''Villains'' who did Nothing wrong' thread

''Villains'' who did Nothing wrong' thread

>The Network


They fucked up with the anti-eugenics angle.

I don't know why they kept pushing eugenics = racial genocide though and now we have a world of nothing but gypsies.

s2 was shit

Strange that they canceled it. Seemed pretty followed. Such a pity senpai

>You will never be the coolest kid on campus

Why live?

>A world of fucking gyppos

The numbers were fine, which is why everyone is still irritated.

There must have been politics behind the scenes.

He just wanted to be Christmas King

First episode was good.

Too many bongs writing in letters complaining

Complaints about what?


The only thing I can think of is the prequel episode used real terrorist attacks and murders as part of the story.

There's only one in it.

Daily reminder that tv has no taste.

Children being put in ""adult situations"", violence, etc


One too many

Our Guy

It's so weird seeing a fat autist portrayed as such a killing machine.

It was too close to reality. They wanted to wrap it up in a two hour movie and they wouldn't let them.



This is correct.



Magnetto was a really cool person and the bald handicapped faggot was a retard
