The Pacific

Just finished it.
What's Sup Forums opinion about this show?

It's about as generic as a series can possibly get. Far too much time is spent on the "outside" parts of the war. Scenes in America, Australia, and so on.

Band of Brothers got all of that shit out of the way in the first episode, except for a brief scene in Paris and an epilogue in Austria. Spent much more time focusing on the men in the middle of the war which is what people want to see, not a shitty, phoned-in rom-com about Leckie fucking a Greek girl.


Yeah I didn't like the outside scenes either
On my way watching band of brothers

perfect depiction of a hollow victory. plebs think it was boring though.

Would've been better if it stuck to With the Old Breed instead of adding leckie and basilone imo. Still really good and worth watching if only for The Eugene Sledge Show.


much better than band of brothers, which was too light hearted and spread out over too many characters to be as good as the pacific

excellent pleb filter, episodes 5-10 are literal perfection

The battle of episode 5 was one of the greatest things I've seen put to tv. I get twisted when someone tells me Game of Thrones' Battle of the Bastards' was the best thing. It's like they've only watched Breaking Bad, Meme of Thrones and The Walking Dead.

>Battle of the Bastards' was the best thing
You should not be friends with people who think such things. That's not even the greatest battle in GoT.

Agreed. I thought Hardhome or whatever was far superior.

More importantly, what did I think of it?

>much better than band of brothers

Imagine being objectively wrong in life

you fucking loved it

I liked it especially eugene's character development.
Also the opening song gives me some feels

>that filler Australia episode
that really pissed me off

there wasn't any episodes that reached Bastogne levels of comfy for me, i would have enjoyed one episode where there's a torrential downpour and everyone is in camp in their hooches playing checkers, cooking, cleaning rifles and trading banter

and not enough naval battles, i would like to see a mini series about an american submarine in the pacific war

>there wasn't any episodes that reached Bastogne levels of comfy for me, i would have enjoyed one episode where there's a torrential downpour and everyone is in camp in their hooches playing checkers, cooking, cleaning rifles and trading banter
I'm guessing marines on Peleliu didn't have a lot of time to suck each others' cocks like the army did in Europe.

Guadalcanal is pretty much opposite of comfy. You couldn't stay dry, had the shits, and there were bugs eating you alive.

>wanting comfy in a war show

and that is the difference between the pacific and BoB and their fans. The pacific kicks the shit out of BoB when it comes to actually depicting war. BoB is just good for watching a bunch of comrades, but the Pacific is a far better war show all around

This is a perfect example of why BoB is so heavily preferred by plebs. The Pacific was not comfy because war is not comfy.

Sledge and Snafu episodes are better than anything in BoB. Unfortunately everything else is kinda shitty and not worth watching

>tfw pleb and proud
i just want another comfy, claustrophobic mini series like das boot

>this show was great because it didn't do that
>except when it did

You meant to say:
>what did I think of it?

Leckie was interesting. Basilone not. God I hated that motherfucker, fuck that actor, I just hated him so much. What about him was so easy to hate?

>that stare on the 2nd from the left and 4th from the left

best opening theme?

BOB v pacific

pacific IMO, its phenomenal

Although I preferred BoB, the theme for Pacific is increidlbe.

Thin Red Line >>>>>

>it's an Australia episode
>it's a "main character watches on in horror as dozens of Japanese soldiers are mowed down in slow motion" scene

What I never understood was why they essentially switched out the main characters halfway through and replaced them with different ones.