Why does everyone hate this week movie?

Why does everyone hate this week movie?

because plot-critical scenes were cut from the movie turning it into a clusterfuck

Hate is too strong of a word.
I was slightly disappointed but it was still visually pleasing.
I look forward to next reboot/increment.

I liked the movie pretty well. Already knowing it was attached to Aline, it was an interesting mystery being presented, and they didn't stoop so low as to randomly spell it out to the audience.

I liked it but the writing had some serious issues.

> (OP) (You)
>I liked it but the writing had some serious issues.
Expand on this.

they cutted the plot in half

whos got the various copy pastas?

I personally was irritated largely by the pre-release stuff we were told. First it was an Alien Prequel, then it wasn't, then it was and then it was a "ooh maybe it's in the same universe, how spooky".

And then Weyland Yutani fuck off and find murals of Xenomorphs and it's like you're watching Alien, but the movie thinks it's too smart to be a film about Alien so it teases you. And instead of thinking "This is tense, I'm enjoying this", you're watching scientists run around shouting "the numbers! the stars! what do they mean mason?!" while people run away from a giant donut.

m-m-muh scientists touched the snake thing

Bad characters and a stupid plot.

I wonder if the fucking idiots on the board who say that only visuals are important think this is a underappreciated masterpiece.

Do you mean why he liked it, or why it had serious issues? For the latter, I doubt he would say anything original, the writing problems have been discussed here ad nauseum.

but it is a underappreciate masterpiece

>movie tries to act smart but all the characters are dumb

See also: BvS.

I doubt even Scott think so, turning in his sleep every night because some hack ruined the script.

the octopus birth was fucking disgusting

It was still the best part of the movie.

>some hack ruined the script.

The one Ridley gave him notes on every single day until it was the script he wanted?


"The Furious Gods" from the blu-ray. Four hour documentary with tons of insight into the making of the film. It's Ridley's film - not Spaihts or Lindelof.

Then I have no choice but to think less of Scott as a filmmaker. Thank you for disabusing me of my misapprehension.

Now go watch The Leftovers and you'll really feel like a turd.


Hardly. This man has penned Star Trek Into Darkness, Star Trek, Tomorrowland, and World War Z, all trash. It wasn't such implausible to conclusion to make that he's responsible for everything wrong in Prometheus.

Splendid visuals, reference to sci-fi in general (not only franchise) but

- Horrible, infuriating and just dumb characters
- Dubious motivations of some character
- Erratic dumb plot
- Reveals too much what was better to do not reveal
- Does not explain enough what needed clarity
- Too many inconsistencies to be in the same universe

It was the most disappointing thing since Matrix Reloaded

and the fucking penis snake

>Star Trek Into Darkness

One of three writers.


One of three writers.

>World War Z

One of four writers. Pitt sought him out to re-work the ending, and even after he did more changes were made.

Do you understand how Hollywood works? Especially when it comes to tent pole blockbusters and screenwriters? Especially ones carried by directors like Ridley Scott?

There is a reason writers like Lindelof gravitate to television and find their success and critical praise there. Again, see The Leftovers.

And why can't I assume that anything good in that show comes from the novel itself, or his co-writers on every episode?



Dumb and boring.

It draws you in to this exciting new universe and then shits all over the previously established rules almost immediately.

>top secret expedition to a different solar system funded by the wealthiest man in existence that one would imagine draws only the most capable individuals
>crusty bongolian geologist and cowardly american dork shit all over everything almost immediately

Am I supposed to believe that this trillionaire didn't bother with some kind of psychological screening before selecting candidates for the expedition? Why not just bring eight Davids?

>Why not just bring eight Davids?
But then who would get turned into a zombie(?) for a cheap scare?

Didn't she give herself a shot of adrenaline? Also there was no time to fucking rest, there was shenanigans going on that almost gave her a fatal roastie

>Why don't you like something I like?

Why are Prometheus fags so insecure? The movie was forgotten for a reason.

>Didn't she give herself a shot of adrenaline?
Yeah, she gave herself magical medicine that makes you forget your abdominal muscles have been sliced open and stitched together LOL.

"Adrenaline." This guy is hilarious.

>Am I supposed to believe that this trillionaire didn't bother with some kind of psychological screening before selecting candidates for the expedition?
The part where they're a bunch of idiots makes sense - If he'd hired the actual best, people would've asked questions about what he's up to.

I hate that they tried to tie it to the Alien franchise.

I hate that they watered down the Engineers.

I hate that the black goo was never given any sort of explanation so it just kinda becomes a deus ex machina plot device.

I hate how stupid the characters act for the sake of the plot.

I liked the visual style.

>they cutted the plot in half
Kill yourself

>Yeah, she gave herself magical medicine that makes you forget your abdominal muscles have been sliced open and stitched together

Well it IS set in the future