without time

They could have used the sequence creatively, showing Strange gain thousands of years of practical experience by sparring with a virtual god. That would have both illustrated the passage of time and served a legitimate purpose beyond stopping Dormammu.

It could have been fantastic, instead it was just cute.

Domammu isn't familiar with the concept of time, during the first two loops, his reaction established that much. He had absolutely no idea how it worked or functioned.

Strange Also didn't tell him where the power of it was being sourced from, so Dormammu was never given motivation to steal the necklace away and tinker with it. It would have been insanely stupid, impractical and utterly self-defeating of Strange to just give that information away just for Domammu to act on it. All he explained was enough to Dormammu to give him the idea that he was a prisoner to Dr Strange for eternity.

It wouldn't matter what Dormammu did, Dormammu was already at the mercy of the time stone's ever-present nature the moment Strange triggered it. (and you can tell it's workings were ever-present since Time outside of the Dark dimension was rewound to a moment that strange had already experienced in our reality after he defeated Dormammu, so it functioning even in the dark dimension affects even a location such as Asgard.) Sending him anywhere or doing anything that was remotely intended of sidestepping the effects of the time stone's influence would have been utterly pointless since it still falls o n the fact that Dormammu simply does not have the information that Strange was withholding that would break the loop.

The Book of Cagliostro, which is heavily based on the DarkHold.

> Caglisotro confirmed for hack plagiarist.

It followed the Rules of the story, None of you seemed to pay any attention.

The ones that were kicked out the doors to other parts of the world didn't have Sling Rings equipped. It seems only Kaecillius had one and it appeared that this factor was at play even in the beginning sequence when he first fought with the ancient one as it was up to him to save most of his followers from the ancient one.

What makes this double-damning for you not to notice is the fact that Kaecillius mentions it by name to strange when he's trapped in the sanctum.

Says who? Cagliostro's book is from the comics too, and entirely different from the Darkhold.

logical and well thought through ... with one minor problem.
why didnt dormammu just go back on his word once dr.strange undid the spell? was he a honorable malevolent evil?

Because Dr. Strange cause just recreate the loop again and Dormammu is back at square one.

I'm not sure. In pic related he follows all diligently kinds of obscure rules as part of a contract with the ancient one, but he gets kicked off planet as soon as he breaks it by mistake due to magic.

He has no idea what the fuck time is and as far as he knows everybody on earth can pull that trick

>the spell require infinity gem
>shitty spell

the point of that scene is to show that a normal man with Infinity gem can defeat a "god".

just imagine someone has all of them on his fist

Why didn't Dormammu just torture Strange until he gave in? If all you do is give him quick deaths then of course it won't deter him. He had an infinite amount of time and he ragequits after 14 respawns? He didn't even attempt to get creative with his kills either. He could have rearranged his cells, melt his eyes with acid and lava, roast him over an open flame of cosmic fire but nope.

You''re a damn fool.

>Kaecillius is drawing power from dormammu based on what principal knowledge of Magic that Kaecillius has attained. What knowledge he DOES have is clearly derived from Manipulation of the Mirror Dimension, which is established in the film plain as day.

>Kaecillius's power that he IS drawing from Dormammu allows him to Manipulate reality outside of the Mirror Dimension in a way that he would only be normally be able to if he were inside of it. Strange mentions this much and both Mordo & Ancient one freak out after learning of it.

There is reasoning behind every principle act in the film.
>Theyre in a fucking sanctum. Kaecillius has no reason to run to chase Strange since he's unfamiliar with Strange as a sorcerer and not clear on his capabilities. He' rather not risk running into a situation where a relic can be used against him that he didn't see coming, precisely which is what happens the moment he underestimates strange thanks to the cape's interference. He doesn't make the hallway longer, he just fabricates it's depth to ensure strange can't run any farther.

>In the mirror dimension, it serves only K-cil that Strange is farther out in the open and separated from Mordo, which is why K-cil doesn't stop them from running outside and Mordo flat-out calls it 'suicide' since it was clear that Kaecillius and the Ancient one were far more advanced than Strange and Mordo in the study of Mirror World Manipulation.
>The cape slowed Strange's fall and Mordo had his boots equipped, you could even see the sparks about his feet every time he made an otherwise impossible gesture in the air.

>Implying that any one of Iron Man's suits were built to handle every possible threat is just as dumb as assuming that the Mk 2 would be on par with the Hulkbuster, despite the hulkbuster being purposed for handling the hulk specifically.

You're supposed to understand the criteria of your claim, not argue to satisfy unchecked personal validations.

First post, best post.


>Thinking Dormmammu won't break that deal

Fat chance.

>That credits scene with Strange and Thor

So that was basically a scene from Thor 3: Raganarok?

He doesn't seem to know much about humans. If they don't give up immediately, they might never give up at all.

How can you not see how contrived it is them simply not having them to begin with?

That was basically shitting the bed by trying to make Thor look badass by having him drink beer because LOL SO MANLY because Marvel was scared shitless by seeing a what a true alpha male character looks like while drinking liquor like what real men drink not some shitty nu-male pale ale.

nice meme, bro.

ye bruh

They really thought this was a good idea for Aquaman though

I just want handsome suave blondequaman is that so much to ask ;_ ;

Did you ever stop to think about it from Dormammu's point of view?

He didn't know much of jack squat about what power people on earth possessed against him. Sure, Kaecillius came to him as a worshipper, but after encountering Dr. Strange, Kaecillius must have looked like a complete imbecile that had no idea what he was doing since it took only one person to thwart Dormammu with something massively beyond Dormammu's comprehension.

How was Dormammu supposed to have any foreknowledge of his own walking into what is for all intents and purposes a chronological trap?

Firstly, you're expecting Dormammu to think like a Human...when Dormammu isn't Then again, the extent of his reasoning might just be to destroy what he doesn't like. Also, you have to expect that Dormammu would know nothing about what's going on to mean just that. He knows NOTHING. He was about to claim our universe through Earth, but at the last possible minute, Strange gave him chronological cancer.

Only strange knows what will and won't trigger the time loop. So far as we can observe, it can trigger when he dies, but nobody knows what else might trigger it. Making assumptions like yours are at conflict with the fact that we don't know what strange made for the trigger to be. He never faced the camera and spoke to us to explain wtf he did. We only observe death as one possible trigger.

You don't need an answer to this when you can see the effects. The viewer is just as powerless as Dormammu is against strange in this instance.

Get this bait outta here.

I'm glad this spoiler doesn't actually spoil anything outside of its context.

I have no problem with Mamoa. He seems like a great guy.


my only real complaint.

too much martial arts, and not enough magical combat. felt like an Iron Fist movie.

I kinda expecting Iron Fist to get thrown in there somewhere, like post-credits scene or something. But since he's getting a TV/Netflix show they probably can't bring him into the MCU.

if marvel had the rights. we could have had BASED DOOM cameo.

the infinity gem is OP as fuck. Dorm can't destroy it and killing Strange resets the time loop

Kaecillius really does look like an idiot now.
>oh yeah? watch this fuckboi