Was it as bad as everyone said it was?

Was it as bad as everyone said it was?

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Nah it was even worse


even feminists won't defend it.

it's not that the idea was terrible.. it was that the writing was remarkably weak. the jokes weren't funny. they might have done something interesting with a better script.

Suck my clit, bitchboy

it didn't have the soul of the original ghost busters movies, just felt like they were going through the motions.

Thor was fucking hilarious for the first half though, and wigg is adorable but other than that its pretty bland.

Their first mistake was thinking women could be funny.

Even as someone who wasn't that big a fan of the old movies, this 2016 remake was pretty bad.

We had it play on the display TV's at my work for about 3 days and then whipped something else in for the month.

The storeroom guy and I would stop and stare at how crazy bad it was, a lot of the shit happens for no reason to boot.

Also the whole braindead secretary thing was hammed/forced in, meanwhile Annie Potts remains best

I didn't give a shit about the all female cast, it still doesn't bother me. heck, why not?`But there was absolutely no chemistry between the cast, the jokes were bland and oh my fucking god Leslie Harambe Jones was garbage. And let's not forget the Soundtrack... the remix of the original Ghostbusters score by some weird poppunktrashemowhatever band.

>`But there was absolutely no chemistry between the cast
kek, this is pretty fucking bad consider how they worked together on snl
was kate good?

According to the world Ghostbusters 2 is bad too so who cares about their opinion

it wasn't terrible but it wasn't good

I disagree. I don't think the script was bad (at least, not terribly bad). Most of the jokes would have me smiling at the set up, but have a completely off delivery. I think the real problem is that Paul Feig wasn't able to successfully combine his style with a big budget action movie. Also, McKinnon SUCKS! God help us all have this talentless hack in movies after this film...

if the goal was to portray her character as an obnoxious cunt, then yes. she was good. i liked most of her sketches on snl but here she just felt out of place and forced.

>even feminists won't defend it.

But there were defenders.


I have a hard time respecting fellow gb fans for defending this movie. I mean fandom cool, I guess? but seriously what the fuck is this? you have to be joking.

I could understand fans defending it. I just don't like the way there were alleged """professionals""" dogpiling James Rolfe over a video saying he wasn't going to see it. I mean, the things he said in the video, some you could easily argue against in a competent debate. They just ended up acting like 12 year old shitposters on the attack instead.


Everyone hates on the quirky mad scientist but I love that stereotype

They tried to make Ghostbuster 3 for decades. It fell apart and Sony threw together this slapdash shitshow in desperation. They thought it was a brilliant idea to go with all female leads. As if they could ride some kind of feminist wave into success. In the end everything felt forced.

Remember that kid you knew in school who was trying too hard to fit in? They would jump into your conversation by saying something vaguely related but completely out of place. They would end up looking like a fool. That's what this movie is.

there was a stream here a while back and yeah it was fucking terrible, the only thing that was funny was the streamer was adding gorilla sounds everytime leslie jones came out on screen, then he played original GB, was cool

She was OK.

It's literally only saved by Thor though.


>She was OK.

She was fucking awful.

they literally made a queef joke. yeah we git it, girls are gross too, but srsly?

Why does this make me think of a skit from Channel Awesome?

Is it worth a pirate?

whats bad about Star Trek V? Why are they focusing on that?

My coworker watched it without knowing any of the SJW shit surrounding it.

Told me he actually enjoyed it and thought it was funny. When I explained why he should be ashamed of himself, he just shrugged and told me he liked it anyway.

How do I get his cuckass fired?

Women and men are EXACTLY the same. Everything that's funny if a man does it is automatically equally funny if a woman does it - there is NO difference!

Critics and fans considered it the worst film of the first six Star Trek films.

why waste hours of your life when there's surely unwatched kino out there?

If you ignore the absolutely godawful marketing scheme of turning this movie into a war on men, it wouldn't have gotten as much shit but it still would have been bad. It, irrespective of all the forced and manufactured drama surrounding it, took a beloved movie and turned it into a boring, unfunny, soulless "action-comedy" reboot. It's like the Robocop or Total Recall reboots, but it didn't have the decency to suck quietly in the corner.

It was garbage on the 4K displays
Store #? 192 repping

Granted, Alice in Wonderland 2 isn't any better but it's cringe in my day

store #069, brace for fucking christmas m8

We started alternating Force Awakens and Avatar again instead. At least the latter looks nice.
Leading the team pulling a 7-7 tomorrow to get Xmas pack done, we got hit with a refit instead of stocktake in September and everything is fucked

less cringe*

Yes it was.

main problems
>no script. Most of the movie was legitimately improv. If you watch the bloopers, they aren't bloopers. It's just the cast trying to improv comedy and horribly failing
>everyone tries to be comedic relief at the same time

because it's something only children would find funny but these children are in the bodies of adults

it was a comedy, and I didn't laugh once. Make of that what you will faggot.

It felt like a long and forced SNL skit on the idea "What if Ghostbusters were all females".
Villain got no motivations and felt like something belonging to a Scooby Doo movie (if you saw the original just remember how scary the chair scene was), the four characters were all "that funny lady", only that they weren't funny for the most part, the script was bad, the directing was lazy, the jokes were bad and the CGI was overused and tiresome.
Some scenes like the cops dancing made me ask myself "Why? Why they think this is funny?"
It's a bad product and they somehow decided to advertising it as the banner of feminism, which is stupid and offensive especially for women.

Krager, did...did you find a sense of humor?

I'm proud of you, bud!

That video clip when they get the car was shit. I flatout thought it was a segment of Jimmy Kimmel's show where they get the actresses to dress up as the ghostbusters and they get together to drive over to the studio but it was from the movie.