Is it very ugly? What can be changed

Is it very ugly? What can be changed.

brine rat

Like I told you the last time you posted this, you look like David Schwimmers downs syndrome half brother.

Holy fuck your eyebrows cunt

This is bad?

Dont worry you look fine, despite what the narcissistic fucks here say you just need a bunch of self esteem and you can just fuck around as you want

Haircut and eyebrows, m8

confidence, stop scrinching shoulders...

girls like guys who appear to have big heads so lower your shoulders.......

Shut the fuck up, were the experts here

Do you want to console me?

Nahh ur good bro


yeah of course, my bad :D

Looks like a low-budget Markiplier.

You're fine, but I do have one suggestion: grow a beard! Instant 7/10 ATLEAST!!

What do the girls think?

uhm. I think your pretty hawt. if you was my bf id want you to shape those brows though . a hard arched brow with a line through one of them on the tail would make you a 10 , in my eyes anyway, everyones different I guess

thiisss. and a beard.

How can I fix this without surgery?

why are you doing this

Looking good now bud what have you been doing working out?


fix you eye browns just ask a barder to make them less thick


what I just said dont involve surgery , just waxing or plucking the shape of your brows

you got enough brow to do this shape and it would fit your face best

Your eyebrows are fine Brandon

Tell me whether it can be done at home?

Fix your eyebrows and smile a little have nice eyes, nice lips, nice hair, a nice chin but your head is so god damn thin.

Feed me?

no amount of feeding will increase the skull size

Yes, it's a big flaw.