hey guys it's my very first The Thing thread get the fuck in here!

Rewatched the Carpenter movie and the MEW movie in 2 nights. It's kinda shocking the first one wasn't succesful but apparently ET had something to do with it. One gripe I had: Everyone just accepted too easily they were not getting out of there for the greater good but otherwise near perfect movie.

I really liked MEW in the remake and the effects but the direction of the dutch literal who was absolute shit, so was the camera work, there was no suspense or atmosphere but I still liked rewatching it.

Your turn, say shit about the Thing(s)

Other urls found in this thread:

What the fuck does that mean?

>Everyone just accepted too easily they were not getting out of there
On the contrary, I think they were all pretty freaked out and confused by what they were seeing.
Also, where would they go? They were pretty much stranded on that base with literally nowhere to go, and no way to get anywhere.


no I mean when Kurt Russel states something along the lines of we have to die with it to ensure it doesn't spread, nobody objected at all

I'm guessing it stands for Mary Elizabeth Winstead. It's a lot easier to just say The Thing (2011) though

>everyone just accepted
Because how else were they going to get out stupid faggot? The helicopters, dogs and other vehicles were all destroyed.

of course nobody objected, it was their only option, that's where a lot of the horror comes from. What else were they supposed to do?

why so angry friend, there's always a way, there's always hope

>the effects
There are redeemable aspects of The Thing (2011), but the effects are not one of them. That CGI was unacceptable, looked like a PlayStation 3 game.


you must be out of your mind, it all looked amazing, jesus christ you CGI nitpickers are the worst


LOL it looked like garbage.


I'm not one of those people who hate CGI. There are cgi effects I love, but that movies effects are just plain bad.

allrighty then, I disagree and think you're a faggot

You have a right to that opinion and I respect your decision.

Not that guy, but I have a lot of bitterness for the 2011 film after seeing all the practical effects that got scrapped at the end in favor of CG shit.
Look for the behind the scenes stuff where you see how they originally made literally everything by hand, all the creature models and effects, thousands of hours of work that looked fucking amazing, all thrown away and CG'd over because studio execs wanted it to look 'cooler'
Its not a 'terrible' movie, but it could've been sooo much better if they'd just left it the fuck alone.

You're being suspicious, show me your teeth

I am that guy, and I agree with this

>Everyone just accepted too easily they were not getting out of there for the greater good but otherwise near perfect movie.

yes because in a secluded antarctic station where a sentient what the fuck is it..symbiotic alien? is systematically hunting you down while paranoia(the key point of the film) sets in. and the helicopter is fucking kablewy what would you possibly do in that situation? the corny game of chess with the computer in the beginning followed by macs defeat and pouring his glass into it as a "fuck you" is a there too

"Amazing?" no dude, it actually looks pretty bad. Get your eyes checked fr

I just don't get this at all, I thought the CGI looked great and since I'd just seen the carpenter movie the day before I thought it looked alike seemlessly

watching the vid now with the practical stuff but it's not in hd so can't compare it really

reading that literally made a gay "uggh?" slip out of me

the prequel was a piece of garbage with no tension or redeeming qualities

user, I'm sorry bro, but I think you just have poor taste.

Maybe you're just one of those people that likes Pretty much anything.

>The creature effects were done primarily with cable-operated animatronic robots on the director's insistence, since it would improve the performances of the cast if they saw what they had to react to. Computer-generated images were used to add elements to the animatronics (such as tentacles), or in some cases, to replace the entire animatronic if it didn't behave convincingly.

why do you guys always have to fucking hyperbole everything

The end result was unsatisfactory.

Well fwiw I wear glasses

You guys wanna talk shit about the cast too? Mew, Proctor from Banshee, Tormund from GOT, I liked them too

cast performed pretty well. I liked the inclusion of women because it added an extra dynamic to the situation. And the langauge barrier point was played out pretty well.

I never watched the 2011 Thing.

1982 Thing is my favorite movie of all time.

Yeah the norwegian thing was handled quite well

Could you come up with an order of who got infected when Sup Forums?

>tfw no non-CGI'd over director's cut

Is The Thing From Another World any good?

Everyone only talks about the Carpenter and 2011 ones

>Is talking about the carpenter version like its the original the thing
You swine

its kind of a standard 50s monster movie. the carpenter version adapts the original story more literally apparently

The defibrillator/spider head scene is one of the most creatively unique gross-outs I've ever seen in a monster movie.

It's not anything like the book which Carpenter's version follows more closely. It's still a good movie in it's own right, but it plays out more like Alien than The Thing.

Does this exist?

Honestly if it got shitty enough, killing everyone would be a heavily considered option.
I mean, I know I'm not the thing. They were all turning on MacReady super fast too.

Radio man
Nobodyknowswhen Guy
Pistol man
Jiving Rollerblades

I think it was because they had no other option. They were stranded, communication was screwed thanks to Blair, and the Thing was taking them out one by one. It seems like a cheap way to move the plot, but unless they were 100% sure it was stopped, they wouldn't even think about trying to get help.

Remake with Andrew Garfield as MacReady when?

I'll just leave this here again, as is my wont.