Dumbledore Confirmed For Fantastic Beasts 2; Casting Underway

>“In the second movie Dumbledore comes back. He’s got a couple of good scenes with Newt… We’re discussing who would play Dumbledore, any suggestions would be good. [Laughs]”

It was inevitable since these new movies are just their way of backdooring the Grendelwald story. But they've already fucked it up by casting Johnny Depp as Grendelwald.


Hes not Grindelwald...

>Hes not Grindelwald
Oh thank God. user had me worried for a moment there.

>Fantastic Beasts was just a fun faux encyclopedia about magic creatures in 'arry universe
This is all nostalgiafags' fault as well

Yes he is.

But this first one is actually quite good so who cares?

Why not use the same actor?

am I the only one disappointed that this is just going to be another good guys vs dark wizards war story?

like, I just wanted this to be a fun movie about imaginative monsters making havoc in old timey new york. i don't want to retread the wizarding war ground again

Colin Farrell is Grindelwald, retard

Idris Elba

I saw the trailer for this before doctor strange and couldn't understand a goddamn word this faggot was saying.

also his mannerisms remind me of matt smiths doctor

Nah. Grindlewald is some sort of accented none English European. So Mads Mikkelsen.

Rami Malek

People who have already seen the movie have confirmed that Colin Farrell is Grindelwald.

Colin Farrell is an American wizard cop, you dingus. Grindelwald is fucking Scandinavian.

your not alone, this tolkien take on fantasy has long worn out its welcome.

Come back in two weeks

People have seen pre-release screenings have confirmed Farrell's character is Grindelwald.

He's Percival Graves, and he has an established family line in America. He's not fucking Grindelwald.

yeah he reminded me of doctor who

and they overdress him with a bowtie and a vest and jacket to appeal to tumblr fangirls

David yates is a good director but even being american im not exicted for this at all.

I have faith in him directing a good script though because he directed the fuck out of HP

that being said im loathing the straight up cancer that will appear in the next month in HP threads ranking fantastic beasts above any harry potter movies. they were all great, even the worst directed, goblet of fire is enjoyable

>Farrell's character is Grindelwald
I want you to be wrong because that sounds like a really shitty casting choice.

Farrell is an auror

>turn a fun book into a "franchise"

it's the hobbit all over again


Get some taste.

Nice ranking

To be fair familia, it was less of a book and more of a guide.

I guess you'd all it a guide book?


johnny depp for dumbledore then?

What country are you from?
Redmayne speaks posh but clear English.

I'm in the UK and I've struggled to understand a lot of Redmayne's dialogue in the trailer, really muffled and strange

ITT: nobody knows anything about Grindelwald

>Mads Mikkelsen as Grindewald
>Hugh Dancy as Young Dumbledore

Finally I can see them make out!

Johnny Depp is playing Grindelwald, you denialfags.

I'm not sure what people are upset about.

The real problem with this film is they're not getting far enough away from the established story and have to shoehorn in characters we know. Rowling created a huge world and we got to see a teenage boarding school and fuck-all else. An adventure movie with a new character and new settings (wizarding America) is exactly where they needed to take it.

MACUSA Prez: Mr Scamander, we need you to tell us everything you know about these... Fantastic Beasts.
Percival Graves: "...and where to find them."

>Newt looks at camera and Jim Faces.

kys hogwarts is home

i hope this franchise never takes off JK is a cunt

i fucking hate "Eddie redmayne" he looks like a fucking lesbain this movie is going to be the worst. i wanted it to be good but they are totally fucking it up

This is truly guaranteed bank though, you'd have to be an idiot to think otherwise

>"Eddie redmayne"
Are you implying he's not a real person?

>he doesn't know why she agreed to do this
$$ for labour propaganda

>>Hugh Dancy as Young Dumbledore

Thats actually not a bad idea.

>he doesn't know