ITT: films you thought were mediocre the first time you watched them but when you watched it again you now think it's a...

ITT: films you thought were mediocre the first time you watched them but when you watched it again you now think it's a great film.

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Gets better with every rewatch.


This, and I thought it was good from the get go.

Unironically not memeing. This is the 90's teenage kino.

Is that CIA ?

This is the movie that single handedly turned me into a patrician as a 9th grader when it came out. It taught me so much about quality filmmaking

this is me for a lot of the Coen brothers films. Barton Fink, Fargo, The Big Lebowski, No Country, A Serious Man, True Grit, and Inside Llewyn Davis. I liked The Hudsucker Proxy and O Brother immediately. The Ladykillers and Hail, Caesar! are garbage

Pic related is non-Coen brothers obviously

American Pie is still pretty funny desu

I thought roadnyp perdition was garbage the first time I saw it how I think its great... only thing is I would have had Daniel Craig & Jude Law switch roles


Place Beyond The Pines

This movie is fucking great and I will fight anyone who says otherwise.


and this:

Opposite for me. That movie gets dumber every time. There is no way Bradley Cooper would be scrutinized for his shooting. Ryan Gosling didn't have to shoot first for it to be a good kill, just the fact that he had a gun in his hand made it legitimate. Literally nobody in America would have a problem with it, least of all the police department in question.

It was a weird, forced conflict that makes Bradley Cooper's character seem like a bitch and the rest of the movie frustrating to watch. Disappointing, because the first half is so good.

Why the fuck don't these stupid links automatically connect anymore?

now my favorite film of all time

this. i watched that film just for the Sugarman. I still re-watch some of his scenes. it is a very well developed character combined with great acting. In general, this movies has amazing acting in it, especially the coin scene, you can actually see fear in the old man's eyes.

BvS desu. the extended edition helped

Silent Hill.

I was wrong, it's great
also I hated it because the first time I expected a monster-horror flick, fuck marketing

literally the worst movie I have EVER seen

got high with a friend and had a fucking blast
this one, too

Batman Vs Superman

Gone Girl

Eyes Wide Shut

>ITT: movies you watched as a child but then rewatched and you realized that you were a faggot

more like

Films you thought were mediocre the first time you watched them but when you watched it again you now think it's just a shit film

Fuck the Coens and fuck white people


The Aviator with Leo I thought was lame first time watched it, now I think its super great fantastic.

the remake of The Manchurian Candidate with Denzel and Liev Schreiber

one of the creepiest movies ive ever seen, even now it makes my skin crawl

thought it was longwinded the first time I watched it, but it grew on me a lot and now I really enjoy it and have seen it several times.

I just read the IMDB synopsis and I feel like the whole movie just got spoiled to me.

>A Serious Man
This. It's not a masterpiece, but it's much, much better than I thought on first viewing. I originally thought the story line was a little too episodic, but it's really amazingly cohesive.

Eyes Wide Shut got worst for me on multiple viewings.

>Liev Schreiber
I tend to think he's fairly underrated in general.