What would you call a cuck before cuck was coined

what would you call a cuck before cuck was coined

Pussy boi faggot.



A loser.

Americans, what a dumpster fire country.

beta bitch or pussy

a soyboy

Cuck replaced nigger and faggot as a generalized insult. Wanting to say any of the three, makes you a retard. Preferring people saying cuck instead of nigger or faggot, is even more retarded.



shut the fuck up you retarded chimp faggot.

the insult is roughly 1000 years old
before that, they just spelled it out

Didn't soyboy come after cuck?

a chicken

beta, pussy, faggot, bitch nigga

I'm not an American, but unfortunately our country has been infested with so many Muslims I now have to emulate one.

stfu you cuckboi


a bitch or a faggot.

The rest of the posts are timeless insults but Beta was the definitive meme term before that.
People even used to use "beta cuck" as a singular insult

u mad incel?


Bitch boy

I am psi
you're beta
he's alpha
and she's pi (qt)

Aids Skrillex.


remember when poser was a thing?
or sellout?

lol carl is my boy, his boyfriend (guy behind him) is in my dnd campaign and they are both good friends of mine

It would be cuck...been around since early 1800's faggot

what's his real name?

they were called betas

Used to call a kid at my lunch table a poser in middle school. We all hated him but he never left. Damn those were the days

a soy boy

you are a faggot bitch by association, kill yourself

he is a meme now

nah, he got doxxed during the whole thing and so i dont want to give out his info at all, you could probably find it somewhere online as is

>before cuck was coined

"Cuckold" is approx. 900 years old.

A good goy!

not in the current form

well what does he think of his meme status as a cuck?


Roger Stone

Beta bitch?

he thought it was pretty funny, it was a bit of a drag when random people were like posting his info online and contacting him and his family but it died off pretty quick. It was mostly funny because everyone was calling him a fag and such but he's actually gay so he dgaf

How many forms are there? The meaning hasn't changed. It's simply become more common and given some metaphorical assignments.

The answer you faggots is PUNK. Punks were originally weak fags like the lot of you. But then it became cool when it became rock n roll. Punks were sissies..fags...cucks. If you don't like punk there is a variant. PUG. Or PUDD. Who doesn't think Carl the Cuck is a PUDD?

>It was mostly funny because everyone was calling him a fag and such but he's actually gay so he dgaf
Then why was it funny?

I thought soyboy was an insult used by overweight betas, and it only became a thing in the last six months?

its amusing to be fiercely insulted by beta cucks online when their insults don't even bother you because you're actually gay

okay, so what about before the early 1800s? you god damn nigger. He said before it was coined. If it was coined in the 80s, what was it called before it was coined. Jesus you're thick.

cuckold was just a fetish, it was always used with sexual connotation
not as a second word for white guilty