What does Sup Forums think of tinder? Never had it because always on the fence about it

What does Sup Forums think of tinder? Never had it because always on the fence about it

Not bad.

My problem is I terrible at conversation and small talk. I have 14 matches kinda just sitting there for the most part.

alotta women who want sugar daddies or to be swiped right by chad.

Used to be desperate woman who wants penis city, but now it's become full of Facebook/Instagram chicks who "Barley use this app and that you should hit them up in ig"

I would get one it doesn't hurt just make it swipe you heart out and you'll eventually get a match and more then likely get laid at some point if not no big deal just move on

i use it to improve my social skills (no hookups)

i never got it because my life is exciting enough without herpes

way too many black people.

i know that feeling man, i get matches no problem but suck at doing much beyond that

>if not no big deal just move on.
this right here too, lotta of the chicks on tinder are just as autistic if not more than you are with most of them being monosyllabic.

Never had the chance to use it before I started dating my ex. Just recently got out of relationship and have been fucking around with chicks who have been tryin to get me to cheat since.
One particular chick has been a tinder chick (didn't meet her on tinder, she was just a really good friend who used tinder a lot), made her paranoid about STD's. I'd have to wash my hands then douse them in hand sanitizer before I could try to finger her, always wear condom at all times. Like she'd stop midway to check if the thing was still on, kinda turn off at times. She'd make me swish mouthwash before she made out with me. But she was a good fuck, and her damn tongue skills are insane, jesus christ.

You have to be attractive like me for this to work

Bots bots bots

I have fucked around 6 girls off there dude and am STI free you just have to play it safe and not talk to the trash plus herpes is nearly impossible to contract as a guy unless she is in the middle of an outbreak and then you will know not to fuck her

Never used it. Seems fine though, but i prefer to meet girls online at other places where we share common interests. Makes things simple to find my type of girl which is emo or punk

The good thing about herpes is you can only catch it once

good one


The one week I gave it a shot, I ended up uninstalling it because greater than half the women in my area were single, young, unmarried mothers looking for a baby daddy. It was super depressing.

Have done it anyway fucked then abandoned them both like the real father should give it a shot

It's like dumpster diving you REALLY have to get in there to find the gold.

It’s been awesome for me.

Just come up with a good opener and immediately send it to all your matches. Then message back and forth a bit. Behave like a decent human being, but be assertive. Don’t hesitate to poke some fun at them. Then ask them to meet up for a drink.

It’s a numbers game. Go fast, don’t let matches linger. Ask them to meet as soon as you think they’ll say yes.

You will waste time. They will ghost you. But you can also meet very cute, very cool girls that are up for it.

What's a good opener? This is the hardest part IMO

What's the exact line you send? First impressions are the key

A good opener is one that matches the mood of your pictures and your profile page and is consistent with what you say after they respond to it.

The more your opener matches your profile and is consistent with your way of communicating, the less it will seem like an opener and the more the girl will think you actually wrote it for her. Your opener should be kinda long. I looked through a lot of my female friends tinders and most guys opener is “Hey”. Literally half just say hey. Spend time crafting your profile and your opener then learn by practice and tinder is the best fucking app ever.

There are a billion examples of good openers online.

I need to see that body...

Thanks for the tip, user

if you're generic average, and have radius on maximum in well populated areas or foreign countries where you aren't the majority. This is easily possible.

FTR my profile is brutally honest, meaning I get little likes but those who like me, LIKE me. I know because I fucked them all.

It's for whores.

Your pics and profile already made the first impression.

The opener just has to confirm that you are who the girl thought you were when she matched you.

Then some messaging which remains consistent with the image you’re putting out here and ask them to meet.

My opener wouldn’t work for you. I’ve given it to my friends and it doesn’t work for them. You have to be able to follow up on it in real time. Girls sense bullshit and they are inundated with it on tinder.